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Posts posted by TechMaestro

  1. Haven't logged into the game for a week now. Don't really miss much about it now. Sad thing is that I actually prefer coming home and working some more instead of logging into the game now.


    Realised as I wrote this post that I am not really enjoying the game so no point staying subbed any more either.

  2. Now Bioware just needs to fix accuracy and alacrity. While I am not sure how they can fix accuracy, they can fix alacrity by making it not only reduce the GCD but also increase energy/ammo/force regen in the same proportion so peope will actually have a reason to stack alacrity without running out of energy/ammo faster.
  3. 25% chance



    dont buy lottery, your not lucky


    In spite of a dev quoting that number, there are two possibilities:


    1. The RNG is very streaky and therefore not a good RNG at all because if the chance of getting an item was really 25%, you would not be getting streaks of 20 bags without an item. It might be remotely possible but most people would be getting a 25% drop rate and you would not be seeing the sort of complaints that you do.
    2. The 25% rate quoted is not the real drop rate. The devs might believe that is the rate but more likely a mistake has been made and upon further investigation, the drop rate might be found to be much lower


    I believe that the second possibility to be more accurate.

  4. Let me just point this out, since there's confusion about it.


    The 1.1.2. bag changes have reduced the RNG element on drops DRAMATICALLY. Exactly what you guys asked for.


    Instead of hoping to get specific item tokens, you now get (more) commendations that you can turn into an item of your choice. That is a lot more deterministic and reliable than opening bags and hoping for a token.


    -- Georg


    Selective listening :(


    Champion bags give centurion commendations NOT champion commendations. Are you saying you are also changing champion bags to drop champion commendations?


    EDIT: The reason no one wants the centurion gear is because the stat distribution on it is horrible. Are you even aware of how different classes need the stat distribution to be on the items?


    As an example, I play an inf specced jedi shadow. I like Willpower, Endurance, Critical Rating, Surge Rating, Accuracy then Power in that order on my armor. Please look at the centurion or even the champion gear for a dps shadow (the stalker set) and see how that gear gives me those stats. Hint: It doesn't.

  5. You guys are missing the point. This issue goes beyond your whiny complaints that you're not getting gear as fast as the lucky Jones next door are; this is about implementing a pvp gear system for the long haul. Basically what was happening is the Gear Tokens drop rate was so high that people were getting geared out in Champion faster than what was intended so people were skipping completely over the natural progression of gear from Tier 1 and just expecting to immediately go straight to Tier 2 like they saw all their lucky friends doing.


    The natural progression was obviously intended get Tier 1 (Centurion) gear from commendations with the chance of getting tier 2 (Champion). Then at the next stage get Tier 2 gear from commendations with the chance of getting T3 (Battlemaster).


    Yes, this is going to hurt those people who just turned 50 because of how easily the first 50's farmed valor and gear but it will be better in the long run for the game.


    ^^^ This.


    However Bioware should realise that their players are not stupid. It is insulting to our intelligence when the devs put out patch notes hoping that players would not be able to read between the lines.


    FACT: PVP Gear progression in this game is too fast. Full Battlemaster geared players in 1 month of the game?? No one should have been able to get battlemaster gear until at least 3 months into the game. In fact no one should have been able to get tier 3 pve or pvp gear until 3 months into the game.


    FACT: Valor rank progression in this game is too fast. Rank 60 in 1 month of the game? No one should have been able to get rank 60 until at least 3 months into the game. A system where you only get full valor from kills and warzones only when you fight players near or higher than your current valor rank should have been in game from the start. Fighting lower ranked players should have only given small amounts of valor. Winning a warzone should only have given a bonus on top of this valor.


    What is sad to note is that they had these sort of systems in Warhammer. Despite the game being a failure, the pvp systems in that game did work. The pvp gear system there was also broken in that people could farm gear in empty city instances but it was months before they got the rank to be able to wear the gear. It is like they didn't learn anything from their failures OR their successes. Did your devs ever do a post mortem analysis on the game at all?


    What you have now is a situation that people have gotten used to the easy mode gear and valor grind and any attempt to slow it down is going to lead to loss of subscriptions. Bioware has to bite the bullet and make these changes for the long term potential of the game. But they also have to be honest and come out and say these things. Players will be mad and some will quit the game. However a lot of the more rational players and other players who have not yet reached the end game will understand and continue playing the game as long as it is still fun to do so. Honesty is always the best policy even if it costs you subs. Admit you screwed up and take the heat and loss of subs and move on. The players who quit your game at this point are unlikely to be long term subscribers regardless.


    My solution to the current issues:


    1. Put the blue lvl 50 pvp set back into the game. You should be able to buy this with credits as soon as you hit 50.
    2. Make the changes that you are suggesting to the bags.
    3. Put a valor rank requirement on the champion gear. Rank 50 is good enough.
    4. Adjust your expertise rating scale so that it soft caps at 7.5% damage and healing.

  6. I stopped doing the daily/weekly on my server. People have started trading kills because it is much faster and I cannot be bothered any more.


    My main reason for this is that I decided to step off the gear grind wagon and just enjoy warzones. As soon as I complete my warzone daily, I log off and start playing my lowbie alts. When the rest of my guild gets to 50, I will join them on Ilum as a guild group hunting stragglers and just having fun together. If by doing so, I manage to complete my daily/weekly, so be it!

  7. I am infiltration spec and I only use this in a 1v1. In warzones, it is situational and more often than not a waste of my time with the amount of aoe flying around. If I was balance specced, it might be more useful with the 2 second stun on break but since I am infiltration spec, it is not useful for me.
  8. I actually think it is a bug.


    I agree with the concept of certain types of attacks ignoring armor. However, nothing should really bypass shields since this is what separates tanks from other classes.


    Now I actually believe that they might not be willing to fix this 'bug' or to comment on it at all because the combination of expertise, healing and shields might push tank classes over the top in pvp.

  9. If they want to put in a deserter debuff, I also want to see an option of 'Do not join warzones already in progress'.


    If I queue and am put into a warzone already in progress, I have a quick look before deciding to bail or not. I would prefer not being invited to join warzones already in progress.

  10. There is no reason a compromise cannot be made. Have the helm, chest and legs drop in PvE and the rest through crafting. Make the crafting ingredients drop in raid as well.


    Normal mode should drop tier 1 gear and crafting components.

    Hard Mode should drop tier 2 gear and components.

    Nightmare mode should drop tier 3 and components.

  11. People really forget how DAoC rewards were in pvp. PvP gave you realm points which gave you realm ranks. You used those realm ranks to purchase ABILITIES which made your character more powerful. ABILITIES NOT GEAR! Valor ranks in this game should have rewarded expertise points and/or abilities instead of gear. You can use these expertise points to purchase abilities which give you increased offense, increased defense and increased healing or increased utility such as resistance to cc.


    The counter to those abilities was awarded from PvE. The Trials of Atlantis awarded Master Levels which were unique based on class archetypes but some abilties were common to all. Granted the way they introduced ToA was a mistake with the insane grind and need for 100+ people raids to complete them. However, they changed the difficulty level to complete those and now acquiring the artifacts and MLs from ToA is actually easy and can be done in a couple of days.


    Good gear was primarily from killing the dragon and you could do that with 16 people after the difficulty adjustments. The rest of the gear was crafted to enable a good crafting economy. This way EVERYONE actually had the chance to acquire the top tier gear in a few weeks at most. Even if you didn't have all the gear, you were not useless as long as you had completed the MLs as the gear itself did not confer an unbeatable advantage and also because crafted gear was competitive.


    For the PvP crowd, something similar would be a great change to what is currently offered in SWTOR. However the PvE crowd (the larger customer base) needs their new raids and ever increasingly powerful gear drops to be able to complete those new raids. The gear treadmill begins and ends with the PvE crowd. A top tier raider with the best PvE gear cannot stand being beaten by a good PvPer in average PvP gear because his gear should give him an advantage in all situations. Hence the need for a PvP stat to balance out the gear discrepancy between PvP and PvE gear. PvE gear will always be better and always have an increasing number of tiers to keep the larger customer base happy and subscribing. And that is where the biggest issue between PvP/PvE lies.

  12. People really forget how DAoC rewards were in pvp. PvP gave you realm points which gave you realm ranks. You used those realm ranks to purchase ABILITIES which made your character more powerful. ABILITIES NOT GEAR! Valor ranks in this game should have rewarded expertise points and/or abilities instead of gear. You can use these expertise points to purchase abilities which give you increased offense, increased defense and increased healing or increased utility such as resistance to cc.


    The counter to those abilities was awarded from PvE. The Trials of Atlantis awarded Master Levels which were unique based on class archetypes but some abilties were common to all. Granted the way they introduced ToA was a mistake with the insane grind and need for 100+ people raids to complete them. However, they changed the difficulty level to complete those and now acquiring the artifacts and MLs from ToA is actually easy and can be done in a couple of days.


    Good gear was primarily from killing the dragon and you could do that with 16 people after the difficulty adjustments. The rest of the gear was crafted to enable a good crafting economy. This way EVERYONE actually had the chance to acquire the top tier gear in a few weeks at most. Even if you didn't have all the gear, you were not useless as long as you had completed the MLs as the gear itself did not confer an unbeatable advantage and also because crafted gear was competitive.


    For the PvP crowd, something similar would be a great change to what is currently offered in SWTOR. However the PvE crowd (the larger customer base) needs their new raids and ever increasingly powerful gear drops to be able to complete those new raids. The gear treadmill begins and ends with the PvE crowd. A top tier raider with the best PvE gear cannot stand being beaten by a good PvPer in average PvP gear because his gear should give him an advantage in all situations. Hence the need for a PvP stat to balance out the gear discrepancy between PvP and PvE gear. PvE gear will always be better and always have an increasing number of tiers to keep the larger customer base happy and subscribing. And that is where the biggest issue between PvP/PvE lies.

  13. Whatever you do in Skyrim, don't rush into leveling blacksmith to 100.

    Otherwise being overpowered will come to bore you very quickly.


    Actually I am taking my time with Skyrim and just exploring the world. Obviously I will play it more if I quit this game but for now an hour of Skyrim is enough for me.

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