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Posts posted by The-Hammer

  1. I have been ok with things so far but ya when i read through the patch 1.1 notes i pretty much lost faith in the game being decently playable any time soon.


    Crew skills broken\

    But lets nerf the only useful one to make it from 50% use to 100% use cuz nothing else is even close to useful.

    PVP system broken (and exploits yay)

    Not a republic but it sure does screw the lvl 50s out of pvp les they wana go gank lowbies

    Commendations AND Crystals for tier 1 gear? ***....

    Farm for weeks to get enough for 1 yes 1 piece of tier gear. Fps dropping totally random useless loot gearing up companions is easy :)



    But no lets add a new flashpoint cuz current ones all work flawless.....

    Lets nerf medpacs, grenades, and all the ONLY good PVE crafted things that people use in PVP cuz thats just too op for PVP.....wait what? Cuz making them not usable in pvp would just make sense so why do that.


    All in all i like the game the stories are good. But at lvl 50 the game ends... I canceled my sub today and i wont be back. which is sad when ive looked forward to this for years.

  2. I had a similar group last night. Doing HM Boarding Party. Group was Agent Sorcerer Marauder and Jugg. 3 drops were Bounty hunter loot......ummmmm. And of course couldnt get last boss down cuz its still a retarded fight.


    I really think they should just do away with the crystals unless they add some sort of stims vendor for them and fix it so each boss drops 2 commendations with last boss dropping 3 and leave daily completetions the same that way even if u dont get gear in 4-5 runs u have enough commendations to buy something.

  3. Well tell BW not to give more rewards for a longer game. If they got full rewards for a quick game theyd end it. For now since thats what they have to do they can drag it on for 15 mins if they want. Plus they carried you. Your argument is invalid.
  4. If they didnt want the game rushed then theyd change some of the stupid things you can do it huttball.


    Like NO Stealthing no speed burst no force charge no tank with the ball with 5 healers in tow.


    They made the game about winning by scoring. So people exploit the obvious flaws with that and end it quickly. If the game actually needed you to fight rather the pass, sprint, pass charge, goal then people may care. Now its just lets win fast for a win. Why waste more time farming or not if u can win a match in 5 mins and be on to the next. You may not get as much per win but u win far more way faster.

  5. Are those really considered "higher upgrades"? I've had the power conversion module for 20+ levels.


    I meant Armor, Shields, Generators and such. I didnt do any space missions until i was 50 and had finished other things. Had i done any yes the Power conversion is available at lvl 25 so im sure its just as handy at that lvl as it is at 50.


    Overall i think the space combat is very fun. and even hough everytime i hit spacebar i see a rabbit yell at me about a barrell roll i hope for more missions and upgrades.

  6. I agree with this 100% the grind to get gear at 50 is sad. Especially that pvp gear is so much easier to get then PvE gear. I can do my dailies/weekly for pvp and get a piece of gear once a week at least if i dont get anything out of my bag. Thats not how it should work. As much as i enjoy the pvp i shouldnt be raiding in pvp gear because i can get it soooo much easier and sadly some of it is better itemized then even the rakata gear.


    I run at least the daily hardmode and try to get 2 or 3 if i can and i have just now after 3 weeks of being 50 do i have enough to buy one piece of tionese gear. The crystal thing is stupid. Either make it all tionese crystals so people can at least buy the low level gear or make commends drop off bosses instead of crystals. Its rediculous.

  7. This mission is definetly a pain until u get some higher upgrades especially the power conversion module and warfare pod. Otherwise you will be close to death at the end. If you have the pcm then taking out mines becomes much easier. but with emp its just easy.


    I have noticed that the 3rd heavy fighter that comes around and flys in front of you really close seems to take alot longer to die then the others even with unloading missles and powered blasters on that one. The others all go down fairly quickly. That ones just wants to hang around.


    I would love to see a co op space mission at some point my friend and i always just go crank out the operations for the commends and credits. Think it would be cool to do one or 2 with 2 players.

  8. I agree with this 100% i dont mind having a place where my ship is. But the Spacedocks are so useless. and when on the elevator/corridor there is ONLY ONE other destination. Just send me there. Dont make me click the thing select the only other place to travel then wait to load through it. Its obnoxious.
  9. Its not the fact that they sell the mods thats the problem its that almost all crew skills are undermined by the vendors because what u can get from them are 95% of the time better then anything that can be crafted by almost everyone. So they create the skills and people want to make money. but no one will spend anything on something they can replace with very little work and time. Not to mention at the moment there are no tanking mods to be found at all crafted or bought. They definetly need to make changes to how this works.
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