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Posts posted by kendawgg

  1. that for sure. but my lasting memory is the way they betrated other imp players in regs, the lowest possible level of pvp. there was even a video of them berating some <uncensored> guys in a CW, which was just comical.


    yeah LOL the LOWEST possible level of pvp for sure was imp vs imp regs........ best was the WARLORDS stream and he had force charge like keybound to 4 different binds then directing the group in tactics. i think the only WZ the had was a stalemate VS. the lowest wz there was

  2. UC had some decent players. but as a whole they had a 50% chance of winning a match if the other imps were terrible. but their infamy is the SuperQue. which sadly was no better than a 50% chance to win as well. unless they went againt a group of random pugs
  3. Please stop thinking the world is unfair. Its a freaking video game. The level increased 4 levels for midbies. Its not a natural disaster or a cataclysmic world event. You can level without pvping all ythe time. Think before you post. Devs pay very little attention to PvP in this game and even less to lowbie PvP. They try to balance PvP for end game.
  4. Tanking not the problem.

    Healing not the problem.


    Problem lack of DPs and use of CC. On my tank if I get serious focus fire or tunneled by players who know what they are doing I am dead. If you can't manage that level of focus you don't deserve to win

  5. I find it hilarious that this thread has gone on this long. Don't bother trying to debate the OP. Its almost pointless. If you look at all his posts its always how OP guard is or how OP heals are...... Or both. He will never understand the mechanics of the classes. You will never be 100% successful in this game. If you, the OP, are in a total random pug group chances are if the tank and healer are good you won't beat them.
  6. i think everyone of your posts is how OP tanks and healers are. and how pre-mades are ruining this game. ATM Tanks are OP. they got buffed and Damage has not increased with the xpac. but lets be honest and bad tank ans healer combo is easy to kill. a skilled tank healer combo is difficult to kill. you can only beat a skilled team but applying pressure to them both. this game is about TEAMWORK.


    and SENTs GBTF was extremely op before the nerf. but BW overreacted and has not seen to fix it. but there wont be much sympathy for this AC due to is long reign as the APEX melee DPS pre 3.0.

  7. its teh luck of the draw. you are getting unlucky in getting that combo. hell imagine 1 tank 3 heals or 3 tanks 1 heal. you need to also look at your sever population. if you dont have many that pvp then you will get more of these groups. if its about you losing to this comp then just leave warzone. if you are soloing with a bunch of pugs then it wont matter.
  8. GW2 Archeage to name a couple that have far more active pvp.


    The big issue with premades in swtor is the small scale of pvp. Most games tend to have larger battleground than swtor who went very small scale probably due to the crap game engine. This means premades stand out far more. In games with 15 or 24s a premades is much less likely to dictate the game.


    Best thing to do if they feel the engine can now take it is to make some 16v16 warzones.


    these two games you mentioned. the pvp is on a larger open scale correct? SWTOR pvp is instanced in a smaller area.

  9. NOT SURE if this would make ranked more active. but my two cents.


    is remove solo ranked from game have group ranked only.


    remove ranked comm conversions from reg comms. make the only way to acquire ranked comms is from daily weekly missions and ranked warzones.


    makes playing group ranked worth something. plus make the ranked tier gear worth it. not marginally better that reg gear.

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