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Posts posted by Stimmed

  1. Hah now this looks like fun :). Bring on a super server merge imo :). Its funny how things go when rateds first started it was XX/XX team on top 2 months later XX/XX mainly due to lack of people queing sadly :(. Be interesting to see how other servers do actually go when people are full time running rateds would be amazing to actually be able to *gasp* get games!. I would love a more WOWish arena type feel where rank for one is done properly and the main problem with rateds....letting people reconnect!!!!!. Nothing wrong with a bit of ePeen stroking to get things interesting keep it up everyone looks good!.
  2. Mine wasnt sacrcasm was a close game and it was the first time I had seen you lol :p. I usually just play it safe I'm never just gonna go all in when its a very close match hence the draw out when you came to the node. This wasnt a "Best of" thread I dont think but if peoples names get mentioned then yeah you feel like your not being recognised. My fights were mostly grudge matches I picked lol :p
  3. Pretty much. 4 Smash 3 Heals 1 Stealth guard (Assassin preferably). But its all good! no need for any fixes Bioware the age of Smash is intended!. Dont think we have ever run it but it easly makes sense to sadly. Why work on an expantion when you got this much balance issue lol :p Oh well.
  4. "If your losing or winning and you find yourself in 1 on 1 why not use that time to refine your skills and see what you can do instead of getting a whopping once and then saying screw it let me bring a friend. "


    If it was in open world PVP I could understand you saying that but in a WZ where there is nothing about 1v1 in the game design its a team effort. I call incs if its 1 or 3 your better of being safe keeping your node then going omg let me try refine my skills....and now I lost my node.

  5. "Also pretty sure Lanafear could beat anyone mentioned here 1v1. " Pfffffft I do indeed wish. Op wise if Dravia was around it would be a done story haven't seen anyone even close to him since he left.


    As for duels I dont really know I think class vs class would be the only way to do it for balance. Would be alot of good duels :)


    Naena vs Safeen :p

    Dravia vs ....I wouldnt know all the good ones stoped playing along time ago :(

    Sorey vs Roku!

    Smurf vs Aerico

    Shadoweye vs Danix

    Darc vs Risen(spelling)



  6. Thought this was an interesting thread since I have recently been playing around with either full WH or mix in the pve Armorings. I was at roughly 1300 exp cant rember exact stats on power/cunning ill post my current stats.


    Level 50

    HP: 19197 (missing all end datacrons working on it im sooo lazy.)

    Strength: 63

    Presence: 375

    Aim: 118

    Cunning: 2049

    Endurance: 1651

    Willpower: 63

    Expertise: 1161



    Bonus Damage: 1022.6

    Bonus Healing: 739.0

    Accuracy: 101.90%

    Critical Chance: 31.37%

    Critical Multiplier: 79.42%

    Energy Regen Rate: 5.0

    Activation Speed: 0%

    Power: 1107


    2 Piece PvE aswell.


    Ive been high crit lower crit more power I think anything between 30-35 is good I'm all about as much burst as possible not saying its the best way but its how I enjoy playing :) Will gain SLIGHTLY on cunning/end and 7 power when I eventually trade over to EWH 1 relic and Armoring.


    Interested to see what other people run :). bump!

  7. "Yes, it is my informed opinion that Operatives are rather simpler to play than Combat/Carnage or Watchman/Annihilation Sentinels. "


    LOl no.


    Anyway operatives in normal WZ's yeah there fine you can make an impact and do fine. In RWZ its an uphill battle to even warrant your spot over anything else. You cant do as much burst cant survive as much cant guard your sustained dps is low. Ive been playing since release and just seeing nerf after nerf to us for what ever reason but PT's have been left alone and now Mara/Juggs left for ages as they are......mind boggling. Even pre nerfs back with 7k crits (which all other classes can do cept us now....) still to do well you have to actually have some skill for people to complain about you. Just seems like Bioware HATES concealment ops :(

  8. "Also, let's stop talking about the old <Deadweight> team, our CURRENT team is performing very well. We have a positive W-L ratio against just about every guild, and we're looking to make that every guild."


    Sorry yeah we don't mean do take away from you guys your a tough *** fight! think when we refer to the old Deadweight its more about the old compeition and how groups were run ect.

  9. I still stand by exactly what I said when it wasnt an ASC group :p its 2 diff topics there. We dont TAKE anyone heh we ask if there queing if there not we say we have a spot and if there interested so we can actually get ques going. If more guilds did it would be more games heh.
  10. "So, by your defination I take it you would consider the MLB All-Star Team a PUG team? I mean thats what Ascendency is queing with half the time Hatrade's best PVPers, Full Resolve's best PVPers, Yes', best PVPer and Aliens' best PVPer."


    I just don't see whats so hard to understand how it works....Smurf+Korupt are in our rated team full stop, Full Resolves best pvpers? YES(lol) and Aliens? Any person we are subbing in for people we wouldn't rather then our own guild anyway guilds play differently and it can lose you matches (has for us). So if your facing some super mixed team its gonna be better for you then just a pure ASC group anyway....

  11. The team Ascendancy runs now is the exact same ppl we ran before we even merged together with Harbinger. The only people that's changed was Martian and like a few days ago we recruited Zaxia (I'm sorry I think that's how you spell it haven't been on much to check!) All this talk about being some sorta server team is rubbish our guild is a SPACE SLUG guild where 90% of the ppl are still the same from the day we started doing rateds. Now when Ascendancy isn't on or dose not have enough ppl do you blame everyone for saying sure they will group with us if we ask them to fill a few spots? its basically 100% ratio win heh.


    Oh ya me and Naena got stomped I'm not gonna make excuses I didn't even want to enter the 2v2s thing I hate it and duels, but we lost **** happens :p. But good luck out there! you more then likely need it vs our server rated team lol :):rolleyes:

  12. "Hey. Don't harp on my parade when a month ago that same team was beating us. Not to mention, our victory earlier in the weak was against a VERY solid Ascendancy team."


    Did I mention anywhere about that huttball game? Never said we didn't lose to people.


    As Naena has said alot of our guild have left/work diff times so we pug when we need to. And most our pugs are considerd to be part of the guild except they love pve (crazy imo) so stay with there old guild tags too raid. Since this latest server merge im not sure we have even ran our top team that we used to run, we have still run pretty much what we had though a few times..

  13. "For the sake of theatrics let say a complete 8 man team of <Full Resolve> faces 5 guys from <Covenant> and 3 guys from <Supertroopers> and wins. This means according to your point off view, that <Full Resolve> did not beat <Covenant> but if fact defeated a pug, mostly made up of <Covenant> players?"


    Ya basically I would say we beat Covenant+Pugs(or what ever other guild it was) not a Covenant group. Unless said players are in your main lot of players like how we always have smurf or DW used to always have Roky there in there roster. Even when the Old DW used to play us if it wasn't vs main 8s like if they missed Alosis or Roky or Rowling we would still say even if it was that one person we beat DW but without what ever player or 2 or 3 was missing. So we never took it as a mark on the score card so to speak.


    This whole kinda thread just annoys me :p. Cause most of the time its people coming on when they finally got a win against one of the top guilds saying they beat them.......ignoring the huge losses they have endured in the past. One night have not losing doesn't mean diddly squat. Going of that SS losing to 7 people I would say you should lose a spot.

  14. Im sorry to even say this but if your calling the group you beat an Ascendancy group it was hardly. We had 4 ppl we usually run + Dravia was healing (thats like hell freezing over). Im not one to usually come on and say omg we had alts and crap like DW has but come on....there was 3 pugs they dont usually run and 2 of them they had never even seen play before lol :p That was not an Ascendancy group sorry was a pug of ppl with a few of our team in it.
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