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Posts posted by Achia

  1. Finally someone did it.

    I really hope that someone will read this. So here we go, mostly doing progression raids on Sniper, but also as Merc heal. So I would say that I know the ropes of the game... On a scale 1-5(1 casual, 5 Zorz level raider), I would like to think of myself as strong 3, maybe just shy from 4. Had my fair share of both HM and NiM ops, and been in game for like 3 years or so.

    Anyway regarding the numbers and feedback.


    Level: Level 65 Sniper

    Roughly Average Item Rating: ~220 Min/Maxed fully Augmented. Mastery over 5000, crit 1100+, Alacrity 890, Presence with Scorpio 2658

    Discipline: All 3, pulling 6,3k dps on Engineering in current gear on 1,5mil dummy

    Companion: Scorpio

    Companion role: Heal (kinda only role for comps for pure dps class)

    Companion Influence level: 31+

    Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?): Mostly Heroic

    Your personal experience while playing this content:

    Ok so for planet heroics, I find it rather easy. Even after the nerf. Some of them are tricky but for example Lights out on Belsavis, where you encounter both gold and silver mobs didn't changed much pre-nerf. Could be rough, but usually end up with at least 60% health. However, due to the heavy AoE on Engineering, that numbers can change for single target DPS specs.

    Now, about heroics... I got to say that on Tuesday, I have entered Nar Shaddaa SF, and literally got demolished by Paladin. Probably my bad since dTPS was like 5k+. Tried it few times, and rage quit.

    Numbers there are odd as hell. Being sniper you don't have too much kiting options at your disposal unless Eng. You have nice cooldowns to compensate that. Went just now in Alderaan H2 as Marksmanship and buffs. Ended with like 100k HP or something. Scorpio ended with 3300+ max damage or so.

    First Paladin, killed it in 1:15 with my DPS of ~5200. However, I took about 180K damage. At the same time, Scorpios HPS was ~1500. Adan Tranik 2500 dps. More or less everything upto last room before Exarch was like that. However had some knights that were hitted me like a truck. One had about 3500dps on me, and about 160k damage, which is a lot. Killed him when I was on less than 10%.

    Second paladin, Tress Parion put up some fight, around 3300 dps, and 267k damage on me. Scorpio again pulled 1500hps with 93% efficiency.

    Now the room with 2 knights and 2 trash mobs. Almost died and utilized every thing at disposal. Polishing first trash mobs then stunning one knight (mind you that both were humping Scorpio like adolescents on h00ker), polishing one, meanwhile Scorpio trying to up her since she was close to dying, killing another with me again less than 10% health. Impale hits for 7k, thundering blasts for 6. assaults for 5k (all crits mind you, you gotta love RNG) Multiply by 2 of them, and you have some nice numbers.

    3 stages before Exarch were quite interesting. On second room, Scorpio at one point stopped healing me, clicking her abilities didn't change a thing even they were all off the cooldown. Soon after I dieded as well. Next try, killed them faster and moved to third. Mind you that at one point, since I was farming thingies to lower Exarch shield, he completely bugged out, and started channeling console, even I haven't removed his shield at all. Clicked console, and cleared to the next one. Third one was also relatively ok, with few moments of clicking pretty much everything I had.

    Exarch fight... Well... Interesting, since at first one I had dTPS of about 4500. In pure numbers:

    Double strike, 6 hits, Avg dmg 9,777, DPS 1181

    Melee attack, 23 hits, Avg dng 2406, DPS 1114

    Impaling strike, 3 hits, Avg dmg 12,428, DPS 751

    Shield bash, 3 hits, Avg dmg 10,917, DPS 659

    Shield rush, 1 hit, Avg dmg 21,085, DPS 424

    Double strike, 1 hit, 9,950, DPS 200

    Residual Kinetic Energy, 2 hits, 4,438, DPS 179

    Of course, that was too much for poor Scorpio, and her 1439 HPS.

    Next try with much better positioning, interrupts and defensive cooldowns was successful, and she died in about 1:40. It was so better that Scorpio did whooping 580 HPS and 80% efficiency :)

    To sum it up for the TL:DR

    1. Not fun and quite intensive for content you are supposed to do on daily basics. Doubt I will do it any time soon as solo even I have 2 more heroics to finish on that toon.

    2. Not for complete casuals at all. As in, casuals cannot complete it (didn't tried without buffs but I recon I would die much more without buffs

    3. Companions need to contemplate the environment. Standing in stupid is, well, stupid. Also, if I want here in healing stance, no, I don't want her to pew-pew when I need heals.

    4. Damage output is quite high for Heroic mission. Yeah, it is Heroic, and this one is certainly not for casual players. I am aware that it supposed to be challenging but this might be tad too much.

    5. Eric said comps on level 50 will be more powerful than ever. I seriously doubt that. If Scorpio cannot pull more than 1500 hps when I take the damage on level 30, I dont expect her to pull much more on level 50. Up the healing output for about 25% and it should be enough challenging for first few tries, and later when you learn from own mistakes should be like regular daily missions.

    6. Unless you use everything at your disposal, you might have rough ride.

    Anyway, hope this helps (btw, I have Exarch video but didn't posted it since everything went smoothly on second try apart from sometimes not being able to target adds that she spawn so I had to click them...)


  2. Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




    Best lie EvR. \o/

  3. Hi guy's, from FRANCE. Please excuse my bad english.


    My Characters:


    -Soldier Vanguard 65 (213 ilvl)

    -Sniper 65 (221 ilvl)

    -Sorcerer dps 65 (208 ilvl)

    -Warrior Tank (214 ilvl)




    -all of them


    Compagion Role:


    -all role used.


    Influance Level:


    Scorpion 32

    Jaesa Willsam 31

    HK-51 28



    Mission or Forteress:


    I cant solo Forteress anymore. I can't do my mission without having a heal after each monster pack (even with my compagnion in healing role)




    When I subscribe to a game, I want to have some fun, since this nerf: No way, no more fun. And, a hudge waste of time.



    I'll fix my subscribe, until compagnion get fixed to.

  4. Je pense que vos serveur sont un peut trop basic je pense. Votre concurrent direct que je ne citerai pas possède des serveur bien plus gros que les votre, je ne mit connait pas non plus des masse mais je pense que cela serait bien de changer tous cela, car mettre plus de serveur ne donnera rien je pense.

    La capacité des serveur à leur actuel est trop petite !!

    ET si cela ne change pas je pense que le jeu ne va pas perdurer longtemps !!





    Donc WoW, que tu ne cites pas expressement, à des serveur certes sans file d'attente, mais le fonctionnement de WoW et de SWTOR ne sont pas comparable, de plus les serveurs de SWTOR sont aussi performant, simplement, il n'y en a pas assez, d'autre pars, ce jeux sors aujourd'hui donc, forcément il y aura énormément de monde.

    Cela dit, je ne connais aucun jeux qui lors du jour de sa sortie n'a pas de file d'attente.

    Ta dernière phrase est la plus choquante, c'est la ou on vois que tu n'y a pas encore jouer, penses tu, que ce jeux, parce qu'il y a des files d'attentes, (longue certes) va perdre des joueurs? Moi je te dis que non, la façon de faire les quêtes, les animations etc,etc,etc... l'univers mythique, tout cela apporte des joueurs,et le jeux e lui même est passionant...





    DONC: Je suis pas d'accord Avec toi...

  5. Volontiers, je prendrais bien une boisson énergisante ou deux !


    Plus sérieusement, veuillez rester dans le sujet, qui dans le cas présent concerne les ressentis quant aux files d'attente. Nous avons déjà eu de nombreux retours de votre part que nous avons pu transmettre mais s'il y en a d'autres encore nous sommes là pour les recueillir.






    Coucou, comment comptez vous vous y prendre pour diminuer les files d'attentes? :X

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