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  1. Nah mate, it's simple. I'm a founder. I've been there and I get it. At this point, I have a Star Wars itch and here to get a fix, posting some feedback and suggestions that pop into my head. If anything sticks and I'll get more enjoyment from the game - I'll play more and pay more. If not - I'll get my fix and move on till the next time.
  2. What exactly have I skipped? New player can play the game and progress - buy a speeder, get to legacy lvl and buy boosts, get season tokens and buy a jetpack from an off-season vendor. Ability to get a mount with CC to zoom around sooner already exist in the game. Nothing changes here. and as we know from the movies, Varactyl can't prevent fall damage, speeders and jetpacks can. At the very least, initial flavor for the idea is about not making them completely outclassed. For no difference at all - ok, only Rocket Boosts have slow fall effect. Now everybody is completely on the same playing field - play the game and get the ability. I like mounts to provide slow fall only because I would like it to be available to all characters. If it were a combat style ability then only Force Users and BH would have it, maybe trooper but even that is questionable in the game time period. Anyway, A schematic for Cybertech to create a Wookie Glider, a consumable item that opens a glider for a slow fall effect (or a parachute - Wookiechute). Requires mats from Scavenging and parts created with Synthweaving. Can be used by anyone, and can be sold on GTN. It would probably need to be unusable in PvP/PvE instances, or even in combat as a whole. Hope it wouldn't be pay to win because it requires for new players to level up a crew skill.
  3. Text in your quote from my post is a point in a list to outline an idea of how Story Reset Token would work, as it is intended to be used for existing characters and not a new ones. It is about, for example, when you get your first Inquisitor/Imperial to high levels and/or complete story, or doing farming of stuff - you get achievements, and various contributions to legacy, unlocks, alignment unlocks, etc. When Story Reset Token is used - character story progress and levels are reset, but none of the above. All these things stay as they were and do not reset. Basically, this Token has nothing to do with New Characters, and everything about how New Characters are stays as it is.
  4. Well, you're paying to play the game or to get whatever extra enjoyment from the game. You are not paying for a service to develop a game how you would like it, otherwise you would need to pay a lot more. If you don't like what you're getting for your money - you are free to stop. Nothing discussed previously are your problems, my problems or anybody else's, except for developers of this game. Obviously. For us they are reasons for the state of things. Or reasons to complain if you want to. You can't really watch what they do without being there, without knowing details of publishing, licensing, etc. Can only imagine something convenient and say it after. There are principles/methods how businesses are run, as well as there are reasons for the state of things. As a customers, we can provide feedback. On the other hand - good luck complaining and demanding stuff to happen.
  5. I don't think they are poor. Far from it, imo. But there are decision makers who plan budgets. Stuff like that happens in separate parts - budget for a narrative team, for PvE team, etc. They plan what content they want to do and what developers they have or have access to for hire. Not many developers want to go and work on an old game with old tech to dig through a mess in its code that inevitably happens over the years, especially with the initial engine of this game. So resources are limited, budgets are limited, availability limited, it is what it is. Cutting stuff can happen for more reasons then just money.
  6. tbh, I expect nothing. Just want to throw a few somewhat reasonable ideas around for the fun of it.
  7. Unfortunately this is a problem of effort vs results, or how the get the most of investments. If company pays for voice-acting only on one side of the dialog - these scenes cost less, and because there is no need to animate player character to deliver their voice lines - there is little reason to do full choreography. Both save time/money that can be invested into other things, like fully voiced and choreographed scenes. When company needs to pay for more voice-acting - the need to get the most of it also increases, and that justifies additional choreography to deliver all these lines, action... I understand that you would be ok if these scenes were in a middle - player voiced but little to no action. But I don't think it would be better, because in this case it could look like a badly made scene - everybody talks, but little to no movement and no cinema effect. That is why, at least in my understanding, the decision was made to make full cinematic experience for some parts, cut it down for other parts, and compensate with extra dialog options to have in a conversation. If the budged is very limited and there is not a big team - the decision makes sense, imo.
  8. If I remember correctly it was during 32bit client era. Hopefully 64bit and other improvements over the years changed things enough.
  9. Ok. That's why I said about an option on/off from the start. Yes, chat is visible in a separate window from an area where much bigger part of the game happens. That is an inconvenience that chat-bubbles fix. So players who want to chat can see it in the same area of the screen where characters/emotes/action happens.
  10. Ping on Minimap / Overlay map, LMB click sends a ping to all group members, sound and visual indication on Minimap / Overlay map. This would improve coordination in groups, especially in random groups. Option to Show ONLY personal debuffs on target and focus frames. Ideally, personal debuffs and all CC debuffs. Right now debuffs area can get way too big and crowded to be usable, and in such cases the only thing it does is obstructs the view. Self nameplate with ONLY healthbar + resolve + powerbar. Options not to show name, titles, icons, ect. ONLY bars. To have a CC debuffs with a timer on top of these bars would also be very nice. Option to make quickbar visible only on mouseover, or at least option to set Alpha to a real 0. Just so it's possible to create a very minimalistic UI setup. Allow for legacy title to be just legacy name, without The & legacy. (instead of showing - The [Legacy Name] legacy, show just - [Legacy Name]. Add Favorites to Emotes and a separate section in Emotes window (top first position). Or even better - allow placing them on quickbars.
  11. Chat-bubbles, with options to show for players, only party, NPCs - so players could select what they like (or turn them off). This would be one of the best social updates for the game. Right now, when you want to talk to players you randomly meet in the world, you need to hope they are looking at chat window and it's not closed - this is bad, simply because all these simple social interaction are not happening in the same part of the screen as the rest of the game. They are very disconnected and not convenient. But there has to be turn on/off switch, so players who want to be left completely alone had an option to do it. While others can chat and see the game/characters at the same time. It may be a small thing, but for better social interactions - it is HUGE!
  12. Personally, I have no problem with partially voiced scenes, and reasons to use them make sense. What bugs me the most is how these scenes look and by extension - how they feel. Visual consistency in design is VERY important. It impacts everything that said design needs to deliver and communicate, as well as the way all that is perceived and experienced. Right now there is a HUGE visual difference between 'KOTOR' style and fully voiced scenes - and this is the main reason why it alienates so much, imo. It looks like two different games, and it visually offers completely different and disconnected experience. Fully voiced scenes have a lot bigger visible area and don't have huge obstructive panels. On the other hand 'KOTOR' style scenes have these huge obstructive panels, that not only take more screen space than the scene area, but also have a completely different look/feel/UI that impacts the whole experience much more than just being partially voiced or less choreographed. If visuals of both styles were made consistent to each other, and looked and felt like one is a natural visual extension of the other - it would remove this whole disconnection, improved user experience, and the only differences between them would be - less voiced lines and less choreography. But the fundamental experience would be consistent between two styles. I understand the nostalgia for KOTOR, and have it too. But in this case - way too much is sacrificed for that nostalgia and negatives outweigh positives by incomparably huge margin.
  13. No, it's not. First - There are mounts that are jetpack or jetpack-like from Galactic Seasons & Ops. Plus everybody has an option of Rocket Boosts, also jetpack-like. Second - Jetpacks are NOT the best. They are mid. Idea is specifically targets mount classes, not specific mounts, so mounts from CM and in-game would perform exactly the same in their class. So it doesn't matter if mount comes from CM or GS or from anywhere else - it gives the same performance as any other mount in its class. There is NO pay to win. Basically: Want to jump from a lower height - ground mounts are the best Want to jump from a big height - speeder mounts are the best Don't want to care much - Jetpacks and Rocket Boosts Reason for such intricacies is pretty simple - there is a little reason for ground mounts to provide full "slow fall". But if such differences in mounts are a problem, then only speeder/jetpacks/boosts provide (all exactly the same) "slow fall" effect, but I don't think it's better because it lacks flavor, imo.
  14. My own personal reasons (completely biased take) on this: I'm someone who doesn't really like to have a lot of alts, especially alts of the same origin. Right now I have 8 characters, 1 for each story on my main server, and it is already much more characters than I ever had in any game and much more than I ever wanted to have. But at least having 8 make sense, as all have their own story and progress, so it's nice. Also, I love the stories and I would love to replay them from time to time. Every time I'm to create a new character to replay a story I have this constantly nagging feeling of a waste - because I know that I'll never going to play that character again after the story is done. And that leads to a thing like - I don't want to make this feeling of a waste bigger, so I'm not going to get new outfits for that character or any extra customization, because if I would - it would feel even more of a waste in the end of a said replay. As for my enjoyment of the whole process - this feeling of a waste also diminishes it. RPG game as a medium provides once huge advantage to movies/shows - players can play a story differently. And that possibility of a different playthrough is enhanced by a sense of progression. When I know that my only option is a temporary character that is going to be forgotten after the story is done - feeling of a waste also diminishes this sense of progression, and in the end it doesn't feel better than re-watching a movie/show. I know that many players will see it differently. There are players who enjoy inventing a completely new character every time and they don't have the same feeling of a waste. Some even don't have a free slot for a new character at this point. It's all good, I'd tried to play like that - it is not my thing. My enjoyment of reinvention of a character already accommodated by Appearance Designer and Space Barbie, all options available are enough for me to reimagine anything I feel like about any of my characters. That is also a reason why I see any extra alts as just a temporary character for a replay. Cosmetics. I really love to mix and match pieces from different sets to create something unique and/or fitting from whatever RP that's going in my head at that time. And I don't like to use full sets or to use the same outfit on more than one character. Also, collecting things just to have them is not my thing. I like to have only cosmetics I actually use. For example, my main Inquisitor has a few outfits, mixed and matched to my liking and they are different from what I have on my main Consular. Some of the sets are unlocked so I can use different bits and pieces of them between my main characters. As for alts - because of the feeling of a waste - only use whatever left from unlocks for my mains. There a lot of set that look cool to me, but I have no use for them, as they would be more appropriate for an apprentice or differently aligned character, etc. So there is no reason for me to get or unlock them as they won't be used in anything that would enhance my experience or enjoyment from playing the game, in addition to the feeling of a waste. Story Reset Token - is a solution that completely eliminates this feeling of a waste for me. And because this nagging feeling would be no more - other connected problems above would also be gone. I could replay and reinvent my character in any way I want or feel like at any time. Anything I do in one way or the other would, even if just a tiny little bit, add to the feeling of my character progression without diminishing anything or taking anything away. Extra cosmetics/unlocks/etc. I would get and use to have an extra enjoyment from visual progression in my replay or for any RP reasons wouldn't be diminished by anything and instead I would have an incentive to go for it. And then, after five/six/whatever months I would want to replay the story on this character again - no feeling of a waste to stop me from spicing it up with different cosmetics. And there are more than one story I would love to replay. So at least - this idea is more enjoyment for me, not for free, so it is more income for the company. Everybody wins. Btw, Story Reset Token + Level boost for players who want to go max from the start = infinite loop of evergreen profit or New Game Plus. Yeah, it's silly, I know. On the other note, I quite often see players who come back to the game after years/long break and don't remember anything from when they left off asking if they should start a new character. Also quite often there are players who ask for original stories to be re-playable the same way as KotXX chapters. And more recently more and more players talk about New Game Plus. There are also players who used all available slots for characters and cannot create new. One more thing, sometimes you could invite a friend to play, and instead of creating a completely new character to play together you would reset one of your existing characters. Story Reset Token can be a decent solution/option for all of these cases.
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