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Posts posted by Random_Axcess

  1. leveling alts on the same faction becomes tedious after the first one. Hammering the space bar through the same conversations the third or fourth time begins to test the patients of the player and deterrent to play (especially when you are on larger planets with long linking quest chains).
  2. You also have to take into heavy consideration the amount of instancing even if the server is max full. It will instance players and can make it look like a ghost town, I do not know how many people per instance they have set but it need to increase. Starting a new jedi out on Tython and leveling to 10 there were 41+ instances, unfortunately I very rarely say anyone else.
  3. Now that I am playing through the second time I don't care as much about the character because I know whats coming.


    The first time I played through the SW story this was a deal breaker for me and I could not play the class anymore. Having the decision forced on you to forgive him is terribly broken and what is even worse seconds after the cut scene ends, it is like it never happened at all and isn't mentioned again. I can not understand why anyone thought this was a good idea in a story based game where you have killed people you don't know for much less, let alone a betrayal on this level.


    I actually wrote a feedback in beta that I knew would not go anywhere, but even now I would actually pay for DLC that allowed me to kill him and quest for a new companion.


    Below is a rough of what I sent them, it just made me feel alittle better.




    1. After the betrayal and you are forced to take him back Jaesa feels a strong dark side presence in the force in a companion conversation on the Sith world of Dromund Kaas (start quest).


    2. After arrival and some menial steps (others are looking for him/her) you track down the Sorcerer in one of the ruins. Fight ensues and you beat him, background story insert and he pledges his loyalty to you. You call Quinn down and have him help the sorcerer, he then makes a remark of how the crew is growing and an eye needs to be turned to quartering space on the ship.


    3. It is at this point the camera pans back to you and you say. "that will not be a concern, Quinn. [sorcerer] will be taking your quarters". Quinn comments as he realizes what this means and your option wheel appears.


    1. [light side] - Your services are no longer needed.




    Your treachery has not been forgiven Quinn and neither your punishment. Your new assignment, Sergeant. Will be so far off the known map the empire will never know you even existed.




    2. [dark side] - Your existence ends now




    Your treachery Malavai Quinn has not been forgotten and you have now outlived your usefulness to me. One does not cross a Sith Lord.


    (You strike him down with your saber leaving his body for the core slugs)




    3. [dark side] - Your treachery has not been forgotten




    Did you actually believe I would allow you live after what you have done? Now that your replacement has been sought out your usefulness to me has run its course. [sorcerer] end this miserable wretches life, he does not deserve my blade.



  4. I rolled a female trooper last night and at level 15 I had two different flirt options. The first was on Ord Mantel in a conversation from a mission in the field. The second option is right after when you step foot on Coruscant and the conversation has multiple flirts if you select the right ones.
  5. Personally I can't wait for name changes. It's very disheartening to pick a name only to find out later in the story there's a character with a nearly identical one.


    I didn't pay much attention to companions and played mostly Republic in beta.. Rolled a sith warrior and named him Mako. I still never hear the end of it from people.

  6. The people in chat don't know what they are talking about. The problem with population is a design flaw. Even on the heaviest populated server you will find instances where it is a ghost town upon loading in. The server may be full, but there are 30+ of the same instance housing people, each instance has a set number of people. Just as an assumption I would expect instances are evened out population wise until a certain number is hit.
  7. Loot Council - Group of officers distribute the raid based on the needs of the guild. Pros: The needs of the guild are met, and little maintenance. Cons: Possible hurt feelings, and feeling by members that they have no say-so in matters.



    This is the worst of all systems because much like Communism it only works on paper. In the short term your guild will trust what the officers say, but in the long term enough people will feel slighted that items are only going to the favorites (true or not). Eventually this system will tear the guild apart as members split off until it finally dies.


    DKP(zero sum or simple)


    This is the best and simplest system to use, you get DKP for attendance and supporting the guild. All members of a raid force will be used to this system and those who do not will weed themselves out. The only major problem with this system is the actual DKP number for drops as there is no long standing system as with other games. I would suggest creating an excel spread sheet and use a base number for blues/oranges/purples by slot. That why you can adjust it as needed based on stats and items that will actually be used and those that will be left to rot (companion bait 1/3 DKP).


    As for the management problems you need to have an active and well performing core group of officers that will take responsibility for the guild. I would suggest updating the DKP points every 2-3 days and rotating its management to a different officer every two weeks, this will weed out officers that can't cut and should be removed.

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