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Posts posted by Jakarn

  1. Thanks for such a quick answer, searched all over the web for an answer. I imagine that means the only way to get rep is to wait for the bounty packs to come back. They should change the vendors with the packs, or put the bounty broker tokens in the new packs.
  2. Sort of related, returning player as well, found this new area and have started doing the bounties this week. The question is how do we get bounty supply company reputation so that we can buy the items when you can't buy bounty packs anymore ? Will they be coming back ? or is there another way ?
  3. Bioware/EA are basically shooting themselves in the foot not allowing us to sell the stuff we don't want to vendors. I'm a subscriber and spend my monthly cartel coins on the packs, I'm a little obsessed with getting a Monkey lizard for one of my characters (not going to spend my game credits on it though, think I have only had a million credits once or twice, goes to gear).


    Anyway I was thinking about buying one of those combined packs the one with about 20 or 30 packs (I think they cost about $40 in cartel coins), but than quickly changed my mind because I thought about how much junk I would have left over and what if I was super unlucky and didn't get one :( (or get something I could sell on the GTN worth the same price). Now if I could sell the junk and make say 300k (that's from 30 packs, say 10k a pack) I might consider it, it wouldn't be a total waste of time and might be worth the gamble.

  4. Well the expansion is here, and I was looking forward to it but with the latest news, knowing my character names are going to be changed, and that I will probably stop playing. I just can't get into it, haven't even been to the new planet yet.


    I got invited to the Neverwinter beta (downloading it now), actually a couple of weeks ago, but didn't worry about it than. I have been looking at a couple of videos on it, and in one it had a map of the world, and it is very ironic but they have Baldurs Gate as one of the towns :rolleyes: (for those that don't know it was one of the first major games that Bioware produced ). It will be interesting to see if it is the same as that game (pulled out all my old maps ;) ).

  5. I would like to know who the hell they asked, love the way they say it is to keep our play style. I have been playing MMOs for years and I have got use to the high lag and have compensated for it when playing, when we first transferred to this server it took me awhile to get out of the habit of compensating for it. I readjusted my PvP tool bar as I was able to put some of the skills (interrupts etc) that aren't really viable when playing with 200ms, so my play style changed now they want me to change it again :mad:


    When I first heard this news I went and made a character on Hellbringer, and even the little things that didn't bother me before, bother me now, like the little hop, and jerkiness when running around. My character is a lot smother on this server. So according to them I want to change my play style (compensate for lag again), a more populated server who will probably all be asleep when I play, so I will be probably playing with the same amount of people I play with now (probably less if this forum is anything to go by), plus I have to change my characters names. I would like to speak to the idiots that wanted this. It is a pity as I really liked this game.


    I have paid for the expansion so might as well get my monies worth (doubt they will refund), I will stay as a subscriber but as soon as they announce the date of the transfer I'm gone, think I might go play Guild Wars II more don't seem to notice the lag as much.

  6. Been away from the game for a little while, and after reading all the patch notes i'm surprised this isn't in the game yet.


    I'm a subscriber and I have it in my mind that my Jedi knight needs the monkey lizard as a pet so all the free cartel coins I get go to buying the pack with the chance to get it. No luck yet, I keep watching the GTN prices on them, down to 750k at the moment. Most of my in game money goes to upgrading my 8 characters armour and crafting so that is a bit to much at the moment (more important than a cosmetic).


    I seriously thought about buying the hypercrate with 24 packs in it, it would cost me $50, but I would have to be very unlucky not to get the monkey or something rare enough I could sell to buy the monkey on the GTN (the mask or the throne). I than thought about all the junk that would come with it, (I already have about 5 sets of the elgant armour and more glowing eyes than I know what to do with.


    If I could sell the junk than it might make the $50 not so bad, as I would have coin to upgrade armour, so I think without allowing us to sell the cartel stuff they are shooting themselves in the foot.

  7. 1, DAoC RVR like pvp.

    2. Jump to Light Speed like space, non instanced.

    3. More active planets (high and kow lvl) like Tatooine in SWG


    1. Was talking about this the other day to a Friend, and really to have DAoC style RvR you need the 3 factions. The main thing I would have changed is instead of going Old Republic they should have gone the Dark Horse comics "Legacy" route.


    I think Dark Horse did a lot of the promo comics before the game lauched so I'm sure they wouldn't mind using their idea. For those that haven't read them the "Legacy" comics are set 125 years after the movies Luke is dead, and based around his grandson. In this time frame, there are basically 3 factions The Empire (Imperial knights, storm troopers), Galactic aliance (Jedi knights) and the Sith Order (sith).


    Wouldn't ever happen as it would pretty much be a new game, but I Think a lot of the characters are there. Smugglers, bounty hunters and Jedi could make up the galactic alaince. Troopers, and agents the Empire (add in a new charater called Imperial Knights, force users) and Sith Warrior, Sith inquistor the sith order (maybe a form of Trooper as well).


    Maybe a little off topic but I thought I would add it anyway.

  8. I can't understand why people play a game they don't like. If they do like the game why do they come on the forums and complain about it. It is an MMO and it lives or dies by the number of people playing and paying for it. New people just finding out about the game will go to the web site first find out what the game is about, than probably go to the forums they see all this hate and bad comments so decide not to buy it.


    If you like the game than I suggest only put good comments on these forums and go to the suggestion forum and make some suggestions on what you think would improve the game. Making comments on here will kill it a lot faster than anything the devs or programmers could do. I bet half the people posting on this forum have not even been to the suggestion forum (there is a link to it at the top of the forum).


    I did close to that myself, I read on here that there was no end game. I had a Chiss bounty hunter so I thought I will get him to 50 and than make a Chiss Jedi Knight (blue is my favourite colour :D , but I like the Chiss race, Admiral Thrawn). I planned to use my bounty hunter as a cash cow for my Jedi, but having reached 50 I am finding I am playing him a lot more, I still have only seen about half of the operations, hard flash points etc, still trying to get that Ice speeder, I think I need another 3 world bosses. He is fast becoming my main. The dailies arn't that bad, there are 3 planets so just go to another. If there is no end game I'm finding a lot to do. I read the posts on here go play the game and wonder what they are talking about are they playing the same game I am.


    I just went and had a look at the TSW forum (I played in the beta, but I like SWTOR better and don't really want to pay for 2 games, plus TSW is also having a cash shop as well as a sub, and I don't trust myself :rolleyes: ). I did a double take thinking that I had actually clicked on this forum, because it is starting to look like this one and it has only been out for a couple of weeks.


    I remember reading, I think on these forums, that people are being paid by other online games to come on these forums and put the game down, when I first read it I took it as a bit of a joke but now I'm starting to think that maybe it isn't a joke. You don't like soccor so you tell everyone, this isn't going to effect the people that do like soccor, it will still be played. Posting negative posts on here, will destroy the game, less people less money for the company, game shuts down.


    I personally think that Bioware should start monitoring these forum and any post that knocks their game they should delete, as it is wrecking their buttom line. Oh but there is freedom of speech. These forums are part of the game, if you go into a hotel or business and start telling people how bad it is I'm sure the security guys will have your butt on the side walk before you can say your next sentence.


    I personally think that all this negativity on the forums wrecks MMOs in general, imagine someone that only playes single player games and looking at getting into MMOs, because they love playing with friends. Just about every MMO forum is like this, I think it will turn them off. My brother plays Rift, I tried Rift didn't really like it, but I won't knock it when I'm with him, and I don't try to get him into TOR. We sit down and can talk about our games, a lot of the great moments we have had in either game are very similar, and of course we have DAOC we both playd that..


    If you read my whole rant thank you, if you are like me and love this game and want it to keep it going post on the suggestion forum. If you don't like it, please let us be, go find something you do like we won't come and knock it.

  9. Standard for an MMO, MMORPG. Nothing new here.


    ....and there is a very good reason for it. Once announced there will be dozens of threads started through-out the internet tearing and twisting their words apart. There will be a plethora of misinterpretation scattered all over the place. From there, unreasonable expectations will be created and when the game fails to deliver on these fabricated timelines, events, additions to the game it will all start over again.


    Communicating future plans that are not set in stone, with the player base would be the worst idea in the history of bad ideas. All it does is feed the angry and hateful...and that's why no gaming company will do so. I can't say I blame them.


    Play the game, stop worrying about nothing, stop creating unreasonable drama where it does not exist.


    QFT, I think bioware learnt this lesson from the Red Zone thing, if anyone remembers that. There was a few thousand posts on that I think we made it to about 5 or 6 restarts, it would start to die down and than someoen would read something on twitter or a dev would post something and off it would go again.


    They arn't totally silent if you have a problem with the game bug etc go and post on the support forum you get answered pretty quickly. So it is good to know they have their prioties right. What is the point of posting on here if they do not really know themselves, appointing new managers and all that sort of thing.

  10. Was going to start a thread like this myself, just seeing what sort of reaction I would get on these forums. Get sick of reading all the negative ones (a lot of the time you can't tell by the title I read about 2 posts and go play the game ).


    I have just started getting into the flashpoints etc they are a lot of fun, and with the group finder it dosn't take long to get into one. I was invited to the beta of TSW and GW2 so I have been playing those and I started to miss TOR. It is the little things in this game that really make it stand out I feel.


    The VO and the cut scenes make you feel apart of the game, I love being able to choose what my character is going to say and than hearing the way he says it. TSW and GW2 both have VO, TSW your character dosn't even speak just sits there like an idiot. GW2 you go to another screen with some weird background, and the two characters talking, you don't get to choose what you are going to say. You can't be good or bad, or make some smart comment. I missed that playing these games. I also noticed the high quality of the VO acting in SWTOR, if you played GW2 without playing SWTOR you would not even notice it, but it stood out.


    Another thing that SWTOR does that the other games don't have is your crew, I know it is an MMO and it is fun with a group, but a lot of your time in any MMO is going to be spent soloing and having a companion along makes it a lot better. I know their coments can get a bit monotonous, but there is a good proportion of them that still bring a smile to my face.


    SWTOR crafting system I love, I actually have maxed it out on my main, and I think that is the first time in any MMO I have done that. I love that you can get crafting materials while adventuring, but you don't need to if you don't want to, and your crew does your crafting for you. GW2 has a lot of inovations in it's game but I can't believe they stuck to the old method of crafting, gather crap, sit in front of a graphic of some machine making stuff, boring. At least with SWTOR you can play the game and leave the crafting up to your crew. I don't mind that it takes 50 mins to do one craft mission. I'm not fiddling with it every 5 mins. TSWs was just stupid.


    They say that SWTOR is a clone of WOW and they should have introduced something new, to the progression system. After playing those 2 betas I'm glad SWTOR stuck with the tried and true. I think SWTOR is the better of the 3. On the topic I find it funny that they call it a WOW clone, when WOW first came out nothing in it was original all taken from other games (and no it was not the first MMO, just the best at marketing). The thing I find silly is if you go and look at FPS forums or RTS forums most of those have basically the same formula, but rarely do they say it is a clone of another game, it is the formula that works the best, and new games add a little bit more to it, they don't go and radically change it like is requested they do with MMOs.


    Anyway I got a little off topic and compared the 3 games, but if you look at the state of the game, I also feel you have to look at what else is out there. I hope it added something to the title.

  11. Please no, maybe a seperate planet for houses I would not ever go there but I understand that some like it. This was the reason I quit SWG (there was other reasons, but this was the straw that broke the camels back as they say). Traveling through Tatoine desert and all of suden someones house is right there.


    The best idea is the ship, being able to decorate it, the ship is basically a flash point anyway they could alow you to take your group on board your ship. I also read that they a introducing guild ships so you can hold bigger meetings on those.

  12. I like them as well, the war zone idea would be cool. Another idea would be to give them a few more responses when you click on them, and having them walk around the space ship. They would go through the same paths but at least they would be more alive.
  13. This always seemed silly to me. They don't need to get rid of the movie of the ship taking off either, just tranfer it to when the player actually chooses a destination on the galxy map. If it is to much to put in the scenes outside the widows of the ship when they are docked they could just make them black, like the blast shields are up or somthing.
  14. Yes it is in this case.


    You are taking the money other people worked on to get (by questing for instance). The difference of cred between the cost of production (mats, etc) and the profit is imaginary in this game. You just think you are entitled to get some money from someone else because you did it.


    We could all just get money from selling stuff at cost + questing/dailying. Like I do, and I am never lacking money.



    It is also cool to sell stuff cheap or just plain give them away. Makes you feel happy more people are getting otherwise expensive goodies and experiencing more the game.




    But enough of my MMO-adapted Marxism.


    Maybe some peope don't have the time to do the dailies as you do and they can get a little boring, what if I want to experience the legacy part of the game most of the legacy items cost about 1 mil, by doing the dailies (I only really get time to do one planet) I get about 100k, so it will take 10 days to get the I MIl that is if I don't spend money on other things.


    If I sell stuff on the GTN and make a reasonable profit I can half that time and experience a part of the game I want to experience not what you dictate to me. By doing this you are putting players like myself through needless grind, something that most players hate in MMOs.


    If the money is imaginery in this game as you say than let us make our imaginery cash, so it will not be a hassel to buy the items you say are making available. You are cutting down one of the avenues to make this money, some people like doing dailies others want to make money another way.


    People will only pay what they can afford or what they think is right, so the price will adjust itself we don't need people to speed up that process. You arn't helping anyone, if money is so easy to get, you have your grind, let us play the market.

  15. Han Solo: Watch your mouth, kid, or you're gonna find yourself floating home!




    I think this is all it is, I have always loved Biowares humour, most of which you have to be very observant to see. There is a few things from the movies in game I think the best one is the Wookie and the Droid playing Dejarik, I think it is on Hutta, the droid is missing both it's arms.

  16. Well, then why don't they communicate in the other sections then? I cannot agree with you on this. Just because there are bad posters, it should never ruin it for the good posters. Just because there are sniveling brats, they shouldn't just ignore everyone.


    Most of the brats post in general. I have to disagree with the OP on this. They don't post in the general chat I think because they would be tied up for hours talking crap. Look at how long this thread has gone for.


    If you go take a look at the customer service section, most of the questions and problems are replied to, which is how it should be. It makes me feel better that their more concerned with helping people having problems with the game than going over and over the same information that can be found in other parts of the web or even on their front page.


    Did you notice that every Tuesday, after maintenance your launcher screen is updated ? It has links that explains in more detail what is happening with the game.

    Did you wonder why the web site shuts down when they are doing maintence ? Because they are updating it with all the new info.

    Do you read the blogs that come up when you first open up the forums, after maintenance ?

    Click on "Comunity blog" at the top of your screen under "comunity" the old ones are there

    Those Q and A blogs that come up every week did you ever wonder who posted them? There is a link in them that takes you to the Q and A thread. You obviously haven't paid attention so here it is :-



    You can ask them questions there, it is more controled, not as random as it would be in general.

    For those that say they don't use Twitter or FB most of the important stuff posted on there is either put in the developer tracker section (a blog with the summary of this comes up regurly), or in the comunity roundup blog that comes out regularly.


    Just looking over all this, these guys talk to us to much just shut up already :D

  17. Do you have ANY idea on the number of people that would flee this game faster than being chased by a tornado? Microtransactions are the invention of a madman hell-bent on making money hand over fist, consequences be damned.


    Say NO to Microtransactions. It's the only way to remain sane.


    Totally agree, I played in the TSW beta and was seriously thinking about moving over to it. Than I read that not only do you have to sub to play but they are also going to have MTs. I was debating it, but reading that just tipped the balance for me, back enjoying SWTOR.

  18. I really hope the powers that be notice this thread because everything the OP talked about is needed. I think the game has enough content after 1.3, and now they need to go back and refine the stuff that is there.


    I read this thread while I was waiting for the last patch for TSW, I just got out of playing the beta and thought I would write something here, I was standing in the teleport room and there was about 40 players all standing around not one of them looked the same, some had the same shirts or pants but no one looked exatly the same. There is no dye in this game just so many different varities of gear. Armour dosn't play any part in TSW it is just cosmetic.


    I think the gear grind thing started in WOW, it was in WAR as well, playing WOW I remeber all the posers strutting around the main city in the brand new level 50 stuff, all I could think of was damm that looks stupid, you did all that grinding for that.


    I think most people are over the end game gear grind, in this game it is even more stupid. I think I had my orange gear by about level 25, and I like the way my character looks and I have been adding to it so by the time I hit 50 he will be just the way i want him to be, but oh no the game says you can't wear that armour at 50 you have to wear this stuff. I play a bounty hunter so I'm stuck with what looks like an ironing board stuck to my chest.


    The crazy thing is SWTOR has done all the work, all the artwork is already there (just look at the Armour and Sythweaving crafting recipes). I don't think anyone wears green armour anymore, but if it could be turned into orange as the OP says imagine how many combinations there would be and people could use their imagination again. So turn all the level 50 stuff into empty orange gear (some people might want to wear it) and just give us mods and inhancements at end game.

  19. I wasn't going to post this as I was thinking that if more people got my bug than it might get fixed quicker, but I thought that is just being cruel, and if I can prevent one person going through my frustration than that would be better.


    I'm not sure if this is what caused the bug but it is a good guess. I have already gone through the character transfers as I transfered to the Oceanic server over a month ago. I already had my Empire characters on the Oceanic server and transfered my republic characters from JJT.


    I wanted my Jedi Knight to be my main so I moved all the characters out of the legacy tree and the game frooze. So I ctrl-alt-del and log back in, when I press the legacy button the game freezes, and I have to ctrl-alt-del. It has been like that for over a month, and have been playing the game with no legacy system. I have had a number of talks with CS and they have told me they are looking into it and watch the patch notes.


    So basically just be careful when playing with the legacy tree after you transfer, and as I said I'm not sure if this is the cause but keep at least one character in the actual tree at all times just to be safe.

  20. i feel they are totaly going in the wrong direction for socal armour.

    it would have been far easyer just to add an apperance armour slots to yr chr sheet and have that worn as apperance only and non functional for combat , in other words yr combat armour regardless of what type you are is still in effect in its normal slots . but also have an apperance armour slots that is what others see you wearing , that way it doesnt matter at all what armour type you maybe , the apperance slots have no bearing on what yr combat armour is so anyone can wear it with it not effecting your combat rating.


    now the armour is going to self adjust to what YOUR able to wear, what if your a light user and still want social armour for you compaion that uses hvy armour, its still going to be set at light becouse thats what your able to use , so in effect no change.


    hats off to trying to get it working but in my opion its in the wrong direction. just my 2credits worth


    Yep totally agree this is what I thought they were going to do when I first saw the social gear. If I remember rightly that is from LOTRO. I hope that your wrong though and it scales to your companions armour class, have to wait and see.

  21. Stop complaining at least you have a legacy system, since my characters were transfered to the Oceanic servers my Legacy system has been broken, if I press the button the game freezes and I have to ctrl-alt -del.


    Sorry just making my problem known, gone through cutomer service and been told to watch the patch notes. So I figure the only way I might get this fixed is if I keep making it known. Don't think many people have this bug so it is probably at the bottom of the list.


    Hate to be cruel but I hope when the NA transfers happen that more people get this problem and than it might get fixed. There might be problems with the legacy system, but at least you have the feture not having it is worse.

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