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Posts posted by Dooger

  1. there is no reason to add open world rvr in swtor, its not designed for pvp or rvr and has only 2 factions.


    Wow/swtor players will not understand open world pvp (see OP's post, he is lost) and it will be about grinding a daily at best.

  2. Lol, that's some crazy nonsense right there. You do know that they are legally obliged to tell the truth during the investment call, right?


    Thats why they gave out a free month, the people that unsubed a month ago are "still active" due to the free month.


    This game will not die, but its gonna be down to a small set of servers soon. At that point its up to the devs if they can rebuild customer base or do like they did in warhammer and start cuting xpac teams and slowly put game on support mode.


    EA will start the punishment rounds soon, rightsizing inc!

  3. No idea why so many people get so upset. This game is fun and is played for enjoyment.


    Strong emphazes on the word game, if you do not enjoy playing it then dont play, its very simple logic.


    If you have stopped playing it then please stop visting the website. quite hilarious OP, thanks for your 2 cents, AND $15 to keep this amazing game going!


    The game is not fun, and cant even be played as an mmo on many servers.

  4. That's strange...


    My server has queue pops quite regularly and we aren't "the fatman".


    so what, most servers are dead and dont get pops. "Bioware bad" is a new level of service below fail.

  5. Ya seriously, wow did not have alot of pvp at launch, so obviously that means its ok for new games to do the same thing! You nubs are acting like you have to pay a monthly fee to play this game!


    Who cares if there is nothing to do, you have lightsabers. Wow did not have light sabers at launch!


    I am sure Bioware will copy some more WoW daily quests soon, and you can get back to the chores.


    Who cares if the devs set genre back a decade, again star wars has light sabers you nubs.


    The only way D3 compete with SWTOR is in the sense that your playing time is limited so if you're playing one game you're not playing the other, but that's about it.


    Well neither game is an mmo, so people will get tired of both.


    D3 does not require a monthly fee and is fresher, so its a better choice while waiting for gw2.

  7. And here I thought 1.2 killed the PvP que, glad to know I was mistaken!


    I hear fatman is fine which proves everyone else is not telling the truth. WoW did not have pvp at launch so that means pvp in swtor is pretty much ok for now.


    All other complaints are obviously a lrn2play issues. Everything is fine, Infact I just read all the people leaving are casual players.


    I laugh when I hear about gw2, they dont have lightsabers, and did not copy wow enough. How will you know when to pvp without a daily quest? Lol good luck!

  8. PvPer's won't be affected by D3 for the most part.. but we are a minority. Now only the PvPers are logging in because all the PvErs have a new PvE game with shinies to chase down.


    Pvpers are playing d3 til gw2 comes out. A majority of the players are on semi dead servers with 1+ hours to get a pop.


    Obviously d3 is not an mmo or a pvp game, but its something to play..

    If Bioware wants to turn swtor into an mmo and/or merge servers I might get interested again.

  9. Ha!


    Oh wait... this guy is serious.


    SWTOR has been out since December, that's 6 months live.

    WoW has been out since November 2004, that's 7 years and 7 months live.

    There are several bugs in WoW that still exist since its inception. If you want to point fingers at buggy code that doesn't get fixed it really hurts your argument to suggest that WoW is a better alternative.


    Its 2012, having the feature set of Atari's 1975 pong release does not cut it either.


    Excuse time is over kids

  10. It's not any different than when I was playing WoW and new games / MMOs came out. I mean, half my guild went and played Aion when it came out, but we still logged on to do our raids at night.


    This is not WoW. This is a game that will be shutting down more than half its servers shortly.


    This is a game that had to hand out a free month cause there is nothing to do..


    Bioware is killing swtor more than D3 ever could, not merging servers is magnifying their problems


    Can it recover? yes, but in a greatly reduced manner and possibly as a pve game.

  11. My server is perfectly fine, thank you, it's not even a pvp server and I get wzs all the time in both the 50 and the under 50 level brackets. So... Cut the horsecrap please. This mmo had the biggest opening influx ever, it's natural that they had to create a lot of servers because we had 2+ h queues even before the official launch, just from the preorders.


    No more excuses for Bioware, its a business. Merge servers or die, nobody cares your server is OK, while a bulk of the players are fed up on dead servers.


    The "my server is fine" and "WoW did not have a lot of pvp content at launch" as clear signs everything is OK by fan bois is a joke at this point.

  12. The Sky is Falling!


    Nobody appears to remember that it was like this in the wow forums as well.


    This is not WoW, the warhammer fanbois talked much of the same.


    And the devs delayed things that could have saved the game like merging servers to keep sandbox content like pvp alive.


    Warhammer is down to like 1 server now, and its a much better pvp game than this.

  13. Never played Warhammer and I found DaoC boring as hell.


    Even in 2012 you still need time to get content desigend, polished and fixed in and SWTOR has more content now than many MMOs had after a year.


    No, no it does not roflmao. Poor quality, lack of polish, lack of content, lack of understanding in design are all the core issues in this mess. The devs are jsut trying to copy wow, but they are doing it poorly and really did not add anything new to a tired wow clone market. Top it off with bad service and not merging the servers into playable numbers...


    No other major mmo has had to hand out a free month of play because they had nothing for players to do..


    It matters not what you think, the colapse has started

  14. Tell me, which MMO is harder and which MMO had more content than SWTOr 6 months after release. I am waiting.


    Warhammer by miles, and it was run into ground by same EA/Bioware/mythic team.

    Heck even DaoC had more to do as it had RvR that was fun.


    its 2012 even the most retarded fanboi should know by now you don't get to go back to compare to games that got launched 8+ years ago.


    "Hey, guys swtor is better than pong, and has more content!"

  15. Game is stupid easy, gear up, team up and gib everyone.


    The problem is its not worth the effort, its way too easy, and its not fun or challenging in the slightest. Lowest skill capped pvp ever, with not enough content to justify call this an mmo.


    Most of the servers now are half dead, yes we know fatman has people and you don't have to wait for 2 hours to get a pop. If Bioware expects to be around they need to merge servers, so people can atleast play the little content they have.

  16. Its too late for a bulk of the player base.


    Its not a game for casuals due to monthly fees

    its not a game for hardcore pvpers with 2 factions, no world pvp, and no concept on balance/cc (and waay to easy)

    Its not a game for hardcore Pvers with so little content


    Who is it for? well its good for a month like Kotr, then you have a mini pvp game for another month.


    Hardcore star wars fans that don't pvp and did not play out previous mmos can be merged to a few servers.

    They can fluff numbers in places that think Jerry Lewis is funny, and Asia.


    This is swtor's last weekend for a ton of people, people are not dumb regardless of what EA seems to think.

  17. Legacy names, lol.


    get rid of all that crap, merge servers and add some pvp.


    They know how to do server merges, and were doing them on warhammer last few years. It gave the game a shot of life each time, keeping it clinging on a bit longer.


    6 Days till phase 1 of judgement day arrives, better start clinging harder

  18. This is a legit question, but why do you feel the need to let us know you' ve unsubbed? You know there are thousands of other people subbing and unsubbing all the time that dont come and post about it. I usualy dont reply to these sort of things, but Im really thinking to myself, who cares?


    why do you feel the need, to let us know you don't know why he has the need to tell us this?

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