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Posts posted by SithCrash

  1. Ever been walking, or having fun doing something completely normal for human beings to be doing. then out of nowhere someone tosses an insult your way just for being alive or being happier than they are? you know what it feels like? it's akin to queueing up imp side.


    Wait a minute... did you just post a thread, complaining about being randomly insulted without provocation, and then end it with a random unprovoked insult against the entire opposing faction? Did that really just happen? Because that's what looks like just happened... :rak_02:

  2. Insurrected is currently recruiting skilled players of all classes and roles, to bolster our rosters as we progress through the new content. In particular, we are looking for ranged and melee DPS. Currently we plan on running 2 distinct raid teams, with a third group possible. This third group will utilize alts and any newer members who haven't found a spot on one of our permanent raid teams. We are a medium sized guild, with approximately 15-20 active raiders, currently. We plan for each raid team to raid 2 to 3 nights a week, depending on how long it takes each team to clear Hard Mode Scum and Villainy and Hard Mode Terror from Beyond.


    Insurrected is a progression oriented, 8M based raiding guild. Our past achievements speak for themselves:

    • Empire first clear of Hard Mode Terror from Beyond (8M, at level 50)
    • Empire first clear of Hard Mode Scum and Villainy (8M)
    • Server first clear of Hard Mode Golden Fury (8M)


    While we usually focus on 8M content, we have been known to do 16M raids. In the past, prior to the launch of the recent expansion, we've cleared EC HM and TfB HM on 16M difficulty. As for our regular raid teams, our 8M teams routinely work together, trading members from week to week, to ensure that everyone gets a chance to clear content. We also routinely work with our newer folks, to help optimize their gear, tweak their rotations, and improve their understanding of difficult fight mechanics. We distribute loot fairly, using a common Suicide Kings loot distribution model.


    Our guild offers the following benefits to its members:

    • 50 slot Ventrilo server
    • Guild website (powered by Guild Launch) with active forums
    • Guild bank with 4 tabs
    • Stims and repair funds for raiders
    • Publicly available raid strategy guides


    If you are interested in applying to our guild, you are welcome to follow this link and fill out an application. Additionally, you can seek out one of the officers online, and discuss your application with us directly. Look for Ceryna, Izzo, or Vig for more information.



  3. Insurrected is also recruiting. You can talk to me (I'm Vig, but I'm also on my powertech Morro'lan and my assassin Khaav'ren quite a bit) if you would like to know more. If I'm not around, ask anyone in Insurrected, and they will point you to the nearest officer... there's usually one or more of us around in the afternoon and evenings. We're 5/5 in TfB HM and 4/4 in EC NiM, and we've just had a couple of DPS spots open up. If you're serious players who like raiding, but want to enjoy yourselves while doing it, we might be a good fit. Feel free to check us out at http://www.insurrected.com. You are also welcome to review our raid strategies, which we've made available to the community, if you would like an idea how we do things.
  4. Insurrected is Recruiting again. Currently, we have DPS spots open in both of our active progression raid teams, but we welcome all comers. Since the creation of this thread, we have cleared both TfB HM and EC NiM, and farm most of that content with the 2 primary raid groups and 1-2 alt groups a week. We are looking for skilled players to fill in for some folks who had to step out for various real life issues. Currently, each group has 2 nights a week they raid, with pick up/alt raids happening on the off nights. We raid at 8pm server time on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday, with alt runs usually happening on Thursday, and a training TfB run on Sunday, where we teach new folks the mechanics of the raid.


    You can apply to the guild here.


    We maintain an active website and forums, and we use Ventrillo for our voice communications. You can usually find anywhere from 5-20 people on our vent server, depending on who's raiding that night. We also have detailed written strategy guides for all boss encounters in both TfB HM and EC NiM, freely available to the public on our website.

  5. you know you're not going to get anything from BW for this choice, but I can certainly see your point. My Sniper is 400 armstech, and I'm getting nothing out of it at 50. Even the best barrel mod I can (currently) make can be bought from the com's vendor on Ilum...


    However... As I progress into raid content and farm up extra mats to 'play' with, I'll be able to craft the various epic versions of the barrels I use, and get patterns for barrels not available from the daily vendor (fun fact: data mining shows that barrel mods go all the way to level 25). So, I'm keeping armstech for now and getting Stims from our guild biochemist. I know it's not as good as using the perma-stims, but I'm hoping that in the long term, Arsmtech will return on my investments...


    That said, I really wish BW would take a page from WoW's playbook, and give some sort of static bonuses from each crew skill (i.e. Armstech get's +crit, Armormech gets +end, etc.). It would be harder to balance that for everyone (since not everyone needs crit, or str, or alacrity, for example), but it would be nice to have something to show for the investment it took to get to 400 in a crew skill. Not everyone will have access to raid content, and it would nice for everyone to get something from the profession. I power-leveled my level 12 Juggy to 400 cybertech, but I'm not seeing much there either, save for the perma-grenades, which may or may not prove useful as a tank.


    In other news, I strongly dislike the fact that you have to run hard modes to get the mats to make the blue barrels at level 50, when you could just do 20 minutes of dailies on Ilum and buy them. For anyone not doing hard modes or raid content, I really don't see any benefit *AT ALL* to going armstech. I have faith that someone at Bioware will see and address this problem, but quite frankly, they have bigger fish to fry right now. Give it time, the game has only been out a month. It'll all smooth out in the wash.



  6. I'm using Vent for my guild. I had a spare server in my apartment so I just set up Vent Server on it, to avoid the hassle and expense of a hosted server.


    That said, I plan on keeping my server small, or making a lot of private rooms. I find it very annoying when I'm solo-questing, and trying to listen to the wonderful voice acting in this game, and my guild mates are chatting about random BS in my ear.

  7. Even if you weren't the first 50, grats on it. Don't let the haters get you down, but at the same time, if you keep referring to people as 'brah', I might have to find you and smack you.


    So, now that you're 50, what are you going to do? I imagine farming cash is going to be important, so you can snag one of those level 50 epic speeders? 1.5 million credits, at least for the ones in the CE vendor... not sure what the regular grade speeders cost.

  8. I keep hearing people telling me that they aren't supposed to be instancing the zones past the newbie farm and the capital city, but I'm absolutely positive that I had to jump between instances on Balmora all day yesterday as I was hopping between groups to do all those crazy heroic 4 mans. From what I've seen, the instancing of planets appears to be based off of the current population. I generally notice more than 1 instance when the planet pop jumps above 100.


    I can see how a 200 person per planet limit would be troublesome, especially as the population reaches 50, but I'm sure that Bioware has not overlooked that particular situation. As for instancing in general, I love it. It's so absolutely nice to not have to fight tooth and nail for quest mobs or resource nodes. It helps to avoid alot of the bad behavior I've seen in other MMO's, where people will steal quest nodes or resources while you fight the trash that was guarding it. I've only had that happen once so far (/crossesfingers).


    It's also possible that Bioware is keeping a tight leash on things because it's EGA, and they are watching for final stress testing before the midnight launch. History has shown that launch day stability is one of the more important metrics used when a game gets reviewed, and if a game has a smooth launch, it will generally be seen as a success. Lets see what, if anything, changes after tonight at midnight before anyone passes judgement.

  9. There is quite a bit of vendor gear that requires a certain amount of light or dark side points (i.e. Dark level 1, Light level 2, etc). However, at least on every vendor I saw in Beta, there is an equivalent light side and dark side item on every vendor, so it doesn't matter which side you pick. However, once you pick a side, you should really stick to that side, because your Dark/Light level is based on your total alignment, which is the difference between your light and dark side points. So, if you flip-flop around and pick some light side and some dark side choices, you'll wind up with a neutral alignment, and unable to equip either item. So, pick Light or Dark and run with it, you'll be fine.
  10. No, I'm pretty sure that the Early Access FAQ said that the client you install during EA is the launch client, and you don't need to reinstall when you get your physical media. There is absolutely no reason for them to force a reinstall, if the EGA client gives you full access.
  11. Thanks for the clarification... I've cleaned up my original post to correct that error. You are correct, it is the difference, or the Sum if you treat light side points as positive and dark side as negative. I was confusing myself there.


    Thanks for the tip on the dressing room, I'll give it a shot if I ever get my EGA email :(



  12. I know that Bioware has said that there will be no addons at Launch for the game, but I was under the impression that they would have a macro system in game. I was also told it was disabled during Beta for unspecified reasons. I'm wondering, did they turn it back on now that the game is live? If so, does any one have any resources on programming macros? Syntax, available commands, examples, etc?





    p.s. Please don't hate on me for wanting to use Macros. I am fully aware that I'm not an uber-leet player and macros are a crutch. However, Just because I am not good enough to play effectively without them doesn't mean my guild mates, friends, and pugs should have to carry me through content. If using Macro's will let me pull my own weight while I see the content and run with my friends, then I am all for them. If that makes me a bad person... well, I guess it's a good thing I'm playing as Sith...

  13. I've noticed a stunning lack of documentation and discussion about light side vs. dark side and how they effect game play, especially at later levels. I found out during the beta that your total alignment is the average of any light and dark side points you earn (so you need to pick one side and stick to it), but I haven't really seen any information about how that effects you later on in the game. I'm curious to see how important your light/dark side rank is, how often you see gear that requires light or dark side levels, and how it effects social and end game content.





    (p.s. for those who were wondering about this... because I made the same mistake in beta... you can earn light and dark side points as you level, but your total alignment is the average of the two. If you have 1100 dark side points and 700 light side points, your total alignment will be 400 dark side. Your total alignment determines your light/dark side level, not their individual totals. There is gear that requires a certain light or dark side level, so if you go all wishy-washy and split your alignment between light and dark side, you'll never get high enough level in your alignment to use that gear. Also worth noting, every single piece of light/dark side gear I saw from the vendors had equivalent versions of the opposite alignment, so there should be no advantage to light side vs dark side. Pick one and stick to it. I hope this helps...)

  14. Something else you should consider. I found this out in the weekend beta. To some (many?) of you, this might be common sense, but I wanted to confirm it anyway...


    Your character has an alignment bar, just like in KOTOR and Mass Effect. And like in Mass Effect, you can choose to do both good and bad things, based on the situation. Each choice grants you light side/dark side points, respectively. However, unlike in mass effect, your Alignment is the DIFFERENCE of those 2 numbers. I know, that sounds like common sense, but there were some aspects that I was confused by, so I'm just tossing this out there to help folks. You see, as you progress in light or dark side points, you achieve 'levels' in light or dark. So, at 1000 dark side points, you'll hit Dark level 1. Same for light side. However, if you have 1000 dark side points and 500 light side points, your total alignment is only 500 dark, and you are NOT at Dark level 1.


    Why is this important? Well, I only had access to the weekend beta, so I didn't get to see much, but the one thing I did see is that on the capital ships there are light side and dark side vendors. They sell some pretty nice prototype (blue) and epic gear gear. However, this gear requires that you have a certain level of light side/dark side. Similarly, as you adventure around on each planet, you earn commendations specific to that planet. Those tokens can be used to buy gear from the local vendors, and some (not all) of that gear also requires a particular light or dark side level.


    As I leveled up my Sith Warrior to level 18, I obtained a really nice lightsaber upgrade. However, it required Dark 1 (1000 points of dark side). By the end of the Beta, doing all the quests in the first 2 zones, I had about 900 light side and 1100 dark side points, and I was never able to use that new saber.


    So, the moral of the story... BEFORE you start playing, you really should decide if you want to be light side or dark side, and really stick to your guns on it, or you'll hurt yourself down the line.


    I hope this helps,


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