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Posts posted by DarthSynyc

  1. i love how all these people are saying pvpign to get end game gear that **** left the building when the catered to casuals and took away pvp gear and brought in this stupid *********** command ****. if i want to grind out pvp for gear let me *********** do that not this stupid *********** command bulll****
  2. I've been here on and off since beta and my biggest complaint is the nerf they gave to pvp leveling!!!!!!!!! Remember back in the days before 1.0 when you could just que for pvp and go from level 10-50 and not even have to do your story stuff unless you wanted to. ALSO bring back the *********** 8 man ranked pvp!!!!!!!!!!!! there is no reason why you cant have arena and 8 man ranked pvp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I doubt there are even any guilds of this kind even left in this game but i'm looking for a hardcore pvp guild that doesnt screw around and actually plays to win. I've been a hardcore pvper in swtor since it came out and at first lvld 5 toons to 50 before they nerfed/fixed pvp experience to where it took forever to lvl just through pvp. My main role is tank preferably jugg tank and my off role is heals usually sorc. I don't mind raiding but im very serious about pvping and thats generally all i spend my online time doing. Just came back from a little break and can't sand the constant war zones with useless pugs and stupid *** *******.
  4. idc what wz it is pvp is pvp to me but i would rather be able to choose from arenas or reg warzones because 90 percent of people that pvp are only about stats they dont pay attention to objectives. if they do this atlest the stupid stat/numbers people will be actually doing something in arenas where the objective is to kill. therefore leaving people that know what warzones are to do the warzones with objective based people
  5. Ive been thinking a lot lately about this because im not a big fan of the 8v8 regular warzone because you usually get at least 3 or 4 people who are just terrible at pvping. Why not make arenas an available type of pvp for more then just ranked. I know sometimes u get a random un ranked arena but why not have it be an option so you can choose if you want an 8v8 wz or 4v4 arena. On top of that why not add objectives to arenas also just a thought. I feel more people would pvp and enjoy pvp if they didnt have to play with so many other people that dont know how to pvp or dont understand it.
  6. Just wanted to let everyone know we will be doing a charity stream starting this Saturday (12/21). All the familiar faces will be there, including Justbodies, Murkin, Synnfull (hopefully <3), and myself. Last time we raised over $1100 for Toys for Tots (Check out the video). We hope everyone can stop by and root us on as we stream SWTOR for 24 hours!


    There will be prizes, giveaways, and tournaments all throughout the stream. <Suckafish> has kindly donated millions of credits, rare items, and taun faun codes. We have also expanded our stream dream team to include Bobcow, Emilygrace, and Kaelona.


    The 24 hour marathon will begin on Saturday (12/21) afternoon PST.










    Thanks to Torocast for the shoutout!


    Yes Gudarzz I (synnfull) will be able to do this but not for the full 24 hours as i have a visitation and funeral that i have to attend for a friend that passed away over the weekend.

  7. Hey there everyone Synnfull here I started streaming around the time I did the 24 hour charity stream with Gudarz,Bodies and Murkin then took a little break from streaming and games all together but I'm back and going to try streaming whenever possible. I'll be streaming pts arenas and pvp with my guild Facate of Reality check it out sometime. Have a good day/night everybody.



  8. Hey there everyone Synnfull here I started streaming around the time I did the 24 hour charity stream with Gudarz,Bodies and Murkin then took a little break from streaming and games all together but I'm back and going to try streaming whenever possible. I'll be streaming pts arenas and pvp with my guild Facate of Reality check it out sometime. Have a good day/night everybody.



  9. Monkey Monkey Monkey i'm not from jung ma but i was in a group with you guarding you for your life XD im not from jung ma but i may move there for those leet heals XD


    Synnfull - tank jugg on pts

  10. well youll be pleased lol treek is epic her introduction is awesome i almost laughed my *** off it was awesome and then the stories she tells you are funny and shes actually really epic ive had her in heal stance with my sin and she still does tons of damage lol and the heal animations and the noises she makes are cute. i was a little let down by the costumes for her are a little dissapointing but overall im very pleased
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