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Posts posted by nemesiscw

  1. I'm currently stacked full on tank-geared for PvE on my Sith Assassin, and only have 1180 Willpower at best at the moment. Though endurance wise, I'm running very high around 1870 with 21k health unbuffed. My power and surge is abysmal at best and I'm using Survivor gear for PvE with Endurance based custom mods and armorings I found by myself on the GTN.


    I want to be able to dish out some damage like the one in the video, but I highly doubt I can even do that at this point unless I buy all new gear and start from scratch... Is it even possible now? Or do I switch to Stalker gear and see if I can balance out my End and Willpower. As of now, I'm practically invincible as a tank with a good healer in any Flashpoint (I hadn't tried Operations yet) but I can't get above a 2.5k crit even Recklessness/Force Potency on with Harnessed shocks.


    What can I do at this point? I want to be able to DPS decently without changing my gear so much that I have to start over. Any advice would help :)


    BTW I forgot to mention, yes I'm running the 31/0/10 spec but with my variations. It's a shadow tree, but it's the same as Assassin. I use it for reference to my Shadow I'm currently leveling.


    Powerr is buying stalker gear first then buying survivor, switching the mods into the survivor once he has both sets


    (powerr is telling me this on skype, apparently he unsubbed a day before his sub ended so BioWare didn't give him his well deserved 30 days... unbelievable)

  2. To criticize this video is so outrageous. How can you delusional nimwits not see that everything he's said is spot on.


    Do you have no good marauders on your server? Because on mine, people stack 2 in a 4 man and go around sweeping at the same time on targets insta gibbing everything. They slot a tank assassin which does way too much damage for the survivability that class has, and then a healer of choice. Powertechs are also doing about 60% of peoples life with one railshot/sticky, send an assassin with powertech train, then a separate double sweep train, and you are just instantly killing everything. Don't even get me started on snipers shared tree. Lordy... their channel double debuff is 50%ing people as well.


    Unbelievable some people.... unbelievable.


    This game is DONE. hear me? DONE.


    Perfect 8 man:





    gunslinger-shared tree

    tank shadow

    scoundrel healer x2


    am i credible? yes. my guild does this and we havn't lost a single warzone since 1.2. we've actually killed our server

  3. If the problem is fction imbalance, what the are they supposed to do about it? Its not like you can force people to pick one side or another....


    Actually, you can. Rift made it so that you couldn't pick a faction if the population was unbalanced.

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