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Posts posted by beanzapper

  1. So, just to contribute something meaningful...


    The dev noted that this was part of a STUN implementation. If you actually take 5 minutes and look things up, STUN is a network traversal algorithm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STUN - it allows two computers to be able to talk to each other behind devices like routers.


    The University of New Hampshire happens to host http://www.stunserver.org/ which one or more open source libraries point to as part of the STUN process.


    There's nothing untoward here - a dev just used a library that had a side effect they weren't expecting - I'd be shocked if they constantly use a netstat or connection monitoring tool on each build. You pointed it out, EA/Bioware acknowledged it, the world's not falling, just a dev was a dev, that's all.


    That's crazy talk. The NSA is definitely keeping tabs on us, that is most logical.

  2. They need and want to fix 100000 things but they can't do it.

    The problem is this crappy engine. They wanted it cheap and thought they are so skilled and could fix it, now they failed hard.


    If they had taken a proper ening, the one from Crysis or Unreal, they could put all the work into content instead of messing around with basics.


    You should apply for a job with Bioware, you seem to have all the answers.

  3. In the middle of doing something in your inventory/GTN/whatever. Crew skill finishes. Proceed to rage.


    (One of my biggest complaints anyway. That and the overlap of the quest tracker and the right toolbar)


    And when doing the voidstar the minimap covers up some of your skills. ><

  4. I saw a toon just occasionally running into a wall. I asked the player what the deal was, I was told that they were using a key macro to stay logged in while they were afk, to avoid the queue. Ironically, the queue is likely there because of this exact behavior. Even more ironically, I got disconnected trying to report the player, and got stuck in the queue, of which I'm still waiting. That's what I get for being a tattle-tale I suppose, but still, it has to stop somewhere.


    Just f'ing log out when you are done! Being selfish is making the problem worse for everyone, including you! Next time, it might be me using a macro, and you having to wait, vs we both log out, and can then log back in that much quicker. :mad:


    Haha funny story. I agree though.

  5. I chose Powertech not merc, and I have absolutely NO clue about how threat works in swtor, but opening with death from above may pull aggro from the tank before he can gain aggro on everyone, just saying.


    Entirely speculative though



    It does, my juggernaut friend hates when I do that :p.

  6. My queue is ridiculous too - I'm 896 in queue. I chose this server on day two when it was standard population, and now it's full. Is there anything EA/Bioware can do to fix this? I'm already attached to my character and would rather not re-roll on a different server.
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