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Posts posted by Silverion_one

  1. I really miss /roll to get random numbers and assign items in operation loot or wherever a bit of causality is needed..


    If you feel it is good idea please ask for developers to add it


    /roll ... random number between 1-100


    some additional flavors can be ...


    /prnd .. random name from operation/party players ..


    really good thing but probably too complicated to program will be to have master loot roll ..


    where master looter assign people who can roll and then it spam in chat who win item :p


    my 5 cent ideas to make game better :p

  2. Loot distribution in nightmare mod really need to be fixed, if you do master looter you will not see any recipe or alien cubes, crafting materials ...


    so what is happening that guilds are inventing mechanisms that are all ruining game experience :( it is not fun to wait on vote for EVERY item that is so long and we cannot take break even if you don't need anything.


    Btw, Dev post don't explain what is fixed in master loot ... problem with invisible cubes and recipes on nightmare/hard mode or assignment in normal mode?

  3. Sorry. Fix to crafting is to REMOVE any thing that turns a crew skill into a combat skill. (i.e. something only useable/obtainable by those who have the skill that directly benefits their combat abilities)


    Crew skills are tradeskills. They aren't combat skills. The crew skills needs to be fixed to observe that rule by removing the skill requirement on purple reuseables, and the BoP on various other items.


    I was looking from other side as it was in WOW .. you are enchanter ? you can put enchantment on your rings it make you stronger ... less then buffs but it was permanent...


    why EVERYONE can have food in WOW? so there is no super craft skill ...


    Sincerely your solution is easiest to apply ...


    so to summ up what we get is ...


    a.) Reusable, bind on crafter things are evil we remove them all from game ..


    question? - how long it will take to iplement?


    nothing if you have ONE half good programer and boss with ..... :p


    1.) .. delete fey rows in database ..


    2.) .. make batch program that on maintance mail you components of items removed from game, and remove them from player inventory

    .. no more problems !!


    Easy ? You like this?


    SIGN down here or write better idea :)

  4. I hate long texts with no ideas so ...


    F i x crafting giving other crafters reason to have its craft ...



    1.) Armor crafters can add in its personal Binded armors one additional armoring slot


    2.) Weapon crafters can add one additional argument, Crystal or barrel on its binded weapons


    3.) Cyber can make super ear equipment with enchantment slot or 2 additional augment slots, or give them back its portal items for fast travel ?


    This is simple changes that will offset biochem huge burst advantages with PERMANENT advantages to other crafting skills ..


    Whatever crafting skill you chose you will get more stuff ... Biochem now owns all as you have permanent items that cost you nothing ... others dont have anything compared to this HUGE advantage ...


    450 skill buff AND less 50% damage reusable buff ... comon guys who will stay with other skills against such blasphemy ...


    Save crafting and do it fast .. it is reason many people play games .. to make some stuff to find components and be proud to have something unique and strong ... now what we can make is weak, hard to get and i feel bad as i dont have biochem to own others in PvP or PvE so now it is reason that i and many others dont have fun at endgame.

  5. Rant on ...


    Endgame is totally screwed by BAD itemization ...


    Itemization is just one example of totally whacked ... including crafting ... Rakata best PvE weapons on live servers is JOKE !! worse stats then T 1.5 Columi weapons ...


    PvP im geting at last 3 bags a day, im full champion geared without any sweet, im even gearing my pets in champion T1.5 as i have so many duplicate gear ....


    In all that time i was crafting sending my companions to craft and gather materials .. for ... nothing ... as cybertech i canot make ANYTHING i wish to wear by myself as all i have without any effort dwarf all i can make with significant effort ...


    Purple MOD lv 23 !!! you get one after 15 min work to finish 2 daily missions !

    same for Armoring and enchants !


    .... Btw if you have PERMANENT not cosmetic advantage in any profession you will see that it will become obligatory for difficult content ..


    Biochem ... PUFFF from half dead to full life .... and all this gratis for just one slot in inventory ...


    At last i have a stun grenade that can be useful in PvP just you have to target where to fire it and move near ... compared to one push o biochemist button ....


    rant off ....

  6. I really don't know what can be good rotation i was normally using WM and then a turbulence + mind crush with alacrity buff , then power up and project + telekinetic throw + disturbance if others was on coll down ...


    My stats is + 572 damage, +32 crit, +67 surge + 9,78 activation speed as i have a lot of PvP gear (10,60 % expertise) + 14750 hit points...


    In end i decided to go as healer so i can get in more FP and gear PvE stuff in hope this will help me more :(


    I really like PvE but i was under impression it is still too hard for me :( i was able to do only taral v in hard mode for now ... :(

  7. I would say that you're doing it wrong... But sages are #1 healers in pve.. Maybe roll as heals?


    I was a healer for so long that its hard to get back healing people and in my friend group there is already one healer that like this a lot :(


    I used our specific setup where is 3 sages and all DPS is mostly sage based we toyed changing me and my friend for other classes DPS and they was able to deliver a lot more damage then us in end ...


    A lot of Telecinetic sage damage come from standing still casts .. and if boss is dynamic like many are moving interrupt your damage dealing .. lowering significantly your DPS output ... at last this is what was coming to my mind ?


    As another post suggest i will have to try balanced and see if i can get better DPS output but still it look like that output too require long casting times that can be interrupted.

  8. Hi im a lv 50 save and i have 2 set columi and all rest PvP viol reward gear t1.5


    My problem is that doing Hard Esselex mode with my group of friends we are unable to deliver enough DPS to kill bosses before timer go in enrage ...


    We are group of 1 sage healer 2 Sage DPS and 1 tank all people with similar gear ... we have a BIG problem to kill IRONFIST before he enrages and when we fight final jedi we cannot kill him before he enrages ...


    So we picked up a trooper DPS in my place and after 2 tryes boss was dead as he delivered so much more DPS ....


    I and my sage friend are using cookie DPS telekinetic sage build, casting our Damage over time and turbulences etc . still we was unable to deliver enough damage to kill boss before it enrages :(


    Conclusion is .. or i really really miss something important to deliver enough damage or sage as DPS class is LOOSER for PVE !

  9. Of course this was all before the brackets...now i don't get to do WZ anymore.
    lol anymore .. give a wrong impression it hapened loooong ago .. with server downtime it is less then half a day ago :p


    p.s this i posted just as it make me laugh .. i agree with dual spec geting in game ;)

  10. I have seen sorc that get out 720 k healing in one battle post patch .... im full purple geared most T1.5 and T1 and im going with 200 very very rarely 300 k but i try to play to win a match if someone follow Zerg of 7 others that run and battle and just push area heals all around probably he can get it out .... but they will lost match just like happen to this mega sorcerer and his zerg ;)


    Stupid think is that you dont participate in kills of people you heal ... i heal a guy he go on rampage and kill 5 others ... he got a 5 kills + 70 k damage counted you get 50 k heals as damage absorbed with shilds ... dont count ... no kills except if you switched to ping them with something ...

  11. Who cares about , or ; ... problem is if you are blind to problems in game just because it is not written perfectly, as you cannot read text missing one "," you don't have to play international games where English is not first language for most of us.


    If you think it is so hard to understand what i did write above you are free to fix my writing or better say do you agree with problem or not in your own "better" way ... i don't care if you miss or misspell a word what i care is to get game to better state where we have at last equal chances to win a PvP match because of playing better and not using bugs or because half my team was riding a bike looking panorama when enemy set a bomb on door !

  12. DAMN! Guys you are adding new stuff, and nobody fix exploits in Voidstar and damn f... bug where defenders start with 1 or more players less then attackers because of DAMN ANIMATION that you HAVE to fly over all ship even if battle already started !!


    People That hide in door and are invulnerable to damage is still here and i cannot target guy setting bomb in front of me i jump over him but cannot touch him as for game he is on other side of door?

  13. If you wish to add to your list


    Cybertech itemization..


    Something is seriously strange with recipes .. there is NO recipes except veichels and ship parts over lv 24?


    I got a lot of Armour, synth, armtech stuff i never seen one lv 30+ recipe for ear or other cyber stuff :(


    and i really think that lv 22 purple armouring and mods ... what is best i can make using 4 rare lv 6 metals that are hard to come by ... cannot be reward from a heroic mission so you get one a day!


    There is NO PvP MOD or armouring (with expertise) that we can made for now.. at last if we can buy some for PvP comanderions? or find some random in PvP bags?


    OK doing underworld missions im geting SILK .. if i try to see prices other people are selling silk to put it in auction house im unable as i dont have skill !

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