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Posts posted by Lazarast

  1. No. With the Bolster buff you can still win in warzones. OW PVP I agree, but WZ's just, no.


    Try not to fail and give up immediately in future. L2P.


    the bolster buff? with that buff you get better stats, yes, but against higher level they've got better stats, better gear, wait untill they've got expertice... also they've got more skills and talent points...


    Of course if you are a good player you can win in 1v1 against someone that has a character with more level, but against a character with the same class / mirror class but more levels and that plays as good as you, you are done.

  2. Meh, most people posting are either scrubs or don't know what they are talking about. I have a 44 gunslinger, and if the guy is lvl 10-30, he has no fighting chance.


    Armor ratings, skills, stats and talents are a hell of a difference. And when you take into account expertise at 50 with epic stats (which are way better than what you get bolstered), it's just totally unfair roflstomping face.


    It should be 10-30, 31-49. 50 the least.



  3. The Spanish community has decided to play in the ToFN. We are not going to go to another server. We have decided via a democratic way that we'll go to that server and respect the official language. We invite everyone who wants to play alongside with us. Of course, there are always trolls and people who don't know how to respect other people. This kind of people don't represent the Spanish community.


    Sorry for the poor grammar.

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