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Posts posted by PrinceOmnius

  1. Apparently, it is.


    Patience, you must learn.


    I don't believe its hard at all when you consider the fact that there are tons of low budget free to play korean games that all launch with chatbubbles. I don't believe its a matter of "techical difficulty", come on we aren't talking about implementing a massively complex physics system or an actual working duck and cover system or dynamic quests or whatever, it's just chatbubbles.


    The problem isn't that they can't do it, the problem is they don't care. What are they communicating to us as roleplayers? They are communicating that we are way, way, way down on their care list and they will fix everything else first before they give us attention.


    Well guess what, I'm returning them the favour and putting them on the bottum of my care list. I'm voting with my wallet and have cancelled my subscription today. If they don't cater to roleplayers like me, they don't deserve my money.

  2. Too late. Guild Wars 2 is launching soon and has chatbubbles and many other RP friendly features build in at launch!


    For roleplayers SWTOR certainly is the most dissapointing game in modern history. Which is a real shame because there is so much that could be done with its lore.

  3. What's the point of meeting with roleplayers when they don't do anything for our community? What are they gonna discuss or are they just going to apologise for their game? Instead of wasting with this meeting they could implement some basic rp features like chatbubbles, fixing emotes and sitting in chairs.
  4. Youll find RP on all servers. That being said I think there are some great RP initiatives on the Progenitor right now. We are heavy/full populated RP server with our own RP webportal similar to Argent Archives and Laurelin Archives (and consequently also a great many roleplayers from Argent Dawn on our server):




    Aside from some of the regular RP hubs you'll find on our server we also have a player run casino and gentlemens club The Velvet Pearl which acts as an RP hub in Nar Shaddaa for some great crossfaction RP.


    Check us out at http://www.swtor-rp.com/progenitor.

  5. I fail to see how it's a kick to the crotch, or at least, any more a kick than a lack of a biography slot. I agree with you, I'd love to see it sooner than later and I am not advocating it's delay, but in realistic terms of Bioware's priority list, I'd imagine Chat Bubbles are not towards the top, maybe somewhere in the middle.


    What does a biography slot have to do with the ommitance of a proper communication method in a game that is where communicating with other people sets it apart from single player rpg's? And I wouldn't know any thing that could be higher on the priority list. Sure if there is a bug that makes people unable to play the game or has people stuck then that could be an example, but surely an experienced and wealthy company like Bioware has enough expertise to implement basic communication features that are generally expected to be part of a launched game.


    Anyhow, while the lack of chatbubbles makes the game look sloppy and incomplete for any gamer, for a roleplayer the lack is extra annoying. You cannot see a single thread about events being organised or having been organised or without people complaining about the lack of chatbubbles and rightly so. I would at this moment certainly advise roleplayers who play other games like World of Warcraft to hold out on buying this game until they fix this.


    Personally I bought the game fully expecting chatbubbles to be there at launch, because at the time it was said by many betatesters that Bioware had promised this. As you can imagine I'm truly dissapointed. If they truly are going to wait 6 months before implementing this feature then I do hope Guild Wars 2 will be out by then because from my experience one can at least trust Arenanet to deliver a finished product at launch.

  6. I'd expect a few months, quite simply just because they have so many more vital issues to work out, all the bugs, fixing PvP, so on and so forth, before they add helpful-yet-non-critical features like chat bubbles.


    PVP is working fine, people are playing warzones as am I and there is no case of imbalance like Rift had for example. There are some bugs like any game has but nothing on the scale of Vanguard had during its launch.


    Lack of chatbubbles is a vital and critical issue. I'll tell you something funny, a true story. My young brother hates roleplay and hates roleplayers whom he finds to be elitist nerds (of course with the exception of me). He does like to communicate tho, in WoW he usually was outside oggrimar on his character doing duels and talking to random people, making new friends.


    He's on a pvp server right now, so I talk to him last weekend and ask him how he's liking the game. So he says to me, "I like it but it seems a bit incomplete". I was suprised to hear that so I ask him what he means, and he gives me "lack of chatbubbles" as an example. He will never ever roleplay and even though PVP is his life he didn't comment on that, no in this game it is the lack of chatbubbles that makes the game look unfinished to him.


    And he's right. Having a game without chatbubbles is like having a girlfriend without teeth. Sure, there are other things important, like is she caring, does she have humor, what does the rest of her body look like? But at some point your gonna look at that drooling mouth of your girlfriend and be annoyed that she doesn't have teeth. And your gonna be thinking, maybe I should get her dentures or something, because despite the fact that the rest of her is fine, looking at her drooling wreck of a teethless mouth starts to really annoy you.


    And thats how i feel when i look at Swtor. As much as I love the game and as much as other parts of the game are of high standard, the lack of chatbubbles is really a vital ommitance comparable to a person lacking any form of teeth. It makes the game feel incomplete and unfinished. In fact, If I were in control of Bioware, I would probably postpone the launch of the game a week or two to include this feature. It is obviously a failure when tiny gamecompanies that create free to play games can launch with chatbubbles but an EA backed multimillion dollar project like this game can't. The idea that we would have to wait 6 months for such a vital feature that is supposed to be standard in even the subpar indie projects is absurd.


    This isn't just an RP issue, this is the lack of a proper communication tool for near communication now if this was diablo or a similar small scale multiplayer game it wouldn't matter but in an MMO where communication on a mass scale is a vital part of the experience it is a critical issue.

  7. For the time being, I've found it helpful. I have an OOC and IC chat tab. I also adjust the color of /say and other chat options. It's not a perfect system but it's better than the default, for sure.


    As for chat bubbles, they had them in earlier builds of the game so we know the system can support it. And BioWare's stated that bubbles are moderately high on their list of "to do"s. I wouldn't expect them right away since patches are going to focus more on bug fixes for now. But I certainly could see them within 6 months or so.



    You honestly think that something so essential to overall enjoyement and yet simple to implement would take Bioware 6 months? If that is true and that is the speed we can expect from these developers then the future of this game is looking very, very grim indeed.

  8. I am not talking about 10 minutes from time to time. I am talking 30-45 minute queue every evening. And yeah, for people with a real life and only limited time to play per day that IS an issue :) If of the maybe 2 hours I have each evening I have to be in queue for 50% of that time, that's not very funny :)


    So yeah...queues are an issue. And not because I am impatient, but because I can't play whenever I want. And the queue was not an issue before the super server declaration :) So...I stand by my point.


    It depends on your scedule and preference. I'm on The Progenitor the european super server and it has queues too, often about 30-45 minutes especially around prime time. But what I do is that I load up the game when I get home and fix dinner. By the time I'm done I'm always ready to play the game.


    Queues are a disadvantage now but when the population stabilizes on the servers your going to be happy that you picked a superserver, because they will still have a crowded population with plenty of people in rp hotspots.


    I picked Argent Dawn for that reason, and tho it had queues during the first year and around the launch of new expansions you always had a good population in between. I love that, but I can see other people prefer a light population server where everyone knows each other.


    If you absolutely hate queues then I'd advise to avoiding the superservers. I'm sure there is plenty of RP to be found on the other servers EU side and US. But if you like crowded servers like Moonguard/Argent Dawn and are willing to pay for it with waiting a bit to get in then the superservers are what you're looking for.

  9. The Progenitor has an awesome community of roleplayers and a couple of RP hotspot empire side already.

    It's also the rp superserver picked by the rp community as the server to roll on so you can't go wrong there. Or just make two characters and check empire fleet cantina on both servers to pick your favorite one.

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