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Posts posted by fellblade

  1. In all honesty we really don't know how Windu would Cope with Nox's Esoteric Powers

    Say what you want about winning or losing the Saber duel with Palpatine - We know that Palpatine wasn't trying Flat out to Kill him straight away -

    it was Clear that Sidious wasn't using all the means at his disposal to fight against Windu which as he demonstrated against Yoda would be a lot more usage of the Force in combination with the Saber skills to offset any advantages that Vaapad gave Windu and NOT JUST LIGHTNING.....


    Hell' Windu had a lot of things go his way against Jango...... people don't take into account that Jango was not really able to use his main MO against Windu - Which is mobility (from the JetPack) and The ability to keep up a lot of pressure with 2 Blasters to pin down his foe (Obi Wan is the best blaster blocker of the Jedi - you saw how quickly he killed the other one with 1 blaster). You can even see just before he gets killed by Windu - Jango was attempting to use the jetpack but was unaware that it was broken - If Jango had his full mobility (And 2 Blasters) I am not saying he would have beaten Windu, but he could have put up a more impressive showing and maybe even have gotten away.


    Windu doesn't steamroll people the way you seem to think he does - and Nox is No Mug.....

    Windu would never get the kind of Vaapad boost from Nox that he did from Sidious

    If Nox has things like Affliction, Force Slow, Force Barrier, Telekinetic Wave etc (and Windu has no Plot Armour Protection) then Nox can cause all sorts of Problems to Windu if he is actually using these things (and Nox is seen as a Prodigy as Noone has risen in power as Quickly before - Revan even said it - so I assume Nox would have to be a decent Tactician/Strategist) - we saw how Mother Talzin was able to easily hold her own against Windu with using her force powers as well as the duelling (which she looked actually pretty evenly matched with) - Windu would be the better duellist but Nox would be the Far More versatile Force user and the longer the fight goes on the more I would lean towards Nox

  2. Hi, I know this isn't what You asked but as an altaholic and someone that has:


    A Pyro Powertech Lev 52

    An AP Powertech Lev 54

    An Arsenal Merc Lev 54

    A Shieldtech Powertech lev 60

    and a IO merc lev 60


    Have you actually considered a Shieldtech Powertech?

    It is actually more 'Firey' than you may initially think.

    Being a Tank it is pretty tough so you should be survivable - Also as every one says the Jetpack is lots of fun to use.

    I also took the talents to increase the damage of my Flamesweep and range of my Flame Burst and Flame Sweep, so I tend to use a lot of Flaming based powers as a whole - (mixed in with Rocket Punches and Rail Shots).

    (You can even take Pyro Shield as well to keep with your Fire Theme)


    However - beyond that, the main reason why I am Suggesting this is 'Firestorm' if you like fire/flame based powers - this is THE power for you - It is a lot more spectacular than the normal Flamethrower (and Immolate)- The Flames are more intense and even set the ground alight (and it has a cool Powerful Jet Engine type sound) - Also, it procs all the time and does some decent damage to boot.


    It may not be quite what you want and it doesn't do as much damage as the others - but you never know, you might like the feel of it :)

  3. I Think that this is a good exercise and that tiers are perhaps a better way to judge things - as oftentimes things are so Close between characters - that it is hard to Separate them and definitively place one above the other.


    The Only thing I would say (having played all the Stories) - is that I believe that the HOT, Wrath, Nox and Barsenthor should probably all be on the same tier (Whatever that tier may be).

  4. I agree that Rail Shot is one of the best Moves/Animations in the game.


    Personally, I think that Mag Shot should have kept the same Basic Animation as Rail Shot but then just changed the Beam in some way (maybe something simple as adding Flaming, Pulse or Gaussian effect).


    Then, I would use the Mag Shot animation for Priming Shot (instead of the existing Priming Shot just being another variant of Power Shot).


    I think things would look better that way - and all the animations would still be used.....

  5. Hmm... next article. I haven't done full research on Mace Windu, but my initial thoughts are this: Meetra > Revan > Mace.


    In all honesty, if we choose to take the original Clone Wars series with a heaping of salt, I'd say that Dooku is more powerful than Mace. Granted Dooku doesn't get the recognition he deserves in this field, but that's a discussion for another time.


    So, yes, I'll agree to this article until I do some more research.


    This is interesting because I myself find Dooku more impressive than Mace in both Saber and definitely in use of Force Powers - he just looks more Technically Adept in both Spheres......

  6. ''and also known as Moraband by the time of the Clone Wars'' (from wiki) ,this i can live with.

    apparently they started calling the planet differently in universe by that time.


    this means fans can still call it Korriban and not be wrong.


    Yeah - I am trying to think of it like Ancient Egypt (Seeing as that it kind of what Korriban seems to be inspired by)


    I have Heard it Referred to as Khemet

    The Greeks called it Aígyptos

    The Romans Aegyptus

    We (English Speakers call it Egypt)


    I see Morraband the equivalent of 'Egypt' (The Modern name - Yoda is about 3000 years in the future after all)

    and Korriban the equivalent of 'Khemet' (Essentially - a more ancient name for the same place)

  7. Because its filled with Force Energy....


    I don't follow.


    Mother Talzins Quote was:

    "It may help you to know, however - That I am not a Natural Force User like the Jedi or Sith - I use Dark Magic to achieve Power......."

    So She does recognise and know about the Force - but she doesn't seem to think that what she does is 'The Force' per se...... As I said, could this just be down to her perception of her abilities and because they are somewhat different to What most Jedi and Sith do (although It does seem quite a bit like the more esoteric type Sith Sorcery to me), that she differentiates her 'Dark Magic' from 'The Force'?

  8. I liked this Season... had a few nice arcs, but I can't help agreeing with the poster that said that it did feel a little disconnected to the previous season.


    I found it quite interesting that Mother Talzin says that she doesn't actually use the force...

    What is the source of her power then? -

    I always thought It was some kind of Dark Side of the Force Sorcery that she Percieves as Natural Magic connected to Deities.


    So is it really the Case of her actually not using the Force or is it more of a case of her just not perceiving herself to use the Force?


    Whatever it is - she seems to be a Match for Mace Windu..... :)

  9. I would like to Say Plo Koon - but If I am to be honest, I really do not know enough about Ulic Qel-Droma to make an fair analysis.


    But From My Understanding - the Exar Kun Ulic fought wasn't prime (probably wasn't prime Ulic either).

    However, Prime for Prime did Exar Kun not surpass him to the point where Ulic pretty much admitted that he would no longer be a viable challenge for Exar Kun anymore? As I said - I don't know that much about Ulic so I may have my facts wrong....

  10. OK so maybe Ventress is not as strong as Fisto. But you can't have your cake and eat it, you can't claim that Ventress lacks the strength to brute force out opponents while also supporting the claim that Ventress is as strong as Maul.


    Maul being a Dathormirain Nightbrother whose entire life has been dedicated to physical improvement and martial ability. What did Fisto do, lift weights in his spare time? Maul is the height of physical perfection.


    If I remember rightly, the Phantom Menace Novel states that Maul is Stronger than both Qui Gon and Obi Wan.

    and as you point out Maul puts a lot of Emphasis on the Physical/Fitness side of the training - more than most Jedi/Sith that I have read about....He is definitely physically stronger than Ventress.


    As for Fisto - Strong Opponents can be considered somewhat a weakness for Ventress - The Strength differential cannot be that great between them if that was not a factor in their fight in which (let us not forget) Ventress beat him by analysing and countering his Main Style - So when push came to shove I think it revealed that he had nothing of significance to fall back on (including Strength) once his main style was overmatched....... If he had anything else worth using - I think he would have......


    You could see how much of a difference the strength made in the Fight between Savage and Ventress.... Fisto clearly isn't in the same league as Savage when it comes to Strength - Savage was able to nullify a lot of Ventress' Speed and Agility advantages with his Strength - by some well timed powerful blows and by grabbing her and throwng her......


    I think Strength as an attribute gets undervalued a lot - when it can be a Very significant factor (and gamechanger) in a Fight.

    Kind of like the Myth of the Skilled Samurai and the Untrained Brutish Clunky Knights and the Katana swords that can cut through anything and are so superior than any other blade........

  11. Sometimes I hate quoting myself, but since I've already made the counter-argument:


    Ok - let me counter-counter :)


    Even if We take Ventress' analysis out of the Picture - The limited 'well' of Shii Cho is going to always be less complex and unpredictable than Something like a Juyo or Makashi


    To use a fencing Analogy - Shii Cho is like Foil....

    Lets say Other Later Styles are Like Epee and Sabre.

    Even if someone was a foil Master an Epeeist or a Sabreur would probably beat them if using combined ruleset - simply because of the limited variety of moves that a Foilist would be trained in (Saber and Epee cover All of Foils attack and defense zones as well as adding a greater variety of attack zones (esp. Epee) and completely different kinds of attacks (Sabre cuts/chops- that Foil simply does not train in defensive techniques to counter)

    No matter how unpredictable a Foilist is - he would be limited by the simplicity of the style- as that is the pool that you are able to draw from - the other Styles would simply have advantages as they are better designed duelling styles and have more/better/specialised duelling elements

    (just like Shii Cho virtually all Fencers learn foil First for the basics before moving on to Epee and Saber).


    Savage trained with Dooku (like Ventress) so would be used to fighting (or at least) be aware of unpredictability in fighting, as Dooku is a flat out better duellist than Fisto - uses more precise bladework and very specific (and deceptive) duelling strategies - so Savage would be used to fighting with/trained by someone who is even more capable of using more unpredictable and more technically advanced techniques than Fisto - not to mention that his training may have some Makashi specific elements which would be designed to be very effective against Shii Cho.... Fisto's unpredictability would be less of factor in my opinion than what people seem to think it would be.

    (Now I think of it, he also did some training with Maul.....who again uses - an unpredictable style)

    So he is used to/trained by - 2 Duellists who utilise more technically advanced and unpredictable styles than Fisto...


    Come to think of it - Savage would probably have less experience against more Power-based, Deliberate fighters than the speedy/agile ones.....

  12. This is what I mean about the Fisto overrating - he is Not THAT fast to use the Sidious Speed advantage as a point in his Favour......Sidious has been proven to be WAY faster than Fisto (and had Fisto been the first one attacked by Sidious he would most likely have been killed in 1 second rather than 2 or 3) and I am sorry but his style cannot be THAT unpredictable if Ventress (who hasn't been Stated as a Master of any form - and is somewhat unrefined) could analyse it that quickly...

    I would assert that Ventress is just as fast and MORE Unpredictable and Improvisational than Fisto.


    The Grievous thing is Ridiculous - 4 Sabers being wielded by 1 person is Significantly different from fighting 4 Opponents - 4 people would have 4 different minds and can never be as coordinated as a single mind - part of fighting multiple opponents is the fact that they can easily get in each other's way and you can postion and move yourself to take advantage of this and make it so that at is hard for all of them to attack you at the same time.

    Grievous is 1 body and can always bring all of his attacks to bear as he won't get in his own way - the positioning and movements used to fight multiple opponents (which I am sure has to be what is taught in Shii Cho) would be totally irrelevant against Greivous seeing as the attacks all stem from one source.... These attacks would also come from angles that would be impossible for 4 different individuals to Replicate (seeing as 4 different bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time).

    Ultimately Grievous is more like Fighting a Single opponent that will seem faster and relentless because of the Multiple arms all being able to deliver attacks at the same time.....Also - these fights have Never quite been fought to conclusion - What would happen if Fisto Chops 2 of Grievous' arms? (there is nothing I have seen that gives Shii Cho an advantage against Jar Kai - (Ventress) or Saberstaffs) or Grievous somehow gets to one Saber - would the tables be turned then???


    The attacks that Ventress got in against Savage were hand to hand - Hand to hand attacks are probably a bit easier to land in these duels because people are Primarily focusing on defending against the Saber so given a choice they would rather block the Saber and take the hand to hand strike if necessary. Against Ventress - Savage was probably happy for her to fight hand to hand as her blows were inconsequential to him and probably not even worth defending against - this got her in close (most likely what he wanted) and he was able to just pick her up and slam her. If you don't have the physical Power to Overcome Savage's resilience you would need the hand to hand skills of someone like Maul to beat Savage in that situation (Fisto doesn't have either)


    How many Lightsaber, Force-Wielding Opponents has Fisto Fought and what were the outcomes of these encounters? (and I am not talking about Sparring) - Even in his Short career I think Savage has fought more...(I may be wrong - so if anyone knows about Fisto's fights please tell me)

  13. No Kit Fisto love from me I am afraid... :)


    I admit to not being unbiased as (most of you probably already know) Kit Fisto is one of my Least Favourite Jedi and I personally find him to be somewhat Overrated due to his showings against Grievous (a Foe who they mistakenly gave a specific weakness to Fisto's Style)

    but Overall he hasn't really Impressed me that much.


    I think that Savage as a whole Package could beat Fisto - Maybe Fisto is the Master of Shii Cho but ultimately it is a basic style (and If Ventress was able to analyse it after seeing him fight once it reveals the limited potential of this path - it is pretty much the opposite of Exar Kun's mastery of Niman) I don't see Fisto as a sophisticated saber Technician - it seems that in actuality a lot of his Effectiveness comes from his speed and rapidity of his attacks.

    I'll give Fisto a Speed Advantage (but not to the degree where I think he can run circles around Savage or too quick for Savage to be able defend at all against - If Savage can hit Ventress then I think he can hit Fisto) - I will give Savage a Strength and Resilience/Recovery advantage as well as his Telekinetic bursts appearing to be more powerful - (Savage's Telekinetics visibly hit Harder and Push Farther and seem to have more of a disorienting effect on his opponents).


    Fisto it seems to me, needs to be on the offensive to be most effective so I think he will go for Savage head on I don't think he can afford to just defend - I personally see Plo Koon as a better Duelist than Fisto so If Savage is a viable challenge for Plo Koon then I think he can Give Fisto all kinds of problems. I don't think Fisto has any specific stylistic advantage over Savage either but he does have experience over him (but pretty much anyone that Savage has fought has experience over him)

    I see Savage also having an advantage being able to mixing in hand to hand effectively - Savage was able to disarm Ventress of her lightsaber with just the effects of a punch to the body - I think any hand to hand blows that Fisto uses will pretty much be negated by Savage's toughness


    Similarly to when he beat Adi Gallia, I see Savage being able to force some kind of significant Opening against Fisto and Finishing him off.

  14. I have always thought that he *might* have - it seems that other primary Vaapad users eventually did.

    Mace being the best at it would probably be most resistant - but fighting Sidious did push him to beyond his limits...


    Also in the DVD commentary. George Lucas says that Anakin actually did the right thing in stopping Windu which again seems to indicate that he was not acting in a Jedi like manner (and was certainly being strongly motivated by fear and anger at that point..... and what does fear and anger lead to.....???)


    However, because he died seconds later after this point it is hard to truly know - we would have to have seen his subsequent behaviour to see if he had fallen at all, fallen temporarily or had completely fallen.....

  15. This is an interesting one....


    I don't really know that much about Plagueis - apart from reading his Section in The Book of Sith

    I do actually have the Darth Plagueis book at home but have not yet had a chance to read it yet - so I may make some wrong assumptions....


    I am inclined to think Plagueis - However, people have raised some good Points and I think Malgus going all out to his full potential is a tough fight for virtually anybody.


    I do not necessarily think that Plagueis would be a master of all 7 forms like Sidious (he may or may not).

    Apprentices do not necessarily have to follow in their masters' exact footsteps especially with Styles - For instance Obi Wan was Anakin's Master and a master of Soresu . Anakin on the Other Hand was a Master of Shien/Djem So -. (Obi Wan could never have taught him that style to that degree)


    Sidious had a Very different mentality to Plagueis when it came to knowledge and was very inclined to independent study.... Sidious was all about gaining all the knowledge power he could from anything, whereas Plagueis was pretty set in his ways. If Darth Plagueis didn't believe that something was worthy he kind of didn't really spend any time on it - he was disdainful of Sith Sorcery so didn't bother with it - Sidious was a master of Sith Sorcery. He seems somewhat disdainful of Lightsaber combat so he may not have delved into it to the Degree of Sidious - (Plagueis could be say just a Master of Niman and just be very effective because of the way that Niman can utilise his immense force power). All I am saying is that there are independent sources of study so Sidious did not necessarily have to have learned all his Lightsaber skills and definitely not Sorcery from Plagueis....

    (However, if it is actually stated that Plagueis is actually a Master of all 7 forms - then my speculation is wrong - either way, I don't think he would be as good a Sidious with the Lightsaber)


    Plagueis also had a weakness in force Awareness - Luke Skywalker even speculated that he did not think the force 'talked' to Plagueis. (so you can kind of get the jump on him and he may be oblivious to certain developments in mid-battle)

    Malgus is a seasoned veteran and has proven resourceful and adaptable in fights and definitely has more of a mentality for Combat - which almost seems like a sometimes necessary but bothersome activity to Plagueis.

    Also, one thing I would say about Malgus is that he can get his Power Boost to raise his level Very Quickly and Suddenly (This is what I consider one of his greatest strengths). This can often catch his foes unaware and enable him to Overwhelm them and finish them off very quickly......


    Obviously Plagueis' Speed and Force Ability will be a huge Factor (he may also have some kind of way to utilise his Midi-Chlorian knowledge to his advantage) - but I would say that I think it *possible* that Malgus (while not being overall more powerful) may be able to beat him in a Fight.

  16. I doubt we'll be seeing him conjuring up Sith magic and the like, he is not a Sith Inquisitor like in SWTOR. I expect he'll be very much standard and rudimentary in terms of his capabilities and in the end, his character is more important.


    Maybe Maul and Ventress' fates will somehow intertwine at the end.... (and actually end in the clone wars era)

    Or Maybe they may leave it somewhat open ended just to have the option of having them in Rebels if they ever so wish. Surely they can't have a plot device to bring Maul back (from the dead) again??? :p


    I'm not saying that I want the Inquisitor to be all powerful or anything like that - but it would be good to see something a bit different......(The unusual Lightsaber is a start)

    As you say though, the most important thing will be how they develop his character..... For a start, his motivations and eventual ambitions would be quite interesting........(not to mention his actual history)

  17. If there are Jedi... but I suppose if you have Sith, you need Jedi.


    Which brings me to by second request: Ashoka!


    Seriously though, I feel she'd be absolutely perfect for Rebels.


    Lol - I wasn't her biggest Fan - but Storyline wise I can definitely see her in it - I think I would be more interested to see her as a grown woman rather than the somewhat irritating 'Jailbait' teen Version (and see what kind of path she took after she left the order).


    This Inquisitor Guy - I can see potential in him - to be an actual proper Inquisitor...

    Maul I see more as a Warrior, (even) Ventress too - I know they were used more in an assassin like capacity - but I think this was more to do with the lack of Sith numbers at that point and needing to do things a bit more covertly.

    Their skill sets seemed more Warrior and primarily (Offensive) Telekinetically based.


    This guy being completely new and all - they have a lot of scope to do things with him. I would like to see him with a bit more esoteric/sorcerous based Force abilities and perhaps even lightning - the single-handed Double-bladed Lightsaber should be pretty interesting too.....

  18. Forget that, just give us Ventress. :D


    Haven't they got that (Pau'an) Sith Inquistor Character?




    I am assuming that he will be in that kind of role.....he is said to be a 'Jedi Hunter'

    (looks like he has a more Exar-Kun variant of the Double-bladed lightsaber (with a unique handle) - wielded one handed)

  19. So is this list about Accomplishments - or who would win in a head to head Dogfight?


    For My 2 cents I would Have Asajj Ventress on this list (as a Dogfighter) She seems to be a Very good fighter Pilot - Close to Anakin definitely better than Obi Wan.....

  20. Let's get this back on track:


    Putting forward Kas'im again for #7.


    While there may be many that dislike Kas'im - and I will agree that 'greatest swordsman that ever lived' is hype...


    However, in universe fact is: that he was a Master of all seven Forms and beyond that he had perfected every move and every sequence - and that is not hype, not opinion and cannot be disputed. (and this is not extrapolation of the text either - it is a flat-out stated truth of the character)


    In a list dealing with just Lightsaber skill in it's purest form (so no physical or force power advantages being taken into account) - I don't see how he could not be on this list (possibly even higher)


    My knowledge of the Star Wars universe is far from complete so if there are others with better credentials which can be proven by actual sources and not bias or opinion - then fine........but I am sure that this will be hard to beat (and certainly not by what I have seen so far)

  21. Caedus performed better against a better Luke than Sidious did against a pre-prime Luke. This and other things are why Caedus is #1 on Sith Lightsaber skill but Sidious we all know is #1 overall Sith.


    Maul's #6 is secure as is Kas'im's #7 spot. I'd also like to throw in Bane's name again for the list along with Krayt and Ulic


    I will go for Bane too - I don't really know enough about Krayt to argue his case but he does 'seem' like he should be on this list.

  22. Back on topic. Just put Kas'im at #7. We all know that's going to happen anyway, may as well just do it so we can move on.


    *steps over all the bickering folks* :p


    I will agree with This...... :D


    As I said before - If we are going to use Varied ,Wide-Ranging Lightsaber Skills as a 'reason for' in this debate (Such as Ulic being proficient in other styles apart from Djem So - Which is a perfectly valid point to make in his favour). I very much doubt that you will find many that will beat Kas'im's credentials in that regard (especially that he was a master of Duel-Wielding and Saberstaff also, so that becomes an even stronger argument in Kas'im's favour).


    Sometimes we just have to accept that there may be Characters that we don't like - but who have certain credentials (skills/powers) that make them contenders on some of these these lists.


    Personally I dislike Darth Caedus and Jaina Solo (and most of that NJO stuff) - but I will admit that they (especially Caedus) would probably make a lot of these Top 10 lists.


    Come on Folks, give Kas'im a break - There are a lot worse Characters and far more overrated ones than him..... :)

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