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Posts posted by InfallibleArin

  1. I use Force Choke quite often on targets who are in cover and immediately leap to them. Sometimes I will let it tick for it's full duration and then leap, but normally if in a pinch and need rage or a proc I choke and then immediately leap. This give the illusion of standing up as I break the choke before you're floating in the air. This is probably what you are experiencing.
  2. Crit is not as important as power. Each ability has a damage coefficient which is multiplied by your bonus damage score. So getting 100 points more of bonus damage actually means you'll be doing 280 more on your normal hits and 500 or so more on your crits.


    Don't forget that you should buy 4 pieces of vindicator gear (and place their components into something you can wear) ... the 10% damage bonus after charge is extremely useful.


    Don't waste the money optimizing until you're fully WH geared. Makes little difference. One thing you can do when you have excess expertise when almost fully WH though is grab some of your power specced Battlemaster enhancements/mods out of your ship's hold (always strip all your useful mods out before upgrading a BM piece to WH) and replace some of the more useless WH mods.


    I did not know this and have never heard this before. Thx I'll take it under consideration.


    "Fake WH" chest use the BM armoring from my old BM chest with the WH Mod+Enh from the gloves/Forcemaster boots? Thus gaining the set bonus from the other 4 WH pieces, the same expertise and slightly less armoring at a better price?

  3. So don't buy the BM chest piece at all? The best mods/enh come from those gloves/boots?


    I was thinking of going carnage and getting the absolute highest crit possibe, going beyond the soft cap. I feel like a crit is worth more than what the power will offer with that spec as it doesnt deal with DoTs and only has 1 auto crit ability in scream.


    How high can you get crit(35-40% unbuffed?) and which would be the best mods/enh for that?


    Also is it worth mix and matching mods/enh from other pieces for my BM set or don't worry about that until WH?


    Thx for the help, I appreciate it.

  4. So I have done a bit of research but have't found a thread that explains exactly which pieces, in what order and why they are the best concerning pvp gear.


    I am about to hit 50 with 2000WZ/3500RWZ comms and would like to know exactly which pieces to buy and in what order. i was planning on going straight for the War Hero mainhand and offhand and then work my way into the Jugg Vindicator Head/Chest/Legs/Boots for the 4 pc set bonus.


    Is this the best way to go about gearing up and is there anything else (other classes pieces to remod) I should know?





    Edit - Also should I use the standard Vindicator Lightsaber and the Weaponmaster Offhand Saber or should I remod in some way?

  5. It is effected by gear. Wearing all purple vs blue or green will have a significant impact on stats etc. How do you think some people (the 49 twinks in particular) have 14, 15 and eve 17k HP?
  6. You mis-understood me "sir". All I am saying is compared to other games I have played melee is much better equipped to deal with ranged, and preform exceptionally in all pvp encounters.


    Take for example Daoc or more recently Gw2, ranged classes excel in the constant terrain changes and castle defense.


    Closing the gap in swtor couldnt possibly be any easier to get in there and bash away the ranged classes.


    DAoC, the good 'ole days...

  7. Does it grant a cumulative +15% on top of my 35% speed boost from sprint or is the 35% from sprint added and then the 15% added from Defensive Forms (Ataru) to that number? Thanks in advance.



    I did a bit of googling and am still confused. Some people say no movement speed buffs stack. So when in combat sprint will go inactive and ataru 15% will activate. Does anyone know if this is the case or just more theory craft crap?


    More googling may have answered my question but any input from the community would be great :-)

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