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Posts posted by DenyTheTruth

  1. This feels terribly like a troll post but in the off chance you're being serious I believe you're misunderstanding what rested XP bonus is.


    Rested bonus is what you get for spending time in the cantina. It does not matter if you are logged off, your character just has to be there. The bonus itself does not give you any experience. All it does is increase the rate at which you gain experience when you leave the cantina and is typically only applied to kills, not quest rewards. So say a monster would normally give you 50xp. With rested bonus you would get 100xp. It's a way for casual players to stay on pace with the more hardcore crowd for remaining in a particular locatio when they are unable to play. The more you play the less this system benefits you because it takes several hours to accrue a little bit of rested bonus. How long rested bonus lasts completely depends on how long you remain in the cantina. On wow it used to take something like 48 hours or more to accrue 100% bonus. You can see how much bonus you have remaining by looking at your experience bar. The green border is bonus. The green bar is your current experience. Once the bar fills the border you're all out. It doesn't go away over time and there is no way to disable it once you have it. The only way to avoid it is to not spend hours in the cantina.

  2. It's not bad design. WoW did this as well. Magic and arrows would curve towards the targets. I used to fly on my mount past ranged enemies and have their slow projectiles trail me around forever. It's good times.


    The hit chance is determined when you attack and damage is assigned and then the animation happens. If your bolts appeared to be missing when they were actually hitting it would feel awkward and people would complain. If your hit chance and damage were based off of location in space and hit detection then it would be more like a weird first-person shooter and people would complain that they could never hit their target. You'd be able to artificially increase your armor and endurance by moving all the time.


    What they should probably do is speed up the animation of the flying lasers so you don't see the curves as much.

  3. As far as I know, there's no ability to adjust draw distance. I agree it needs to be a little further out but it does reduce strain on the game to have a shallow draw so either turn it down or deal with it for now.


    I'm sure they'll optimize the game further as it progresses and hopefully add in a draw distance setting for those who want it provided it doesn't unnecessarily strain the servers.

  4. The customer service queues are super long right now because everyone is calling them for the random problems they're having. Do you need it removed the day after launch? Really? Just use it for now and when the game settles down a bit then you can call to have it removed if you can't do it through the website.


    I think you need to take a look at your life. Why are you moving so often? If it's because of your job, you need to have some responsibility for yourself. Stop misplacing your keys, wallet, and phone.


    I am extremely forgetful and misplace things that don't matter all the time but I have never lost my keys. Why? The key for the car I have costs me $150 to have replaced. So I'm careful with it. I would never lose my iPhone either. I'm not about to pay $200 for a new phone. Grow up.

  5. A couple reasons why I'm not going to another server (At least not yet)


    -I've been playing since day one of EA so I've got a good bit of time invested into my character already.


    -I'm playing with friends who are still in college and are off for Christmas break and have been playing much more than I have. They are even more resistant to abandon their work than I.


    Right, those of us that got to play on the first day or two shouldn't have to move because everyone else flocked to our servers and flooded them. Again, I'm not a victim of this, but I never understood why people flock to servers with cool names or high populations and then go 'OMG SERVERZ R SOOOO FULL Q TIMZ R STUPID LONG, BIOWARE GIVE ME MONIES"


    No. Don't be an idiot. Amirite?

  6. Wow, you guys have all been trolled pretty hard. This guy started this thread at 2-3 PM and it's now almost 11. In that time he could have replayed those servers. Instead he chose to troll you all.


    Good one OP. That takes the wind out of your "some of us have IRL obligations" because you just wasted more than the necessary time for a re-roll.


    The game has permanent consequences. All the way through. This isn't the only one. Dark Side points limit your color schemes. Light side points limit your color schemes. You can make your companions hate you. There's all kinds of stuff that's final.


    Replay the game or don't, agree with the game design or don't, but stop being a whiner.

  7. I've only had to sit in queue once. It was for 5 minutes. I play from 5 or 6 PM CST to 11 PM CST. So, pretty much the prime time for the US.


    I stuck with the server my guild was assigned.


    I feel sorry for you guys that got a bunch of wanderers on your server. I feel even worse for those of you in guilds because it's hard to move somewhere new.


    I wish people wouldn't pick high pop servers. That serves no purpose. If there was balance everyone would get their fair share.


    PS: There are no colors in the word, "Ridiculous".

  8. Hahaha stop it. I find people who try to brag up how much they make are full of crap.


    people who claim to have a lot of money<Edit: and do> don't work by the hour smart guy...


    -1 internet points


    Really? So doctors, lawyers, independent adjusters, and consultants don't work by the hour? Have you seen the hourly bill for a catastrophe independent adjuster? No, of course you haven't, or you wouldn't make an outlandish claim like that.


    Salary does not equate to money. Salary is simply being paid a set amount regardless of the amount of work you do, usually for better compensation or benefits, but it doesn't mean you're clearing 6 figures. I know several people making salary that also make less money than me, some of them by quite a bit.


    I only wish I made the kind of money that adjusters made.

  9. In WoW you could miss entire zones because of XP gains, especially after they altered the XP gains.


    I haven't been paying attention to my levels at all. I've put skill points in when necessary but otherwise I've just been doing every single quest available. There's no reason you can't do that and it doesn't punish you to get the extra XP. Once you over-level a quest it'll stop giving you XP on its own or the XP will be substantially reduced.


    When I came into this thread I thought this was going to be about PvP. People tend to like to play at lower level PVP in some games because they can twink and win a bunch. What you're asking for could potentially get you stuck in an area if you accidentally did too much and didn't get the XP to continue on.

  10. I can see both sides to this argument. Also, depending on your crew skills it might be beneficial for you to extract those mods and reverse engineer them.


    People who need the item (for whatever reason) are saying they need it. Meaning, it's far superior to what they have.


    People who greed the item are saying they want it but they don't need to have it and they can get by without it.


    Going based on description of the word alone, you fall in the "greed" category. However, Bioware has made it clear that orange drops are meant more for looks than for stats (since they can be customized). So really the stats shouldn't be what you take into account on orange, it should be the appearance.


    I'd need. Other people who "need it" will need as well. Just make sure you need before everyone else so they know to need if they want a shot at it.

  11. I hate to do this but in comparison to wow this is actually much quicker. Sure, the act of crafting may take longer but the overall experience is much quicker. Some items in wow were on time limits of one a day or week. You have to constantly either buy mats or spend hours looking for what you need and farming it. I would like the ability to craft for myself at a somewhat faster pace to meet market demand but overall I am very happy with the system.
  12. So you're saying that because someone is following you they should always agree with everything you do and never have problems?


    Khem Val hated half the stuff I did in beta. I thought it was funny. Yes, it was saddening, but it didn't take away from the immersion. That is more immersive, not less. You have to try to please your companion. That's what you do with followers. Make them happy so they follow.


    Mission Skills get you companion gifts. If you want to give your companion gifts pick up any of the mission skills and just send them out on missions that give that reward (it'll tell you). They cost 90 credits per mission.

  13. I think the moderators are going way over the top here. Stop deleting posts, if people aren't interested in a subject they won't post in it and bump it.


    I have to say without a doubt this is getting ridiculous where it appears anything negative towards your company results in an instant removal. So please can you stop deleting posts which are valid?




    I enjoy posting on game forums, but i've never in my life seen my freedom of speech removed as easily as on this one.


    Having been a global moderator on game forums, I can assure you that this happens quite a bit. Whether or not you see it is just about how effective the mods are at doing their job before the majority notices. Unfortunately, there are so many threads being created that they just can't keep up.


    They're doing their jobs. If you want to voice a complaint about the process you need to contact customer support. The mods aren't going to stop doing what they're told to do just because we're unhappy.

  14. You guys are confusing how many people are visible with how many people are in the game. The game fragments into several instances if too many people are on to help alleviate issues with spawned mobs. Just because you can't see people doesn't mean they aren't there.


    My server had a ton of people wandering around and there was no queue.

  15. Go to a mall or another place that sells Visa/Mastercard gift cards or go get a debit card. Use that to activate your account. If, in 30 days, you don't like the game and decide not to play you can cancel the subscription before the charge date and just use that gift card/debit card on something else.


    I doubt it charges until the day of the subscription so you probably don't even need to put any money on it. Just set up the account.

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