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Posts posted by Jaana

  1. Imperial Agent is fun if you're doing it solo. Unfortunately for the most time I'm running grouped with my Bounty Hunter friends and he gets pretty annoyed. He does two of his class quests in the time it takes me to do one. The story is great, but it is irritating when I do a quest, then have to holocall my Watcher, then have to run all the way back to the HQ to make a full report. As my friend puts it, IA story is mostly running and reporting. Not very multiplayer-friendly.
  2. Oh geez, you guys are ridiculous. I'm a girl gamer but I don't give two ***** about the romances. If they're there, cool, I'll do them. If they're not very good on one class I'll just start leveling another in a while. Want a good romance? Watch Casablanca. They're not the main gameplay element and the argument that you won't be playing a class because the romance is crap gives fuel to the opinion that all girl gamers are shallow idiots. Romances are an aditional feature, not something that makes or breaks a game. There are plenty of good games featuring no romance whatsoever. If you're bothered with Vector, chill out and roll a trooper. Aric is dreamy xD
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