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Posts posted by MichaelSean

  1. COH pretty much set the standard for character customization.


    It's nice you can change the color of your weapons output but to be able to custom color your armor would really add to the personalization of your character and keep everyone from looking so cookie cutter.


    Also, a minor quibble - it would be nice if lightsaber color wasn't light and dark restricted. I have a Jedi named Jayhawk and as part of his look, I wanted him to be able to carry dual lightsabers in the school colors - red and blue. Only, as soon as I reached Light 1, I was no longer able to do that.

  2. Except that the only people getting punished would be... the people who are neutral? And that's not what is intended under the umbrella term of "consequence"?


    It's not difficult to understand?


    I agree with what you're saying but I don't see it exactly that way.


    It's not a matter of choosing to be a strictly amoral neutral character, although players should feel perfectly free to do that.


    I see it as a mater of not having to feel forced into making 100% light or 100% dark choices. Life is more complex than that. (Also, I guess I side with the two Padawans in love in the Tython training grounds that, love CAN make you stronger, not weaker.) You can be a GOOD person and still fall in love. In fact, if you can't, I'd say that makes you more dark side.


    My overall point is still the same - that the game mechanics are in opposition to the morality choices. Anyone who chooses to play the game as an actual, complex person, as opposed to a robot always making the same light or dark side choices in any given circumstance, has to sacrifice the good gear in order to do so. That doesn't seem right. Moreover, it seems to nullify all the excellent work Bioware put into setting up system where one HAS to make choices.

  3. /facepalms


    Another thread where people complain about something that is not an issue, and of course this is the topic that is most often cried about.


    1) You clearly do not care for the world because Star Wars is a battle been the lightside and the darkside. The SW universe is not built around neutrality (which by the way does not exist anywhere in the real world).


    2) If you the play the game past the very beginning it is incredibly hard to actually sit in the middle. My sith inquisitor sometimes got lightside points because the options that were given were "lawl kill" or "pragmatic" and for whatever reason the pragmatic reason was lightside. I can cope with this. The vast majority of the time my options are clearly darkside.


    3) To be neutral is to be nothing. You are a nobody. Someone who truly does not have a moral compass and just exists to exist. In the end why should you reap rewards or benefits for that? Why should you gain benefits for not committing? It is not like the game forces you into anything, never have I been motivated by gear in any of my choices.


    4) Gear with the perks are not that much better. You're squabbling over pennies.


    5) Diplomacy fixes all your woes. You get to play the game the way you want and now you can just go and blast your companions on mission to get the points you need to get that gear you oh so covet.


    1) No, I care very much about the world. But, much as in life, no one is 100% good or 100% evil. Also, this is a MINOR complaint, which is why I prefaced my post by saying how impressed I was with the game overall.


    2) Go read my subsequent posts. I'm not talking, AT ALL, about trying to be strictly down the middle.


    3) To make good and bad choices is not nothing - it's human. You're simplistic and naive.


    4) Perhaps, but I'm only level 20. I have a life and didn't spend the first week of the game obsessively playing to level 50.


    5) I'll have to look into diplomacy.

  4. You dont have to make pure light or dark side choices :/ Its actually pretty hard to be pure neutral by end game especially if you've ever repeated flash points or any dailies that involve choices.


    I've made plenty of good choices simply in order to extort money out of people as a Bounty Hunter but made way more evil... because it simply suites me personally as a bounty hunter to Kill more People than I save. I'm dark side 1 and over half way to dark side 2. The gear that these choices truely effect are mostly drops or player made and aren't until what tle last 15 levels of the game.


    Neutral is a lie. There is no such thing only players think they need to be that in order to optimize quest credit pay outs or impress their companions (thats what gifts are for).


    Welcome to Role Playing games you either pick a side or get saddled in the middle as a nobody.


    You're making my point.


    It would be just as difficult to be strictly neutral as it is to be strictly good or strictly evil. Imagine if Han Solo were an actual character in the game - mainly good, we'd all agree, but with a love of money and a bit of a rebellious streak. Where does that get you, gear wise, in this game? Nowhere. There's no top gear for those who are mostly, if not always, good.

  5. Bounty Hunter may be the best example of a need for neutral gear on par with light or dark side gear. Let's take the first few levels as an example.




    On the mission where I have to decide whether to turn the young Sith protege over to his mother or father, I may decide that the Sith need a good recruit, so I'll chose to shoot the dad and turn the kid over to his mom.


    But on a mission just a few levels later, I have the option to either kill an imprisoned smuggler and keep the other prisoners slaves or let him live and release the slaves. In that instance I may wish to release the slaves. Can't do it, however, because then those two missions cancel one another out and I don't make progress toward the primo gear.


    So, really, there's no choice. There's only the illusion of choice. Bioware needs to fix this otherwise, you're not playing out the story in your own way, you're simply slavishly making every dark or light side choice, rendering the story irrelevant.

  6. First off, let me say that I love the game and I plan to play it for a long, long time to come. But here's my one big issue and, to me, it seems like a pretty major one - light side and dark side choices.


    Bioware went to a great deal of effort to create a story where you have to make good, evil and morally ambiguous choices. AWESOME! Then they wreck the entire concept by making the best gear in the game accessible by making pure light or pure dark choices. So, in essence, they put your character on rails after going to all this effort to make choice a part of the game. They establish choice, then remove the choice for players who don't wish to be gimped.


    What if I'm a Jedi Knight who is, by and large good, but maybe has a bit of a flirtatious streak? Can't do it because it costs me light side points.


    Or maybe I'm a bounty hunter who is, mostly, in it for the money. But, if I want access to the really good dark side gear, I have to always make the dark side choice.


    This seems to me to be a fundamental flaw in the structure of the game. Moral choices aren't moral choices if you gimp your character by deviating from one strict path or the other.

  7. Razer Naga helped me use key bindings more and stop point and clicking. I'll still use the keyboard to move in combination with mouse turning though. Find a style that works for you and go with it.




    I picked up one last night and it works like an absolute dream.


    The problem I was running into was that I was so used to my right hand being the hand that activates my attack powers, that trying to switch to the left simply felt too unnatural. But with the Razer Naga, I picked up in 5 minutes. Felt completely natural. Can't imagine now that I'll ever go back to point and click.

  8. The problem with using a mouse like that is you eventually become dependent it. If for some reason you Razer stops making them, it will be extremely difficult to get used to a normal mouse. On the other hand, a mouse with 2 side buttons and a mouse wheel is ubiquitous, so there is almost know way you'll ever lose access to one. You'll have plenty of keybinds available with just a normal mouse like this.


    Good point.


    I'll buy 2 and take good care of them. :)

  9. Well, I spent last night leveling up from 6 all the way to ... 6. :(


    Three hours of changing control schemes, desperately trying to find one that worked for me. In the end, I've just been point and clicking for so long that activating my attack powers with hot keys is awkward and unnatural. I can't seem to make it work.


    But using thumb buttons on a mouse ... THAT seems to work for me. Maybe because it just feels right to me to be activating my powers with my right hand. So I'm going to take the advice of a couple of posters in this thread and hit Best Buy in search of that gaming mouse with the 12 thumb buttons. That seems more my speed.

  10. Your left hand is faster than your right (if your left hand is the one resting on W)


    It's faster to hit x-button then move, then hit y-button and move again.


    It's all about having agile hands and a plan in your head.


    Don't overthink it.


    Well, I can type like nobody's business (I'm a writer) so I like to think my hands are fairly agile.



  11. I usually rebind my movements to E,D,S,F and bind all my major moves in clusters around there based their effect e.g. CC, Heals, Attacks and so on.


    Attacks are usually R,T,G,B,V,C,4,5,6, while the defensive type of stuff goes 1,2,3,Q,W,A,Z,X.


    It still seems to me that that doesn't solve the problem of having to move AND press powers with the same fingers. That's what trips me up.


    It would seem like, by mapping as many movement powers as you can manage to your mouse, you're freeing your left hand up completely to do everything else.

  12. Because most of us grew up using WASD playing FPS games.


    And binding a mouse button to go backward or to strafe doesn't change anything since that's a mouse button you can't spend on a skill.


    Actually, since I own a mouse with just two side thumb buttons, I was considering mapping them to my frontward and backward movements leaving my left hand completely free for targeting, strafing, jumping and my powers.


    Seems like it should work well IN THEORY.

  13. I want to thank everyone in this thread that didn't turn into a raging jerk on the subject. I have seen a lot of threads like this go downhill fast.


    I'd like to second that. Threads like these, a lot of times, turn into flame wars, but there's been a lot of really helpful advice here.


    Just an update ... I leveled my Jedi to 6 last night using the new method of binding my attack powers to hot keys (I was NEVER a keyboard turner, always a mouse turner ... not sure how I accidentally gave people the impression that I turned with the keyboard). Anyway ... at first I was trying to do TOO much at once, working on moving AND using hot keys for my powers. Then I decided to just take it one step at a time and work on getting used to keys activating my powers rather than using the point and click method. It's not second nature yet but I did improve quite a bit over the 6 levels.


    One problem I kept running into, however, was my attack powers not activating unless I had the red targeting crosshair directly over the target. I don't remember this ever being an issue in WOW. Is that something unique to TOR to make combat more active?

  14. The best way to learn is just like pulling off a bandage, do it quick.


    Bind all your keys the proper way. Then start playing. You'll be confused at first, but as long as you don't go back to clicking you'll have the basics in a couple of days and within a couple of weeks it will be natural.


    Alright, I'm going to give it a solid two weeks. Like I said in my initial post, starting with a brand new character in a brand new game seemed like THE ideal time. Maybe by the time I'm through the training grounds I'll look like I can actually walk and chew gum at the same time.


    And thank you all for the great input! I really appreciate it.

  15. take a look at this... taugrim.com guides section


    you dont' have to do his binds exactly but you'll get the point


    I've seen that and it's actually what lead me to the conclusion that I need to change the way I PVP. I think his point about running with your legs bound (point and click) is spot on. You can do it, but you'll never be as fast as someone who doesn't have their legs bound.

  16. Holding left click to view your surroundings, and holding right click to turn your character as opposed to a or d


    Oh ... well I've NEVER used A and D to turn. In fact, I really have traditionally never touched the A and D buttons ... just W and my mouse.


    I'm talking more about activating powers. Clicking on them with my mouse versus using the key bindings. That's what I'm struggling with. Because I use the W for forward movement, when I take my finger off the W to press an attack button, my character stands still. That's what I meant when I said it was achieving the opposite effect of what I was intending. More rooted vs more mobile.

  17. I mouse turn in everything, doing it in pve just on regular mobs helps build skill when you are starting out, but once you are used to it then u wont click again, its just natural.


    When i say mouse turn i mean hold down either both mouse buttons and a or d, or just hold down right click and a or d for a tighter turn.


    Thanks! Looks like I need a little (well, more than a little) practice.


    But when you're doing a group PVE mission, they don't mind you running around in circles?

  18. Once you get the hang of mouse turning its so smooth u will wonder how u ever clicked. If 7 or 8 are 2 far to get ur fingers 2 try using some keys closer, or key a game pad, my keyboard has a gamepad on the side with 42 buttons, only game i had everyone bound on was Age of Conan. If u have regular keyboard use Q,E,R,T,F,G,C,V,X,Z,SHIFT,CAPS,CTRL. You can also get a mouse with buttons.


    Remeber best way for melee to keep on target when strafing around someone is to keep a finger on A or D at all times depending on which direction you are strafing in.


    I'm sorry, what do you mean by "mouse turning?" Are you talking about using A and D to strafe and using the mouse to circle the enemy?


    And, I'm curious, do you shift strategies back and forth between PVE and PVP or do you strafe and turn in PVE, too?

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