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Posts posted by Liarablade

  1. No, not queues.


    A global LFG channel, so that no matter what zone you are in, what alt you are on, you can see that the groups are looking for a healer for boarding party. As is, people are sending one group member to planet A, another to planet B, another to the fleet and spamming in general. A global channel would solve the problem, you would still have the personal touch of a chatroom group forming, people would still have to travel to the zone.


    Everquest 2 uses the global system of 1-9, 10-19, 20-29 etc so you can easily find a group in your level range no matter what zone you are in. Now, that many options aren't needed - but a GLOBAL channel would make groups SO MUCH easier to find.


    Example: I am on my level 28 marauder leveling, but a foundry group is LF healer... well, now, my Sorc is around that level that sounds fun - I can message them and say "Flipping over to my healer, invite X when I login".


    I bet a lot more people would have a lot less trouble getting groups if that scenario could happen, versus channels being glued to what planet you are on. No one uses the LFG tool the way it's supposed to, just like no one uses it in EQ... it's a cool idea on paper, but every one just uses channels.

  2. 50s having their own bracket needed to happen. Fresh level 50s weren't so bad, but anytime I got a level 50 on my team in T2 gear I was like "yay, gonna win" ... and we did. Anytime the other team got guys in T2 gear and ours had none, we lost. There was no competition, they could stand in the acid pits and fight the whole team of lowbies on huttball and still not die.


    However, most games do use cross-server queues for PvP even though I agree with no cross-server queues for FPs, PvP I think they could make an exception.

  3. I like the droid theme to the CSRs, so that I don't mind. The canned responses a lot do, that is expected. What I don't like is the fact issues don't seem to get resolved. I have had a ticket in for three days and I can't even get a canned response on it! lol If nothing gets resolved before my free time is up (which isn't for a while still, 19th I think) I will probably can the sub and wait til things get settled more, at the moment I can't enjoy half the game since I can't run FPs with my friends and the user fixes don't work. *shrug*
  4. Except it doesn't work that way and anybody whose given it 10 minutes of thought can tell you why it doesn't work that way.


    Lets try something: You have a raid with 14 people. You are the raid leader, you are missing the enrage timer by 2 minutes. Without a dps meter of any sort tell me how you tell which one of your dps is doing subpar dps when it appears that all of them are in constant action during the fights.




    From the experience I have of guilds that DON'T use the meters/logs - you pick the person you _think_ is slacking, even if they are nowhere near - often it's due to personal prejudices, or the fact they don't want to upset the girl who is terrible and actually lowest but that flirts with them. I remember I was once in a group and we had one PuG player and the rest some huge raid guild - they weren't running DPS meters though for the group, I was. They BLASTED our poor PuG player for being horrible, low DPS, sucking, needing to learn how to play. I actually looked at the meter and the leader of the guilds wife, who was in the group, was the one that was sucking and slowing us down, the PuG guy was 3rd in DPS out of 6.


    But seriously - they are useful, for A LOT of things. You're in a raid and you need to know who is casting a certain thing that is messing you up - you look at your logs, you can't depend on asking those classes that have the spell that is messing you up. You are asked to help a player with their DPS - well, how do you do that if you can't tell what they are doing? Give them a rotation? Well, 90% of the players I have helped DON'T LISTEN and claim they are using the rotation/spell use I have given them but really aren't. How am I to know this without a log?


    There are SO MANY uses for logs / meters. And I am glad they are coming. If someone spams and brags they are uber cause they DPS high, even if they suck and hurt the group with it, ignore them and kick them. It's easy. :)

  5. I disagree with this, I'm running 70-120FPS everywhere 99% of the time with all settings maxed 1920x1080:


    AMD 965 3.4GHz

    GTX 580 3Gb

    8Gb Ram


    I bottom out in 50-60's very rarely, so you cant say EVERYONE is affected by this, my frame rate is perfectly fine.


    Agree, not effected by this at all. My machine is a


    AMD 1055T 2.8GHZ

    ATI 5750 1GB

    4GB RAM

    Win 7 64bit


    Running 100 FPS with everyone on high except shadows off *shrug*


    It will most likely be addressed though in drivers updates, or small hot fixes later on

  6. *sigh*




    Now it's ... ugh you let everyone in, now there are too many people on my server


    Make up your minds people. :D


    There are ALWAYS queues on launch day of a game. This game is a HUGE LAUNCH, in comparison to most other games. Expect queues for the first few weeks at least. They have been adding more servers and they should add more, but they don't want to add 100 servers they don't need then have to merge after the first month. Be patient. :p

  7. You don't mention how much RAM you have... that is one thing that has been common in everyone I have talked to with bad FPS. Low RAM = laggy game.


    Another thing that can help though is remove shadows from the game. Just turn them off. Without shadows I run 100 FPS, with them I run 30.

  8. It's just a small minority, but they are vocal - they are called "trolls". My server is fine, I have helped a lot of people, answered questions, etc. Only bad thing I ran into is someone who tried to make a general chat issue of the fact I rolled "need" on an item that was an upgrade lol which ok I might have been kind of rude to that one guy, but I was willing to even let the fact he kicked me from group for something so dumb drop without comment, so he deserved it. ;)


    But yeah, every time someone asks a question on my server people have responded. And I have even given away free armor. :D Just ignore the vocal minority of trolls, that is what the /ignore command is for.

  9. I would very well hope they would take the money when they hand you your key as the key is all you need to own the game. Thats like if they printed the cd key on the back of the box of games. No need for the box if can just look at the key. Thats why they are inside the box and thats why the boxes are usually behind the counter at retail shops. They key is proof of ownership.


    They handed me the keys to a new car and said thanks again without getting my money.


    When they announced that they were sending retail keys on the 16th I contacted CS via live chat and they told me that we still would not be charged til the 20th. I guess they plan to if you don't pay on the 20th deactivate your key, even though that just seems like a lot more work for them.

  10. You buy recipes from the trainer for the regular stuff - I have the recipes for medium and heavy, but light is missing two so far that I have medium/heavy equivalents for. The level 13 belt legs and the level 17 belt. Wouldn't make sense to make you have to "find" a recipe just for light, when you get medium/heavy for a few credits at your trainer.


    RE makes it so that you have a better chance making a better quality item. And you get some of the materials back off the item (IE: I RE a forearms piece and get 1 rubat crystal back).


    Heavy is for warriors as well as companions - Khem Val wears heavy with the stats Synth can make for example. :D

  11. I am doing synthweaving because it makes Inquis gear and I am an inquis. But I noticed a few things that seem a bit odd and curious if it's an on purpose thing or a bug:


    Level 13 armor - I have leggings for heavy AND medium, but none for light. Recipe is not available at all. First available crafted light armor pants is level 23. Seems a bit weird that heavy/medium get theirs 10 levels earlier than light armor.


    Level 17 - Belts available again for medium and heavy, but none for light. The belts for heavy/medium go 9, 17, 25 but for light it just goes 9, 25 ... 16 levels seems a bit of a long wait for an upgrade that is craftable.


    Not a big deal, I am sure I will get plenty of pants and belts via questing / flash points.

  12. So..


    Whoever is near the studio should drive up there, wave their across the teams face and say "You will send out more waves" - I know a lot of you are going to be Jedi, time to practice those mind tricks!


    Ok, seriously though - yes I want to play, yes I am getting impatient, but the complaining isn't going to make it go faster. They aren't going to change their launch plans this close to the time. Just breath and count to 10, then go clean up the house since we all know you won't touch a broom for a month while you are glued to your screen. :D

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