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Posts posted by araedia

  1. A lot of good ideas here. I especially agree with the ambient machines. I can barely hear the snowstorm one, and only if I turn my volume up max and squint my eyes while holding my breath. :p Also, the holo-companions really bugs me. I rarely put companions in my strongholds because of this. Sort of along the same lines - I purchased the Rishi Trader thinking maybe they'd be a vendor, what with having Trader in the name, only to be sorely disappointed. I don't even care what she has for sale, as long as she'd buy my junk, but rep items would be cool. And, yes - please, please, please more varied ceiling lights. I'm maxed out on the basic yellow ones, and because I have 3 strongholds right now, that means many rooms are left in the dark. I've checked the GTN but there really aren't a whole lot of options for bright ceiling lights.


    Also, the Zakuulan armor/weapon displays only fit on the large hooks, but with their size they should be able to be put onto a medium narrow, at the least. Speaking of the large hooks, why the heck can't the objects move the full range of the hook area? I never really noticed it with big items, but with the Zakuulan displays, they can't be put against a wall because the range isn't far enough.


    I'd also really love it if the "common" decorations you can buy for credits and such would have a better variety. Specifically, some pieces that actually look good in the Dromund Kaas strongholds. Second-hand space junk is fine for Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant, but looks really out of place in the shiny Dromund Kaas apartments.


    That's all I can think of for now... To add some cheer to this post, check out my Dromund Kaas door monster.

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