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Posts posted by Laran

  1. Yes I know you can move everything around that is nice however the character windows are now different. I can't stand the way they look now its just stupid annoying bubbles of face sticking awkwardly off the side of my hot bars. It shouldn't be a big deal but it is really bugging me. I didn't care about a moveable UI I still don't but it pisses me off there isn't and original setting, sure I can have mine look like WoW's but no. The extended otbars just look like a half *** attempt to make them kind of the same. Its just facepalm that they didn't think to put an original option in. I just want my windows to not make me want to punch a wall. So yeah I will play again when there is an option for the original UI untill then I cannot play for risk of punching my monitor.
  2. Do any assault spec vanguards roll with the commado pvp set? The extra 0.5 sec on my aoe stun doesnt seem that good and since im assault spec I feel having 15% crit chance on HiB is better than 15% crit on shockstrike regardless of the 2 set bonuses. Anyone else feel this way?


    Arean is stupid unless arena is there for fun only. Arena ruined an already ruined pvp system in wow. I would only be in favor of an arena system if it was based on wagers. You either wager credits, valor, commendations or all of the above and thats your rewards. Arenas in wow meant that if you wanted to pvp you had to do arenas or you fell behind cause bg gear wasnt as good. You chooseing to do arenas should be your choice I shouldnt be forced to arena is I want to compete.
  3. The problem isnt witht he power tech shield, its your spec failing. My vanguard rolls 28 assault 13 tactics, my shield is on a one min cool down and my heal is on a 2 min cooldown. Assault > tactics or whatever the BH version is.
  4. I felt I had to share this spec,




    My reactive shield is on a 1 min cooldown in combat, my adrenaline rush is on a 2 min cool down in combat. I am able to throw out HIB 3-4 times in a row and with the three dots ticking, I am able to pump out solid damage. I rarely die and I never die in 1 v 1. This spec is meant to last in pvp, like when your guarding a door or a control point you will always be able to hold out till help comes, I have fought and won against three people in a row back to back.


    Some variations I have tried would be to drop burn out to pick up frontline defense as this spec is incrediblely hard to kill healers. Two points could also be put into Brutal impact for the increased dmg on HIB if thats the route you want to go.


    In the end the bust damage is great with the abiility to pump out multiple HIB back to back and the 3500 damage or so constantly ticking with the dots keeps your enemies dead and you killing. have fun.



    alternate 1 - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8010MZrsM0oZfhrrzGMr.1


    alernate 2 - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801ZrsMboZfhrrzGMr.1

  5. In huttball acid and fire should = death but it doesn't. You should not be able to shield the ball carrier and have them run through acid and two sets of fire without taking damage to score. Jedi and sith should also not be able to just through the fire, fire should = wall.....
  6. Its all about the player, and frankly there are many more bad scoundrels and ops than there are good ones. I finish almost every warfront in the top 3, sometimes it takes multiple people to kill me but guess what? Im specced for it. Im scrapper/sawbones for the healing aspect and i always have upperhand stacked. I use my resolve bar to get around CC and defense screen to lessen damage. Guess what? scoundrels arnt the only class that can do this, sages can make a ranged dps/healing spec and be quite lethal, troopers and bounty hunters have good heals and survivability not to mention heavy armor. People just like to cry overpowered as an excuse for their suck and lets be fair in any mmo with a stealth class everyone always cries "nerf" because noone likes fighting stealthies. Which makes me realize you are all just class racists! gunslingers suck go scoundrel!
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