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Posts posted by BraaxusKun

  1. The reason good reg players don't always do so well in ranked is because they're completely different styles, and most people have 1 or 2 years of warzone experience whereas arenas haven't been out as long. But yeah, ranked arenas do take quite a bit of teamwork and skill, but I agree they really should bring back 8v8 ranked and have that as well as arenas.
  2. Why is Bolster in Ranked PvP? Why not just require a high level of PvP gear?


    1. The player needed to know that this is how PvP at max level worked.

    2. The player needed to then get the gear and actually equip it.


    We also want the Ranked population to be as high as possible within the Level 55 bracket so we have Bolster in place so more players can participate in the system.




    Bolstering people with no substantial gear has absolutely zero effect on ranked queue times. The pve noobs that never pvp who you are trying to get to queue NEVER queue ranked, maybe it's happened like once ever, but seriously, the only thing bolster affects in ranked is the high end players that are already queuing and then exploiting it even further. Having bolster DOES NOT encourage noobs to queue for ranked, so as I said, bolster has 0 effect on increased ranked participation.

  3. Sorc is a good class if you're half decent, I carried my teams in solo queue on my sorc which I wouldn't have been able to do on some other classes, yes - operative healer is currently a better choice in terms of healing but even at the minute sorc is still really good in 8v8 and when operative gets heals nerfed it will probably be taken in teams a lot more often, madness is fine atm also
  4. Notice how no one is QQ'ing about sorcs/sages.


    That's usually a good indication of where a class is at.


    Probably because sorc is a higher skillcap class and very few are even half decent at it. On the bastion only 1 or 2 sorcs people complain about, because they're good players and **** people up, whereas the majority back pedal through force speed lol

  5. I have nvidia GTX 650 TI 2gb gpu. I can play everything on maximum settings including 4v4 wz's with 40+ fps. How come when I play 8v8 I have 10-20 fps. Is there anyway I can fix this pls


    cus 8v8 is more demanding on your computer than 4v4, cus larger map and 8 more people

  6. The true hardcore players of this game (AKA smashers) should watch this video to reminisce the good times we had while smashing, and to remember our elite mlg pro skills required for the most complex rotation in the game ever. The upcoming nerf is a bad move by bioware, smash was completely fair and balanced and required the most skill to master, it's not our fault most of the sorcs in this game suck :/


    This following MLG montage is my sendoff to the best spec ever made which is destroyed in the un-warranted 2.7 changes:


  7. Since the rewards have been announced for season 1, almost every server has had an extremely high rate of solo/team ranked occurring so people can get the great rewards noted in the recent season 1 end reward blog.


    Now, there is a slight problem with the way this was handled. Yes releasing the rewards and the rating required to obtain them has substantially increased ranked participation, however, with a set rating confirmed for each tier, and this late into the season especially, people have noted it is a temporary benefit.


    What needs to happen is, at the very start of season 2, hints or confirmation on great rewards should be set out for each tier, instead of at the near-end of the season, and on top of this, DO NOT give a set rating you need to achieve like has been done for the season 1 rewards (granted they gave the set rating for each tier because they took the % of players with high ratings and determined the tiers from there.) The way it should be done, is at the START of season 2, set out the rewards and tiers, except when setting the boundaries for each tier they should do it by the percentage (%)


    For example, they said that the top 5% of players have over 1500 rating and that is why it is tier 1, well, at the start of season 2 the only thing about tiers that should be outlined to everyone is that tier 1 will be the top 5% and that should be set out clearly, this way people will NOT know what the set rating is they need to achieve and then just STOP doing ranked once they get it. (What is happening currently is people are queuing up simply to achieve the tier 1 cut off point then they will go back to doing regs again.) Whereas if at the start of the season the % boundaries are made clear people will not know when they are in the top tier and will therefore have to keep queuing.


    TL;DR: Announce tiers/rewards at the start of the season 2 so there is more participation THROUGHOUT the WHOLE season, and not just a rush at the end. And if there is more participation THROUGH the season to get in the top tiers, it will mean people will HAVE to KEEP DOING RANKED, to maintain in the top PERCENTAGE of rated players.

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTKoo_Fy774


    Don't watch if you're prone to epilepsy



    (Please understand that this video is a parody video, attempting to make fun of over the top and heavily edited montages in games such as COD. I decided to make it on Star Wars: The Old Republic due to the recent "swag" community surfacing and due to the rise in "pro" montages. Enjoy :))

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