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Posts posted by Kilgam

  1. I honestly have been thinking in the same way OP. I can put up a good fight with most classes as dps gaurdian. However sorcerer seems to have very good burst damge + much CC.. If I recall right they also have one more CC than republic Sage.
  2. Lets answer your second question, no blizzard does not give free game time as compensation, the last time they did that was 4 years ago, they have not done it since. Also, i never said it revolves around me, it revolves around the millions of players that play this game. Also, you cannot ask someone to Read the ToS and understand it 100%, they make it sound extreamly sneaky. They make you give up all your rights, that is unacceptable. You payed 59.99, if they wanted they can launch the game on the 20th, and 30 days later shut the game down take everyones money and say screw you. Thats your rights that you give up.


    Most games you buy now a days you do not even own, they give you a license to play the game. That is how sneaky these companies are, for example all your games on steam, your hundreds of dollars of games, at anytime one day steam could shut down, and your screwed out of your games because you never "owned them".


    My point is gaming companies get away with what ever they want, we shrug it off because we enjoy playing the game. They know this. Bioware needs to change some major thing or this is gonna be the Next Rift, warhammer,aion, ect. Dust in the wind.


    You make no sense at all. Why does it bother you that steam and Bioware could shut their service down? It isn't likely to happen anyways since both of them are *SUPRISE* making good profit. How can your point after saying the above stuff be that "Bioware needs to change some major thing or this game is gonna be the next Rift,warhammer,aion" ?


    If you didn't know, every game that have multiplayer does this and if you don't like it then for gods sake DONT PLAY IT. You said it yourself that "we shrug it off" if you dont tolerate it dont "shrug it off" ;)

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