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Posts posted by Nellise

  1. I know Ilum is a bit of a failure, but it's a little disingenuous to post a link to an interview given in November as if it's something he's saying now. Ilum was different in beta than it is now (the nodes had timers that kept you from trading them immediately) and what he said then may have been with that design in mind.
  2. It wasn't until I saw 8 people rush out of the center, beat the attackers on the right side node, then on mass jump back over the wall to attack the people going for the center that I got this was an exploit.


    I really doubt it's an exploit since it's designed to be exactly at about max jump height. If it were about 3 pixels higher you wouldn't be able to do it. The wall could have been easily been made straight just like the wall next to it if they didn't want you doing it, or the outer wall higher or anything, but they're all set up just well enough for you to jump over there.


    (Just look at some of the datacrons if you don't think they know exactly what players can and can't do with jumping.)

  3. You -- and Blizzard's CEO -- carefully neglect to mention that WoW lost a whopping 10% of their subs during the first three quarters of that same year.


    If 10% is "whopping", what is the 15% that SWTOR lost from box sales to subs in the first month?



    What's missing for me for endgame content is the sort of forced grind that makes you want to run hard mode fps. There's no reputations or factions or anything that encourage you to run things multiple times. If you don't care about the loot, all you do is run each fp once to check it out and then never worry about going back again. I don't know that reputations and the like are the best thing, but it did give me something to work on at level cap that just isn't there in SWTOR.

  4. No, it only bugs if you let it.


    What does this even mean? It shouldn't be possible other than purposely trying to break an encounter to bug it. I should be able to do a 100% completely incorrect strat and it shouldn't bug, it should simply kill me or give some other feedback that I did it wrong. This encounter simply stops working and gives no feedback why or how you did it wrong. If I solve one side wrong, it should simply spawn like 12 elites and wipe us immediately, it shouldn't just lock the console with no information and leave us standing there wondering what's happening and have us wait for a few minutes for enough stuff to spawn to kill us.

  5. step one learn the pattern of each pylon.


    step two make sure ur doing it in minimal clicks.


    step 3 south first always


    step 4 win


    its a puzzle boss learnt the puzzle win. everyone ive told this to has never had an issue since.



    So you're suggesting that you learn the puzzle on the first try with no prior knowledge, in minimal clicks, such that you get it right immediately so that this problem doesn't happen?

  6. I was trying to think of what WoW and Rift's gcd indicator was since I couldn't remember them, so they obviously weren't overly intrusive, and I don't remember anybody complaining about them (at least not to this extent). They're both exactly the same, a shading that disappears like a clock around the icon. There's no flashing or popping of any kind. I think the big reason that style works better is that it doesn't interfere with the borders of the icons which is where the 1.1 version was causing problems.


    Is there a reason this can't be used or is this being different for the sake of being different?

  7. This is unplayable for me. I'm trying to push through it, but my bars are all constantly grayed/blacked out and there's moving things all over the place and there's flashes of light. It seems like the game is deciding to check if I have focus for an ability on my sentinel only after the gcd timer is up, but since I hit things nearly on the gcd, my bars are blacked out 90% of the time and I can't see anything. I'm straining my eyes trying to see underneath the gcd stuff and I'm now getting the headaches some others are mentioning.
  8. It sounds like the real issue is people equating armor penetration to lowering targets defense which are not the same thing.


    It's more that it's poor wording on the tooltips. Like the force/tech one says "over 100% reduces the target's resistance". What does "resistance" mean in this context? Resistance isn't a stat that I know of in the game (maybe an old beta leftover?). And even the melee one is kind of vague since "defense" isn't an actual specific thing, it's a group of things. The Defense tab includes armor, but then there's another "Defense Chance" under that tab which breaks down into parry/deflect which is what they're actually referring to, and there's defense rating in addition to that.

  9. That's what it was in beta. With several tooltips/loading tips stating the same thing. It was discussed on the beta forums quite often than getting about 20% more accuracy (above 100%) wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It wasn't something to focus on primarily, but the consensus was that if you had extra accuracy, up to 20% above 100% wasn't something to worry about. Any more than that and the DR on the stat meant you were getting far less return for the point investment than you could be for something like power.


    I just tested it with Force Stasis on my guardian since it has a fixed value of 613/second on the tooltip. On this mob, with 108.1% accuracy, it hit for 493 every tick. Since it only hit for 493, there's about 20% armor on it. I used an accuracy adrenal which adds about 11% accuracy and it still hit for 493 every tick. I then used sundering on it a few times and it went up to 503 (which is about right with 20% armor and 3 sunder stacks).


    I then tried a similar test using Slash and had similar results (although less clear since slash has a range).


    From this limited testing, accuracy does not equal armor penetration above 100%.


    But I will add on my character sheet under the Defense Chance section, there are 2 "Resistance" values that both say 0.00. I'm guessing that's what they mean by reduces resistance, but if it's always 0% then it never does anything. Some mobs may have values for this and maybe that's what people see? (these numbers are not my elemental/internal reduction numbers, under damage reduction I have 6% for those)

  10. About 90% of a tank's attacks (assuming they're using the tank tree) do not benefit from force power. So that 1000+ force power on your weapon and offhand do almost nothing as a tank. I haven't looked, but I'm assuming the other tanks are more balanced in abilities that use their weapon stats and so scale a bit better.
  11. I'm finding 2-3 weaks + 2 strong very difficult to defeat with either Kira or Doc out. Unless I use Sabre Ward I'm literally down to 15% health after a fight.


    First question is about this: where are you running into groups like this? None of the dailies on either ilum or belsavis (non-heroic2/4) require you to kill any group with 2 strongs.

  12. Huh, if that's the case then BW needs to get it's act together. The amount of 'mirror' abilities that are not actually mirrors is insane, even more so that they almost always favor the Empire. I play Emp and i think its BS that its happening.


    No wonder the faction imbalance is out of hand.


    Huh? Sundering is working the same as it always has, a 4.5s cooldown (which is what the OP said the warrior version is), but the UI is showing 5s because it's rounding all cooldowns up to the next integer.

  13. It's 4.5 seconds, the UI is rounding cooldowns up to the nearest second. I don't believe it used to do this and I don't know why it's doing it now when there are abilities with cooldowns that aren't integers. You can see this by putting 1 point into Master Focus in the focus tree, it reduces the cooldown on master strike to 29 seconds, not 28.5. The second point puts it at 27 like it should.


    And you can easily test it's still 4.5 seconds. Sundering->Master Strike->Sundering would have a delay before the 2nd Sundering if it were 5 seconds and it doesn't.

  14. The major problem with Blade Barrier is, that it doesn't scale. Abilities that don't scale with something will always become weak in the long run.


    A solution would be to let Blade Barrier scale with our hitpoints or our Force Power.


    In beta there was a post that found some evidence it may be based off 10% of our health. It was from some datamined info and no one confirmed if it actually worked that way.


    After a little search I found the line on torhead for Blade Barrier:


    AbsorbDamage: SpellType=>Force, StandardHealthPercentMin=>0.1, StandardHealthPercentMax=>0.1, DamageType=>None, AmountPercent=>1


    I think that could mean it's based off of .1 of our health, but I'm not sure if that is the correct interpretation of that.


    But honestly, even if does scale that way, you're barely going to notice a difference between a 1.5k (starter 50 hp) and a 2k (geared 50) shield.

  15. The problem is the Focus tree has better talents than the Vigilance tree. The problem is that, well a shared tree should not be better than a unique tree that's suppose to be based around doing damage.


    I don't know if you noticed or not but a lot of the Vigilance talents suck. I even had to put a few points somewhere in the tree I honestly didn't need or didn't want just to get Plasma Brand.


    So you don't take the Vigilance tree's highest damage ability and you wonder why the shared tree might be doing better? And stop thinking that the focus tree, because it's shared with another class, must somehow be the lesser tree. Both trees should be viable for dps, and they are.

  16. It's a total cheese, and to top it off something is wrong when a shared tree is stronger in pvp than a specialized tree like Vigilance, it shouldn't work that way since Vigilance is the Guardian's damage spec and it's completely out shined by the shared tree.


    I'm pretty sure on my skill window it lists the Focus tree as damage. It doesn't say "Vigilance is the REAL tree for doing damage, please ignore this third pane because another AC has these skills too."

  17. My only issue with it is the 9 second cooldown with the 12 second dot. They should both be 9. All of our abilities already have cooldowns, we don't need to also look at a dot timer as well to make sure we don't hurt our own damage.


    And a quick note about the damage I've been trying to bring to attention a few other places. Elemental damage is mitigated much less than weapon/kinetic, so even if Plasma and say Overhead Smash have the same damage listed on the tooltip, Plasma might do up to 40% more damage than OS because of the type of damage it does. Even without that consideration, for a single gcd, it does more damage than any other ability (counting the dots) in the vigilance tree.

  18. There's no reason for Bioware to spend development resources on a DPS meter, threat meter, etc. After seven years, WoW still doesn't have these integrated into the game by Blizzard. These are all mods by the community.


    Blizzard has said they've not added a damage meter to their standard UI on purpose because it's too easy to misinterpret. Their example for why they haven't was on healing meters: Druids have a raid cooldown that is pure healing, but the other healers have damage reductions. The effect is essentially the same, the raid can live through a raidwide burst of damage, but on a meter a druid would place significantly higher in heals done. This would lead to claims that druids were overpowered compared to the others (which in fact did happen), but at least without their own endorsed meter, Blizzard can say "that's not information we provide and we're not going to take action on it since we can't verify it". Once they provide the information themselves, they have to provide explanations and own up to the information provided, but until then they can wave it off.


    I don't know that their argument is all that valid, but it is somewhat understandable given how much debate there is over damage meters and their effects. That does not excuse Bioware, however, for giving us nothing at all in this regard.

  19. Master Strike is probably the hardest hitting ability in the entire game. A Vigilance spec is 100% about using MS as much as possible.


    Once you get your head around the fact there is no rotation and it is a priority based system built around getting MS off cooldown as much as possbile you will see DPS on Vigilance go throught the ceiling.


    If you aren't using Master Strike you are gimping your DPS


    Can you provide any evidence this is true? Going off the tooltips for my abilities, Master Strike isn't close to being my hardest hitting ability. Remember, Master Strike uses 2 gcds which essentially halves its damage. It's also backloaded damage, the last hit hits for more than the others so if you have to stop the channel for any reason, it's really poor damage.


    From my tooltips:

    Master Strike: 3297-3633 in 3s, or 1732 per gcd

    Blade Storm: 1820-1897+302 Burning Blade dot and about 90% crit, or nearly 3000 per gcd

    Overhead Smash: 1933-2207 + 476 dot, 2546 per gcd

    Plasma Brand: 1150-1219+1494 dot, 2679 per gcd


    Now it's possible the Master Strike tooltip damage is way off or I'm misunderstanding it, but from what I see it's not close to being even the hardest hitting ability in its own spec, let alone the game.

  20. I currently have full champion gear, but as I am not at home at the moment I cannot use my own character as examples and will use the numbers provided by torheads skill calc instead.


    With overhead slash dealing 2046 as its average damage and the dot dealing 200 damage that means the dot does 9,77% the damage of Overhead Slash. This is ignoring armor as imo damage should be based on its unmitigated form due to the large varity of armor values in game.


    The problem is you're making suggestions based off of bad information. Here's my actual numbers in game right now self-buffed only:


    Overhead Smash: 1933-2207, average 2070

    Burning Purpose: 476 damage


    Blade Storm: 1820-1897, average 1859

    Burning Blade: 302


    So Burning Purpose is a 23% gain and Burning Blade is a 16% gain and will be even more depending on armor.


    And to give an actual example of how armor affects these values, let me assume I'm attacking myself. I have 34% reduction against energy/kinetic/weapon, and 4% against internal/elemental. So using the numbers given above, here's what I would hit myself for:


    OS mitigated: 1366

    BP mitigated: 457


    BS mitigated: 1227

    BB mitigated: 290


    So after armor/damage reductions, Burning Purpose is a 33% gain and Burning Blade is a 23% gain.

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