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Posts posted by fauver

  1. That is actually a fun, to see that german "logic" in action =)

    Tthey crying and making exuses in a several posts about "their healer who HAD to play guardian tank on pts, while he wasn't enjoyed it at all, bla bla bla",

    After that they make a statement themself like "we don't care what setup you play", "reroll and adapt or die", "l2p other classes or lose over and over again" (what apparently their guardian tank did while they were loosing 16-0 by rounds), which is just pathetic considering their own explanations in a previous posts.

    Friends, lets do not forget the entire story once again-

    You lost 8 games in a row in a mirror setup, you couldn't even get Midway lower for once, but nobody was saying **** to you on forums or so(while we could brag big time, like you did).

    So yea, on 2.4 you "adapted" by choosing "most viable setup", np, play with it, who care.

    But as soon as you won some matches against our old jugg comp, you started to having a big mouth in that thread, and escalated drama.

    And you say you were doin that cuz of our stream conversations and comments on your pt comp after what you showed in a 16 rounds with a mirror one?

    Also, let me clarify something for you :) Yes, we are DRAMA, we choosed that name cuz we always have a lot of drama, arguing and vocal bull**** in the channel :D

    We making fun, we entertain ppl with our streams, channel conversations and gameplay, yes ofc we are pathetic kids and l2p nabs for you!

    Yes, sometimes we are raging and screaming "f** to who deserve it, we also helping to make this community alive. But whatever we say and how pathetic or funny we sound or look, everyone does realize what kind of stuff we have behind our backs as in individual skill wise, and as in team skill wise. We don't scare to experiment and play with a different setups and even ppl every day, unlike you, who arent showing themself besides as in "most viable comp" in game and with a big mouth on forums.

    Greetingz :)

  2. Let me summary some of highlights, pls :)


    "we just switch our set up to the most valuable one" © Galactics

    "We don't care which setup you play" © Galactics

    "If you are not flexible enough to play another class because it's "fotm" © Galactics


    (last one is epic though ;d;d)

  3. Galactics won 8vs8 against you - with the best set up which is possible

    Galactics won against you in 4vs4 - with the best set up which is possible

    Yeah, yeah true story.

    At 8v8 DRAMA had 5-4 (5-5 if you counted our dc in one game) against Galactics by overall score.

    At 4v4 arenas in mirror comp (2x sent+jugg) we beat Galactics 8-0 (16-0 by rounds).

    And Galactics beat us several times with 2xsent+vang hybrid against jugg comp, it's true. Be proud even more of it, pls.

  4. its funny how all the underpowered jugger tanks, marauders and operatives complaining all day about vanguards^^ i could understand it if your team plays with merc healer or assa tank or something like that

    From your comment I can understand that you know too much about the present arena setup's balance and also that ofc you have tried a lot of different setups and combos already, besides your 2x sent+hybrid vang ^^

    You will never understand it as long as you play in your present comp.

    I would offer you to play with a jugg tank against vanguard hybrid to see the difference, but you would never do that, am I right? Ofc why would you, if you got vanguard in your group already.

    Vanguard does almost the same or higher damage as dps and the same protection as jugg, so basically it's 3 dps and tank in one group.

    But nevermind, I guess it's pointless to talk about such an obvious things like that, apparently your purpose- is trolling and escalating drama, so yeah, keep saying nosense and showing your greatest arenas knowledge.

  5. they underestimate their enemys

    We've never ever underestimated any of our enemies.

    The only one thing that is hard to don't underestimate- it's ppl who after some games with 2x sent+hybrid vang against jugg comp climbing on the forums to brag like a *******.

  6. 1 win for you , 10 for us, be proud mighty gerrike :D

    the matches against roudys team are much harder

    Mate, if you wanna troll for a little bit and mezz to this conversation, you don't need to start from such a silly thing :)

    It's nice to see how you immediately "counting" your wins with a faceroll comp of 2x sent+vang hybrid against group with jugg.

    Especially after the fact that you've lost 16-0 by rounds (8-0 by games) in a mirror comp (2x sent+guardian), previously.

    Funny how ppl after loss-streak just needs to get vanguard hybrid into group, to grow up their balls.

    Be more peaceful :)

  7. Great video. All jugg/guard tanks should take a look at it.

    Thx, appreciate that.

    here is the proof that keyturner \backpedaller can do great protection.


    My question is why do you use hybrid spec? Points in pooled hatred, shien form, unstoppable, seen many times 3 stacks of pooled hatred and you did only 100k dmg, no force scream, no ravage, no hard stun, no 20% armor debuff used on a healer. Or do you just prepare for 2.4 and no field respec, so be rdy for the huttball? Hmm, but ranked 8vs8 is gone, no?


    So is this tactic just taunt and switch guard + intercede the best seems?


    and yeah, bw killed that ...




  8. It seems we've got another "legend" ****** over here :) My feeling are hurt))


    "U have one of good teams (not the best but good) that have chances to beat the best ones sometimes!" - epic!

    I'm so wonder how desperate and clueness all of these ppl who haven't showed on PTS or met our main team with their "best of the best godlike amazingz", but hurrying up with their funny statements, judgements or conclusions =)


    Yes, we lost 4 games to 2 sorcs setup, which is completely counter 2 melee, thx for that experience, their team did very well, we appreciate that. In the first game it was quite unexpected for us, we were trying to figure out what to do against that setup and how to counter it, so we lost a few before we did it.

    Later, 2 days, we were queuing up a bit later, in hope to meet them again and play a lot of interesting games, we even chatted them via whispers, but they didn't showed up, unfortunately(


    And about top setups: every top team has a rotation, you cant play 7 days a week with same 4 ppl, all evening long, its imposible. For example us: we had 7 ppl overall, who played in our 4-man grp at least 30+ matches, along with op healer and jugg tank we tried next dps setups: 2 maras, mara+sin, mara+sniper, mara+sorc, 2 snipers, sin+sniper etc.

    Every top team sometimes has 1-2 replacements or 1-2 ppl on ungeared alts, so we are, also we have a main 4 ppl.

    For example, i saw that Casual's overall score on PTS is 201-14, ours is 143-6, does it mean, that we have better W/L ratio against different comps? I guess, they would say "yes, we lost 14 games, but we had a lot of mixes and diff ppl sometimes", so we are.

    Also, we have 53-0 score against mirror(absolutely mirror) setup, and I saw from streams some of their loses against mirror comp, so statistic is a funny thing.

    All i know, is that we defely need, and would like to play against them at least 10-20 games, in different comps, it would be a really interesting and competetive distance.


    As for yours

    "I keep slacking and sometimes come back and join average teams in order to help them become competitive if they have motivation and im interested in it."

    its really cool to see such an unknown hero over here, ofc we do believe that you are "the best and legend" :)

    Take it easy dude, cya on battefronts, not on forums

  9. No, you don't understand that brilliant idea: if you can't get into decent 4-man team or organize it yourself, you can say "oh, as for these "awesome 4-man team players", we will see if they would have a balls to que for solo rated arenas!"; if you're not successful at solo rated arenas, you can say "pff, as for those "awesome" players who are spending their time at rated arenas, it's funny if they would have a balls to que for non-rated arenas and wz's on regular basis!", and incase you're generally bad at pvp, you can apply to "having balls in pve. how about hardmode operations, m?" :D


    For some sort of ppl it's always works like that.

  10. since everyone writes down their sweet records, here is ours from pts arenas and the "big" competetion from TOFN:




    Galactics: 8/0

    Reality Check: 3/0

    Nostrum Dolus/MVP mix: 2/0

    Nostrum Dolus/ad vict mix: 2/0

    Ad victorians: 4/0

    White noise: 2/0

    Coral: 5/0

    Harbinger: 3/0

    MVPs: 3/0

    white noise/drama mix: 4/1


    i realy realy hope, live will be different.


    Overall PTS W/L 143/6, 4 of them were from that team with the 2 lightning sorcs. (thou last games we beat them but they deleted that from their stream)

    Yeah, it's correct stat. Also did 2 big winning streaks w/o loses, 63 and 40 wins. The overall dynamic was 0/0 > 63/0 > 103/1 > 143/6.

    To be honest, we did not take the PTS seriously.

    You were playing mostly against new guild members who happened to be online at the same time and had the PTS installed. It is not a surprise that you beat those teams who never actually played together or have been playing in our 8v8 ranked team where yourselves have been playing in the same 4v4 team even before the PTS opened.


    You can look forward to 4v4 competition once it goes live on TOFN.

    Well mate, nobody took PTS seriously. We were just logging and playing.. without purpose even. Like we logged and played for rateds earlier. Don't even know what was serious on pts, exactly same ppl from T1 ToFN guilds who were playing rateds for months, logged on PTS and played arenas, everything the same.

    And btw we had 3-4 games against your best four(ppl on our stream were clearly saying by your names, that this is the main and best 4 of Galactics). Good games anyway.

  11. Holy ****, the arrogance in this one is past boiling point.


    Dude how about you start calling targets, general control and actually use the utility your class has to it's potential before you start bashing other people?


    Watched your stream on arena's and couldn't stand it for more than a few matches. What a pathetic mess.

    I lol'd :D

    How dare YOU, Exilove, with all your "reputation" and level of your gameplay, say something to Roudy?

    Especially about "calling targets, general control and actually use the utility your class has to it's potential"? After all stuff and level of performance that community is watching during the last 6 months from Roudy and from you? After you were bragging and giving yourself an unreasonable credit over Roudy, then you lost 10-2; so now you've got a short memory again?

    So i guess it's unrealistic easy to being hero on the forums, but really different into the game, isn't?

    So basically all you do- is acting as a little hero on the forums, giving a toons of "advices" in PVP section, but show literally nothing ingame, while Roudy is silently playing day by day and earning his reputation and pride not in virtual forums illusions, but in game, beating every single asassin/shadow under any circumstances for a year. Prooving over and over again that for a really long time now he has been and proolly always will be still best asassin EU, and most likely world.

    Pathetic, seriously.

    Ah yea, you joined Coral, so now you can use their reputation and ppl to cover and defend you, gratz.


    but i don't think im the kind of gossiper you think I am. hah.

    Nice one. I was the best, & I am the best.

    Can't believe, even after that statement, Dariann does it again!

    Can I ask you, how can you claim yourself "the best"(apparently it's type of Exilove's "the best" though), if you haven't sign for none of 1v1 events, haven't show anything in 8v8 rated games for 9 months and PTS arenas? Oh wait, mb cuz you even haven't played, or were avoiding(diesn't really matter) all of these types of pvp content?

    And you are still the best, am I right? =)

    I can understand, for example, reading that stuff from Skyrush, or Jojel, or Zaer. But from you... lol.


    p.s. It was the ritoric question btw, don't be bother to reply, Exilove and Corvineus anyway will defend you like a blind puppets.


    Seriously i like Coral, and really respect that team. I used to play and communicate with great ppl like Dhaima, Manno, Jojel, Aseko, Kevin and others.

    But Coral with Exilove, Dariann and Corvineus- it's something different. Perhaps, Coral #2.

  12. Btw Corvineus, why are you writing with toon account from which you're posting from your Kárn asassin perspective?

    Dont wanna engage and mezz under your real signature, i guess it's easier to not being responsible for anything?

    Actually yes, i wasn't wrong about you.


    I am on my assassin, Kárn which you already are very well aware. First pic is 24 medals, 2nd is 23. Which both still seem to be records.


    Ah and there's an immortal in there aswell. As usual.

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