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Posts posted by Xaedus

  1. Some of you guys understand where I'm coming from, and just for THAT I'm relieved :rolleyes:


    For some people, calling LEFT means the LEFT indicator on the top right panel thingy, which means for Imps to run RIGHT after spawn.


    Remember I tagged this topic with the [imperial] tag so we're only talking from an Imp's point of view here.


    Easy fix is for BW to flip the indicators, but we all know what happens to the majority of "easy fix" suggestions :cool:

  2. I just realized that a good number of Imperial players go by the indication icons on the top right to determine which point is LEFT and RIGHT in this warzone.


    Personally I thought the directions were relative to the ship we launched from. Apparently this is not the case, which resulted in some confusion in some matches.


    On the Republic side this isn't an issue, as left is left and right is right on the panel, relative to their launching ship.


    What do you think? Should Imperials get properly aligned indication icons?:cool:

  3. 400 Slicing

    Full affection on companion


    Regularly crits blue lockboxes on Grade 6 missions.


    Already broke 1.3 mil credits.


    Yes the nerf took away some profitability but that doesn't mean you lose money.


    If you're still levelling the skill (i.e. missions are orange or yellow to you), expect to fail some.

  4. Alright, too bad though. Slightly annoying, but nothing to do about that. Just have to chose missions more carefully then :)


    LOL you do know by that he means the limit is the 24 hours you have in a day right?


    As in, no there are no limits?

  5. Putting my input on this debacle here as well.


    I have maxed out Slicing and yes it has been a tremendous way to earn cold hard creds. But this nerf has done enough to bring it to a point that nullifies the whole crew skill.


    2035 credit mission returns uncommon lockbox, reward 2365.

    95 credit mission returns common lockbox, rewards 96 (yes a ONE cred profit)


    If the 2k mission fails, it'll take what, 6 - 7 missions to recoup?

    If a 95 cred mission fails, 95 missions to recoup?


    Seriously devs, put crap like this through some testing before you shove it on to us. Put YOURSELVES in our shoes!

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