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Posts posted by DjDouglas

  1. GRRRrrrr, rar, rar...


    Is everyone here grumpy or what. Why can't anyone just give an answer instead of blasting someone for asking a question. You can just easily answer them and say that the missions are timed to be unlocked later. Instead people have to blast them and call them whiners. There are people that will get upset that missions are timed SO WHAT. Instead everyone has to have a grumpyfest and blast everyone. I have never seen such a hostile community in a game.

  2. With the current design of the game each crafting skill is designed with 2 harvesting (mission) skills in mind. In order to sustain your crafting skill you have to have those two skills which populate all your slots. I think they would have to overhaul the entire crafting system in order to work something like that in. It seems they have designed the game to encourage alts which is evident with the legacy system. The crafting setup would also serve as proof of this since obviously the only way to gain a second craft is to use an alt.


    It is a pain and gives me a headache. However I am sure they will change it up in 6 months and make it completely new again and force everyone to respec since that is what I have generally come to expect from MMO's with the name Star Wars.

  3. I've always been able to craft with the resources in my cargo bay. They do not have to be on your personally in order to craft something. I generally drop my resources in the cargo bay after sending companions on missions. I have had to buy a second cargo bay because I filled the first one up quick.
  4. "Gamer wood"?


    I wouldn't term it like that and I think if you actually read my message I think you would have understood that "the lack" of things to do personally was at the "root" of my problem. I don't think I would be so "BOARD" if I could actually perform some of these things myself. I would like to go on Underworld trading missions with my alt. I would also like to go on treasure hunting missions myself. Most of my complaint however were the lack of missions that mean anything such as Underworld metal and Gemstone missions. It's kind of HARD to gain any resources of value when you can't even send the lackeys to get them.


    As for the CRAFTING system that you supposedly think makes me splinter with joy I am very dissapointed with it because I send my lackeys to craft for me.

  5. OMG! Many of us suggest adding more Underworld Metal missions to Underworld Trading, and Gemstone missions to Treasure Hunting. The missions queue are over run with Companion Gift and frankly JUNK missions.


    Nothing has changed!


    We are still starving for missions, time seems to have increased for missions and the critical chance or chance of rare drops have decreased. Essentially the Devs did the opposite.


    I am not going to complain too much about making the rare items harder to get. After all rare items are rare for a reason but I am going to complain about the amount of missions available. The fact that most of the time when I bring up the list there are NO underworld metal or Gemstone missions available to even choose. You can refresh the list by logging out and back in and sometimes get lucky with a mission or two. I hate even mentioning that because I have a bad feeling the devs might even prevent that from occurring.


    I am one of the rare people that play this game to craft. I am extremely dissapointed with the crafting system and frankly 1.2 has made this already lacking crafting system even worse.


    I would like to make a couple of suggestions YET AGAIN and hopefully others might agree with me.


    1. Either increase the amount of metal and gemstone missions available for companions to run in the respective mission lists or decrease the junk missions in the list (ie Companion gift and lockbox missions) Basically we need more of these available. It is ridiculous to pull up a list and to not even see one of these listed at all.


    2. Give us the capability to run these missions ourselves. Limiting to companion missions although time consuming does not give us anything to do ourselves. I love harvesting. It also gives me a reason to visit planets and not just sit on the station all day.


    I am not a PVP player and I have been extremely dissapointed with the broken daily missions. I would like more harvesting options to fill my time. I wish we had farming and harvestors (like in SWG) in this game.

  6. I have to say that when I read it, there was a clear line that stated that you would EITHER need the required Legacy level OR the credits, NOT both.


    This appears to have been a change since that interview. I see the logic of the credit sinks and agree they are needed, but there is disparity between what we were told and what we now have.


    I feel your pain. Between the crafting BS we have to go through to the fact that most items we craft are available as drops that then flood the markets and kill our chances of making any profit this game. I am not a PVP player and most of the daily missions are BS and didnt work. Space combat got broken in one of the last updates. It is a pain in the butt for us crafters and frankly I dont see any improvements to the crafting and gathering system. I quit fighting because it was costing too much to repair and tried to go the crafting route. But with all the people flooding the market with ultra cheap items it is really hard to compete and actually make a profit.

  7. I have sent in support tickets, I have posted on both General and in the suggestion sections of the thread. There have been some lengthy discussions with others in this thread regarding the problems on Illum but for Crying out loud please Fix this Daily mission!


    The shipments we are suppose to click on to start the battles keep saying Already in use.


    I had noticed a couple of times when trying these missions after patches (hoping that something had been done but omitted from the list of fixes) that is you kill a few enemies around the shipments and the shipments would finally work after clicking on them. Today however it doesn't work.


    For the past 3 weeks I have skipped running daily missions due to frustrations over this. Space missions were broken last week as my blasters did no damage to enemy ships. This week they seem to be working again albeit occasionally dropping in strength. I have to click between shield regen and max blasters in order to get them working again.


    If daily missions are suppose to keep us occupied in single player mode while waiting for more content it would be nice if they would work properly!

  8. Strongly Agree however I have a question..


    What is the purpose of the mod tables if you can mod items anywhere in the game?


    I believe that mod tables should be able to be used as a buff to increase quality of an item, chances of successful re-engineering, etc. I also think that these tables should be used to significantly decrease or remove the cost of pulling mods from your armor and weapons.


    Currently I see no point in having these tables throughout the game. I don't think they should be removed. I would like to see them have more of a purpose that would pay off. I also DO NOT want to see reverse engineering and modding restricted to these tables.

  9. Whether it is intended or not... Whether it is meant to impose rarity or not, the thing is that most of the time I look in the missions (just class 2) there are no metal missions. At this point I don't even care if they are moderate, abundant, or rich. I just want a mission listed. When there are missions I have yet to get a rare drop. Alusteel is a very rare item I could use at this point. I was logged in all day yesterday grinding missions. From 9AM till 11PM straight and didn't get any rare (purple) metal drops.


    Im just trying to get to the point to where I can craft and build item modifications. Of course at this point all of my friends have moved on beyond the level these are used for but I am still going to attempt to build them to place on the GTN for others that can use them. Unfortunately I just can't get the resources to build them.


    This has got to be balanced! We need more missions and a little more chance to get some rare items. Not a lot. Just a little. I am not asking to be flooded with items. I just don't think spending a straight whole day trying and not even getting one is not right!

  10. Both Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting are affected by this major nerf! It would be our luck that they end up nerfing archeology since we are all posting that it is working fine but our companion ONLY skills are not. Basically we are FORCED into using companions to accumulate metals and gemstones. Then we are fed 1 metal or gemstone mission if we are lucky.


    In treasure hunting I have found lower class (1-4) to have plenty of missions available. Class 5 and 6 are seriously nerfed. Overabundance of companion gift and lockbox missions.


    This really sucks. I have posted threads about this myself. I really hope they can bump up the amount of missions available soon. I am trying to craft mods and armor for my friends and this is really making the process very slow. :(

  11. Improve the Republic story line. Both a friend and I started republic side stories and quit in a day and went Sith! Perhaps it gets better but the story doesn't grab you in the beginning and I assume it has been that way with a lot of players.


    I will be making an alt later and going republic when I am done with a couple other empire alts I am working on now but I have no incentive to try republic at this time. Enjoying the darkside a little too much right now! ;)

  12. Then report the cheat! I recommend they open a support ticket and report the player, the location (be specific, planet, area, mission (PVE or PVP), and approx time it occurred as well as a description of what you witnessed.


    Without that information the Devs will not know what occurred and they will not be able to track down and clamp the exploit.


    If you have reported it hopefully you were specific and hopefully they are working on it. I am not making this post to be critical of the OP. I would recommend to anyone that sees obvious exploits being used to report them and BE SPECIFIC! Without the specificity they will have no idea what you are talking about.

  13. I have been able to figure the interface for the most part to single out artifact or prototype schematics. The thing I hate is much like you explained it. In order to improve or RE you have to sift through the junk in the list and after a while they all jumble together and get very confusing. I cant count the times where I caught myself grinding a green or blue item that I already upgraded. Luckily I caught myself without wasting a bunch of resources but as I get more prototypes and artifacts the list is getting very confusing. I would an option to remove duplicates from the list. For instance, if I have improved an item have an option or ticker to remove duplicates or lower class items from the list.
  14. I don't want vehicles banned from the fleet. In fact I would like Vehicles added to the stupid orbiting stations to get to planets. Actually I wish orbital stations would go away and we could get more space ports.


    I would however like to see areas that ban vehicles such as the Galactic trade network, Venders, and trainers. Basically if you drive into a room to get to a kiosk or vendor then the vehicle should be banned like they do in spaceports and buildings on planets. Just in the spot on the sides where the kiosk or vendors are located.

  15. I have made bug reports about this. Currently the daily mission Defend Shipments is not working. When you click on a box to activate the defend mission it says the box is already in use.


    The first time I had this mission I found that 2 of the boxes were locked up. I was able to find another one and activate the mission and complete it. That was the only time I have completed that mission. Ever other time I attempted to do the mission all of the boxes gave the message that they were already in use.


    Please fix this mission so that we can perform it daily!

  16. I have posted a topic about this before but I am posting again because this is really getting annoying!


    We need more class 5 & 6 gemstone missions. We get flooded with Lockboxes and companion gifts. Where are all the gemstone missions? We not only need more missions but we need abundant missions. The Galactic network is flooded with class 5 and 6 artifact gemstones however at 10K to 15K a pop they are not worth it for crafting.


    I don't blame them for posting them as high as they are posting them either. That is not what I am complaining about. After all it takes a lot of credits and time to get them. They are just not worth the cost to craft with since the items that are craft cannot sell for anywhere near what you would need to sell them for to make a profit.


    This is all I am concerned about. I just want to craft! I cannot currently do that with the state of class 6 missions. I am not suggesting flooding the missions with class 5 and 6 gemstones. Just merely bump it up a little. I would just like to see at least 1 abundant mission show up when I open the window!

  17. I would have to say the Armor and clothing options!


    I realize we are not in the timeline of the movies but honestly! The armor and the clothing is ridiculous. As a Sith I would like long black (BLACK) robes. Instead we are subject to Grey, Grey/blue, Grey, Blue, Red.... or we get a chest plate with a bunch of tubes sticking out of it. If I wanted to look like Bane I would be playing DC online!


    At first the chest plate with tubes was cool but as the game went on I found myself feeling my character just didn't look the part. Finally after searching I found a robe that was close enough to one that I wanted. It was black but still has metal pieces on it. It may seem boring but I would just like a PLAIN BLACK ROBE!


    There were a lot of robe options with hoods but too colorful. If we had a dye system things would have been much simpler. It would also be cool if we could wear but hide armor pieces like helmets. I hate it that my hood dissapears when I put an armored helmet on. At least the head band can be modded and will not remove the hood when worn. It looks much better than any helmets in the game!


    And what is with the Hair roller helmet? If I wanted to get a perm I would visit a beauty shop!

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