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Posts posted by greyONE

  1. No, I don't like it. My human always had her eyes as dark-brown. They're now gold. My other characters, including the Twi'lek are unbearable to look at.



    Almost all of my human characters had the light brown/amber colored eyes pre patch. After 5.6 they have some gold-greenish color, which looks awful. It seems as if they are sick. Not to mention that my Twi'lek has pink eyes now instead of purple.


    It's not ok when almost six years old characters get their eye color (and texture) changed on force. I don't like the new eyes.


    The Devs need to fix this! Revert back to the old eyes (minus the extrem shininess) and make the new ones optional.

  2. Can I just say, I appreciate that someone(s) has worked hard on the new eyes, but I genuinely think that the old texture was better. This is aside from the issue of our eye colours being changed (which needs to be reverted).


    Exactly! My human male Jedi had the light brown eye color pre patch. After he looks like he has some golden metal iris. Please revert it back to the old look (minus the extrem sparkle).

  3. I actually love the level sync. I finally get to do the heroics I missed out on because I was busy with my class stories etc. The ones that have been grayed out before now all have awesome rewards + the XP.


    ^ This. I think level synch was a brilliant addition to swtor. No longer outleveling content because I did too many flashpoints. And revisiting old planets with my level 65 main doing heroics I ignored because they were grey before is fun.

    So please, Bioware, keep level synch and don't make it optional because worldbosses should be group content and not soloable.

  4. I really don't understand why people complain about level-synch. IMHO it's a really good addition to SWTOR. I've played (and still do) GW2 and nobody is whining about level-synch there. I for one like that it has been added to SWTOR too. No more outleveling a planet or flashpoint and I can visit older planets with my main to finally complete some quests I skipped because I outleveld them before and wouldn't have got some meaningfull reward because of a too high level.


    (Sory for my bad english. It's not my native language.)

  5. Agreed- and this is *more* annoying as time goes on, and Odessen now has more than the Early Access few on it. The enjoyment of having got Theron, Lana, Senya, Koth, Veeroa-the-Evil-Nautolan, and so on as companions is diluted a lot when you step out of your instance and it's "Hang on, is that *my* Theron? Or is it one of the other fifty clones infesting this cantina?"


    In the old days at least, yes, there might be fifty Kiras on the fleet, but there'd be the interest of "Oh, *that*s'a nice/clever/interesting armour set for her"/"Hah, my Kira looks better than that one"/"Oh, that one really plays up the 'rebellious' look, dressing her like a smuggler..." and so on.


    We are not interested in your customisation packs. We want the ability to use outfits and armour cosmetically to create our own looks for our companions.


    This. I don't like seeing dozens of Lana/Theron/Senya clones on Odessen or wherever too. It's the main reason my BH is hanging around with this Itho-Jedi - because I rarely see other players with him. He is the only new companion I utilize. It's a shame because I spend lots of credits to collect Lanas original SoR outfit just to find out I can't equip her with it. :(

  6. Classic Conversation Presentation: Terrible. Beyond terrible. Goes against what the User has been experiencing through hundreds of hours of gameplay. Adds literally nothing, as other BioWare games make it obvious you can fit more than three voice choices into a voiced conversation system. It is not true that the system allows you to give a much wider array of choices and potential outcomes, there is nothing about the old system that would not allow that, given a slight UI tweak. This is a massive, jarring step backwards, goes against immersion, goes against the flow of the regular game, and would be dealbreaking if it was not such a tiny part of the overall experience. "We want you to really feel immersed in this story, to feel like you are living in Star Wars...so we will take your voice away from time to time..." No, that does not follow, it does not support your premise. You are going to get a lot of negative backlash over this one, I think. It is going to really be jarring to Users, and going to really feel like it does not belong in a current gen game.


    Couldn't agree more with this. If I wanted to play KoTOR (which i liked) i would go and play it. But I prefer SWTOR for several reasons with it's fully voiced conversations standing at the top. If you Bioware want to include more conversation options -> do it Mass Effect style and voice them. Everthing else (especially the silent and stiff KoTOR protagonist) is immersion breaking. Please either fix it or don't do it again.

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