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Posts posted by Zan_Lynx

  1. Waiting for an email from Bioware - see an email from Bioware - delete an email from Bioware - blame someone else.


    Waiting for an email from Bioware that was clearly labeled maybe.


    I don't really blame Bioware for putting the code in the newsletter. Maybe they think their news is so fascinating that everyone reads it all the way to the end.


    I am blaming them for not resending them now that people realize what happened. I also think that they should put the grant code in an obvious place.

  2. Hey folks,


    I apologize for the delay in responding to this thread as I wanted to ensure we had fully investigated the emails that we had sent. Here is what we have done up to this point. On 2/15 we sent an email which contained a code for both Cartel Coins, and a Chapter 1 trial. After sending this email we received reports of some folks had not received their email. To correct this, we did two things on 2/25. First, we resent the original email to all users who had received the email, but had never opened it. Two, we increased the grace period for the original cut-off by 10 days to ensure that we created a large buffer for those who qualified.


    After investigating, we have confirmed that the email was sent to all users who qualified in and around that timeline (including the 10-day buffer). I realize, based on the volume of posts in this thread, that some of you still have not received that email. If this is the case then either the email was missed/deleted (I suspect all of you checked for this already) or our email was rejected by your email provider. I have seen some folks in this thread mention that they have been receiving the monthly Cartel Coin grant emails. Please know that those emails are sent from a different source than our newsletters. If you marked the newsletter as spam, etc. with your provider it is one of the possible reasons that you did not receive the email.


    The sending of these promotional emails did conclude on 2/25. We do apologize for any confusion that was caused by this. In the future we will be more clear in communicating where, and when, this email will be sent.




    You're serious? That's it?


    So me, who read the top of the email and tossed it with the Delete button and then purged my email, so its gone forever... I'm just out luck?


    You could at least resend the emails. And put the code at the TOP.

  3. It's certainly still worth giving them a go though.

    "Gearing" I found was always the biggest hurdle many newer players found to getting into ops since many "pugs" wanted even story mode groups to have X gear.


    You would gear check too if you wiped a few times and then discovered the healer was wearing greens ten levels too low. And/or not wearing their main stat gear. Cunning on a sorcerer. WHY? WHY?

  4. I wish they'd rip out Tactical Flashpoints. It ruined Flashpoints.


    The tacticals take no skill, no planning and no coordination. Its just four random people, all DPS, thrown together to race off alone to try to get the highest kill count. No one learns to play any kind of tank or heal role.


    The tacticals pull people out of Group Finder which makes it hard to find matches if you actually want to run a HM FP or a Group Finder operation. It also means there's less reason to spec heals or tank when you can burn through tacticals using nothing but Lightning Storm or Flamethrower.


    I'm not even sure why people run Tacticals. It isn't for the socializing. They might as well run Solo with the Super Droid.

  5. SWTOR currently has PVE, PVP, Space and Starfighter.


    I propose making new flashpoints, or even Operations, that combine these things.


    An example would be something like the Voidstar mission. However, it would not be entirely PVP.


    First your team has to break through the fighter defense around the target. This would be best if it used the new Starfighter system. However, if the AI is too hard I think the older Space on rails system would be good too.


    Next, a PVE boarding mission, fighting through the defenders to the central goal. This is just like curent flashpoints.


    Last, the final bonus goal. Make the final goal an optional part of the flashpoint, so that getting killed does not keep the team from completing the FP, it just keeps them from getting one boss loot drop. If a team dies for any reason during this final fight, they're out. The flash point is done for them.


    This is a potential PVP fight. But since the flashpoint start is not synchronized, the presence or absence of enemy players is entirely dependent on when they started and how long it took them to get to the center. I'd also limit it to only two teams at a time. One Imperial, one Republic.


    The final goal could be a puzzle. It could also be a boss fight, but if so include some mechanic like random threat drop, or the boss attacks the closest player. Anything so that the first players in aren't stuck fighting the boss AND the enemy players. Having to dodge big red circles, deal with add mobs AND fight in PVP would be pretty involving.


    I think mixing it up like this would be a lot of fun.

  6. Chat bubble look tacky and are as pointless as a screen door on a submarine just because wow had them doesn't mean that immersion braking **** like that should be in tor


    I think that the game needs either chat bubbles or integrated voice chat with 3D positioning.


    Having to look away from the character you are talking to in order to read the chat box is more unreal than chat bubbles.

  7. I get the sense that the devs don't quite have a good handle on Knuth. Or even 21 days.


    I'm having difficulty wrapping my head about how utterly broken their queuing system has to be for it to cause any additional lag much less significant enough to have to back out the change. That this seems to be beyond their capabilities is just flat out disheartening.


    I can almost design it out how Bioware must have implemented queue finder. I bet they've got a nested series of loops going over each player and each FP or operation and possibly over each other player in the queues, for a lovely O(n³) algorithm.


    They probably need to use a lot more RAM instead and generate a tree of all possible group configurations. Probably a k-d tree.



    I am one of those old school programmers who likes to whack newb Java/C# coders over the head for ignoring performance considerations. MY C++ code does microsecond lookups in local databases. THEIR code uses XML to ask an ORM to generate a badly written SQL query they send to The Cloud to get the answer in a few seconds.

  8. I have a family and friends in real life that I socialize with all the time. I am not anti-social. I meet and greet other people when I am out and about.


    I just plain like playing ALL online games solo. If there is something wrong with that please let me know. I don't see how calling me anti-social or a troll in game relates to playing solo.


    Yeah, I don't see how anyone can or would be calling you an anti-social troll if you aren't being social.


    And why would you be asked to use Ventrilo, Mumble or Teamspeak if you weren't grouping?


    Now, if you join an operations group and they ask you to use voice chat, I see their point. You really should if you can. Some operations have mechanics that need to be explained and typing it in chat is slow and difficult when voice chat can do it quickly. If you can't listen to the directions then you're probably going to get the group wiped. Which means they'll kick you out and add you to their ignore lists.


    Also some guilds expect you to actually talk and contribute not just join for the XP boost.


    Not a big problem if you play solo though.

  9. Sadly I find that by the time I get there, I usually have some moddable armour, making the Inheritance/Birthright stuff a bit pointless, but if you have got moddable stuff, then it should be worthwhile for at least halfway into the next planet.


    If you have high level Cybertech and Artifice characters, the Inheritance and Birthright gear is really useless because you can gear your alts in orange with custom mods.

  10. I have to disagree with this. If people take the random flashpoint option so that they get the bonus commendations, then they just have to take what they get.

    Seeing what flashpoint has popped is just a reason for people to drop out of the queue.

    In my opinion if players wants a particular flashpoint then use the checkboxes to pick the ones they're willing to do.

  11. I had thought that the ship designs and their looks came from the corporations and planets that built them. The Star Destroyers of the Republic and then the Empire were built by KDY. All KDY designs look a lot alike. It appears that KDY must have adapted their designs from the older Sith Empire ships.


    The Mon Calamari cruisers of course look like Mon Calamari ships. The X-Wings were built by Incom. Etc, etc.


    In 20,000 years I would have expected almost every ship design to have been tried by someone, somewhere. The advantages and disadvantages of each one must be known.

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