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Posts posted by LydMekk

  1. What would get me back as a sub?


    Remove level sync. Trying to complete my achieves is hopeless with level sync - this was one of my biggest timesinks before 4.0 hit. A new FP and OPS each 6 months. Re-implement all the orange gear you took out of the game at 4.0 - why remove the vendors on fleet? You even removed important pieces like Kalligs saber and helmet...*shakes head* unbelievably stupid decision. And also get back all the rep vendors in the market.


    Fix up the crafting - atm its useless.


    And finally, not least, make Alliance grinding comps LEGACY bound. I refuse to do this on more than 1 char atm.

  2. "Remember, your PC will always draw the wattage of the PSU even if your parts do not use it all, so you would be basically wasting 600+ watts of power."


    No, wrong. The powersupply will only use the amount of watts the electronics behind it is drawing. The watts specified on the supply is the maximum it can deliver. I would not go with any smaller than a 750W capacity powersupply.

  3. I do not support this and i'll tell you why.


    Recently i moved to Spain, a country who's visited by over 60 million tourists each year who dominantly speak english.

    Instead of accepting that and try to learn some english themselves to better sell products and services to said tourists (whom the whole country lives on) they instead dub all movies, tv etc both with audio and texting to spanish only.


    The world has changed the last 20 years. English has become the world business language.

    Hanging on to old beliefs that f.ex. spanish is going to be used as the universal language all over the globe is naive.

    It would be better for the spanish community that they invest more heavily into learning english themselves.


    And btw, english is like my 4th language ^^ and not my native one either.


    Welcome to 2016! :rolleyes:

  4. What? They said they were taking a 2 month break after the first release months before kotfe officially hit the servers. It's nobodies fault but your own that you chose to live in a bubble and remain outside the loop. Go ahead & leave, I'll gladly take your seat at the veteran table.


    Veteran table?? You are user no 4 million and 32 something... You know we can see that right? You are a newbie.

    I'm a veteran from beta with a very low user no from 2011 and i agree with the poster you razzed down.

  5. I have run my last tactical. Low-brow level 28 assassin "tanks" that dies in 2 hits, "leet" maras and noone runs for the kolto terminals.

    Had an awful Rakata run now. This was it. No more tactical for me. Until they adjust the bolster for low levels up to SM Ops standard so they can actually contribute.


    A low level pays some hundred in repair pr death, mine is around 8.000 pr.



  6. OP: Perfect, mirroring my own POW.

    Btw, you forgot to mention Level Sync...worst piece piece of crap in history. One of my interests the last half a year before 4.0 was running old content to get more achievements. Now I can't be bothered aggroing all packs i run near.

    Less reason to log in for me.

  7. Do not go out of your way to try to save the healer...ran Cade HM. Down the first elevator, running over the plaza, healer ran too close to the pack on the left, pulled and died asap. I jumped into that group trying to down as many as possible before we all croak. The tank swirs around not really engaging. I down many, all dies due to no heals. Running back i was accused of pulling.


    Telling them: no the healer ran too close to that pack pulled and died.

    The ahole tank then cast a kick from group on ME. Healer didnt pipe up at all during this.

    Vote goes through. Put the whole group on ignore.


    Do not jump in trying to help your healer. Idiots in FPs galore.

  8. No, the change in crits on slicing came with 4.02. They have nerfed it bad.

    My lvl50 comps keep both returning failed missions and only blues.

    One in 20 missions is returning purple now, and its only 2 pcs instead of the old 3 pr. crit mission.

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