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Posts posted by Toravisu

  1. Well I like not having only three buttons anyways you only need 2 with 1 being Offensive and the other Defensive. I like having a multiple ability rotation and skills for situations.



    See, you took what I said and went to the opposite extreme with it. I never said I wanted 2-3 buttons but I sure dont want to have to maintain 20. It is just a bit ridiculous.

  2. This game could be so awesome. Could be. I come back after two years of not playing and find that there are still a huge amount of abilities that should have been pruned. The talent trees are a step in the right direction though. I see server to server your legacy doesnt mean anything as well.


    Come on Bioware, why so many buttons to have to maintain? I hate being someone that says WoW this or that but they had a purging of their bloat and it honestly made the game better. Why cant you all do the same? Having 3 action bars filled is some what obscene.

  3. Hey all, just came back from a 6 month hiatus. When I came back I actually expected there to be more character species to pick from because before I left I remember hearing something about Cathaar at least making it into the game.


    So whats the news? Is it going to happen?

  4. I am playing my Jedi Consular and I have noticed something with this companion and really only this companion. He seems to have some issues where he doesnt go into battle when I do, and when I tell him to fight before me, he just stands there like he is lagging.


    He acts a lot differently than all my other companions I have played on other classes. Anybody else notice this?

  5. From the 6/22 Q&A:


    Fireblazer: Any chance we will be able to get extra character slots for a server in the future. Maybe as part of the legacy system?


    Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): There will definitely be more slots appearing in the near future. Stay tuned for details.


    Thank you :)

  6. So, I am on my lvl 31 Sentinel.


    I go to queue for some flash points. I can only queue for Taral V.


    I have green quests for Mandalorian Raiders and Cademimu and yet, they arent even options, and although Mando Raiders is 2 level lower in the description, Cademimu is saying its at my level range. So....why are we limited with what we can queue up for?






    So, now I look and I can randomly choose to queue for Mando Raiders? But not Cademimu? Was this still buggy on the PTR?

  7. So, I am on my lvl 31 Sentinel.


    I go to queue for some flash points. I can only queue for Taral V.


    I have green quests for Mandalorian Raiders and Cademimu and yet, they arent even options, and although Mando Raiders is 2 level lower in the description, Cademimu is saying its at my level range. So....why are we limited with what we can queue up for?

  8. Considering they have publicly announced that they plan to structure all their games to revolve around micro transactions while at the same time stated that their consumers are not going to like it, I would expect this...


    You can't walk up to stock holders and say your spitting in the eye of your consumers, and not expect them to bail on you.



    This basically. I remember Bioware/EA putting out a survey asking about how we felt on the subject of the F2P model and it was shown that the gaming community was VERY MUCH against the thoughts of a F2P/Microtransaction model.

  9. you are playing a game thats within a franchise where 90% of the males that like that franchise thinks Princess Leia in her Slave Girl outfit is the hottest woman theyve ever seen.


    petitioning for more clothes on a female where a romance option is available is never going to pan out for you. sorry to burst your bubble.


    LOL. That was funny.

  10. How about a sith lingerie model. I'm on board for that.


    As for more clothes, no.


    I want my apprentice to look more like me. Fully clothed. It isnt that I dont like to imagine or see more skin on some characters, but when it comes to my Apprentice, I expect her to look a certain way.

  11. I am a Sith Juggernaut that has taken an apprentice by the name of Jaessa Willsaam. She has been a rather promising apprentice thus far, she holds nothing back and isn't afraid to unleash her anger. But I have one problem with her. She apparently doesnt want to wear her clothes. I give her a robe, she cuts it off and makes a bikini.


    So....can we do something about making her look more like a Sith and less like a swimsuit model?

  12. I play exactly the same as I have in any other game

    ui has nothing to do with it at all


    You know your abilities the tooltip tell you the cooldown can you not make a standard rotation?


    All the info is right there man I'm sorry the game doesnt autoplay like that other game




    LOL wow. Its not really that, I am fairly new actually, only been playing a couple of days. I guess more than anything, there are several abilities that are on long cool downs, not like damage multipliers but actual abilities. You use it, its on cool down for 30 sec. I guess what I am getting at is that it doesnt seem as fluid at times because I find myself hitting the generic button after a couple of spells and seems like most of the fights seem to be 50% generic melee/shoot ability and 50% other abilities.


    Take...wow, yes, I am using it as an example. Take a a fury warrior. You have Coll. Smash, bloodthirst, raging blow, slam, and heroic strike for when u have excess rage. You are using several different abilities with very little to no cooldown constantly. With SW it seems like you have to build up, build up and then use something, build up, build up and use something again.


    I guess I am used to something different. Not that I dont like SW, but I much prefer the rage dump putton that is for example Heroic Strike in WoW rather than having to build just to use anything. And Im not a fan of the 20/30 sec cool down abilities.

  13. I find myself looking down at my abilities more often than looking at my player/area. Kinda sad because I feel the environment is wasted because we are left with a UI we cannot customize to our wants/needs.


    So. How do you all play? How do you keep track of your abilities on or coming off cool down?

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