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Posts posted by stonewizard

  1. Heyy, sith juggernaut here and as of today i realized that my entire server has rerolled republic becuase they are overall treated better by the Devs, my friend the merc got nerfed as **** in one of the previous patches, tracer missile spam is now ineffective( or not as effective as before) where as i can still see commandos throwing 5k grav rounds at me and healing from 10% hp back to 100% in just 2 heals, seriously *** there is only about 26 people on my fleet as i post this and there is only 6 on illum :mad: i want my friends back damnit. i also dont wanna reroll as smelly old jedi
  2. Most Towns are empty anyway besides the imperial fleet and that is WAY to over populated as it is. and yeah I don't mean go absolutely bonkers on add-ons for the ship just a place to chill and talk to some people on the ship, RPers would probably enjoy it too
  3. So, me and my friend we're chilling on his ship the other day when we had a brilliant idea. What if guilds could purchase and customize their own flagships, just for guildmates to come chill out duel socialize and that sorta thing with stuff like personal cantina vendors and mod benches that needed to be purchased through a sort of system, with like a guild cargo hold and new purchaseable wing like a dueling wing command post officers quarters and stuff. just an idea for future updates or expansions


    Have a happy new years and May the force be with you

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