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Posts posted by kharnedge

  1. Its hard to compare wow to swtor 3 months in because as much as some people hate WOW it gave us a lot of popular staples of MMOs today. The more fare comparison is Rift vs SWTOR I played both at launch and both had a few points where i was ready to unsub.


    The biggest difference is Rift listened the the bulk of the player base, not just the same 20 people on these forums who yell the loudest. I cant fathom how this game doesnt have a LFG. As it stands if ur in a decent guild you dont need HM FPs, if ur trying to gear an alt or gawd forbid came to the game late good luck getting gear. I have seen the same poor people spamming gen chat in the fleet for hours trying to get a HM going.


    So here is what is being done Bioware is spending a lot of time creating FPs and very few people play them. Another new FP is coming in 1.2 and i took a poll of my guild when we had about 25 50s on the other night I asked who was gonna run that FP more then once to progress the Ratghoul story. The answer i got was no one.


    This is just one basic MMO feature that most have built in from the get go and Bioware isnt touching for fear of enraging the hardcore 5% who want a hard MMO that forces you to do mundane things like stand in fleet spamming gen chat or key binding 24 buttons for my Sin rotation because Macros would break the game .... btw no it would enhance it.


    The lack of .... LFG, macros, raid metrics ... such as damage or threat meters, meaningful (and promised) world pvp, meaningful reasons to run FPs (I have 100s of tionese shards sitting around), lack of DUAL SPEC even in 1.2 when they are introducing rated pvp. These all lead to being bored as **** at level 50. I personally no longer log on other then to raid and if 1.2 doesnt blow me away I'm out.



    Quick edit after my rant, LFG is one feature most games patch in post launch it seems but as rift is my standard to judge MMos post WOW era. They confirmed they were working on something in regards to a LFG pre 1.1 and very quickly post 1.1 we got very nice details about how the LFG would work and when it launch of how did it work. I leveled 2 alts just having a blast questing and queing for instances while "Rfiting" or questing.


    In SWTOR we are very close to 1.2 withing i would thing 1-2 weeks based on it being on PTR for about a week now and all we got is very minor info on we may put in some type of system at the guild summit.

  2. I agree with the Op and the context of the post seems to be that while EV is fun and has some really cool mechanics its also bugged beyond belief and the Devs dont seen to care anymore. Which is a shame as when 1.2 comes out NO ONE is gonna wanna do EV to gear up guildies or alts/new mains. Everytime i go into EV HM is just one headache after the next. Has it been said before, yeah .... does it bare repeating, sadly yes since the devs answer seems to be an well we dont know how to fix bugs. Kind of alarming moving forward.
  3. The other thing you seem to be not including is the increase to damage from 8 to 16 man. If 8 man hard if we have a healer in a mind trap or thrown it generally no big deal, in 16 man if 2 are indisposed the tank and ball lightening damage wipes the raid in very short order without smart CDs or "ball poppers" switching to kiting rather then poping. Again i will say that soa is easier in 16 then 8 man in both mode i have done him hard and reg, but every other boss is harder in 16 man then it was in 8 man. All that said the stated design is to have 16s a little easier then 8s so saying that soa is easier in 16 is just saying they finally got one right for us 16 man guilds.
  4. i agree on the 8m vs 16m disparity. Its still pretty bad, maybe not as bad but encounters we can steam roll in 2 8 man groups are tough in 1 16 man group. The only real reason for that can be that 16 ma is overtuned still. Is it as bad as it used to be .... no, do i hope 16 man is as easy or easier then 8 man in 1.2 ..... yes. Just like the devs said its harder to assemble and keep organised 16 people the content should reflect that not punish it. Soa is currently the ONE fight that I have seen that is easier in 16 man.


    Quick Edit; this is only as of my experience in hard modes, we are a more laid back guild and had some trouble moving from 8 to 16s so we arent really to focused on NM until 1.2.

  5. So i was watching a vid on a Soa 16M hard mode kill on youtube and I noticed that they were able to battle rez 3 people before they got the debuff that disables the ability. Now if our raids we always just cal out who we want battle rezzed and anyone within range trys to get him up asap. By doing this we always lock out battle rez after one rez. By us not assigning who casts the 1st, 2nd, ect rez are we costing ourselves the amount of people we can rez?
  6. Yeah we had no interest in splitting into 2 8 man teams. We have a lot of Rl friends who play and the easiest way to make that work was run 16 mans ..... also i personally hate 8 man as it feels little more then the dungeon group to me.


    Also ty for the advice on running EV first in 16 man HM we got all bosses down expect soa who had less then 3% on our sole try on him for the night.

  7. So my guild has run 16 mans the last 3 weeks and since we have had some turnover with people leaving the game we have been stuck re clearing reg mode. On our off nights we run a 8 man team through HM Ev and HH and got both to 4/5 with whomever happens to be online.


    Now I would say that 16 man reg is WAYYY harder then 8 man HM, not that hard is bad but the difficulty curve seems all over the place int his tier of raiding. Due to the difficulties being all over the place right now Im just curious what would be the better for a first night of 16 man HM, I would think HH since Ev seems FAR FAR more bugged. I think after Bonethrasher the rest of HH would seem to be pretty easy to handle on HM. Any thoughts?

  8. IF when you say OP you mean we are shoe horned into one spec because the others are SO squishy that people will kill you in a few globals then yeah we are as OP as it gets. Yes Bioware please nerf the one spec that isnt awful in pvp.


    For the record I have gone deception for pve and since we don't have dual specs yet I have been putting up with it in pvp, but it sucks.

  9. So i was a tank when my sin first hit 50, I only went full time dps last week. I have heard Sin dps is kinda weak right now because Maul fails a lot even when behind a target. I have noticed this here and there myself but the more consistent bug i noticed is my discharge does not seem to benefit from Overcharge saber in Surging charge. Since there is no way to track damage its hard to prove other then just being mindful and watching my damage on the attack, but when I pop recklessness and crit with 5 stack i hit for around 4.4k about 4.1k since surge nerf. When i pop overcharge saber and recklessness I do not hit any harder.
  10. So after 2 straight days of raid resetting on the ancient pylons in hard mode due to bugs, aka the consuls locking out, we finally got a none bugged shot at the puzzle and "1 shot" it. We then moved onto IC thinking our bugs were behind us and we could progress as a guild. We then rolled the IC encounter only to find our loot consisted of 1 recipe and 1 epic enhancement. I am going to assume this is a bug.
  11. Sorry I know this is just one more person putting an their " 2 cents". However all these silly little fixes that really aren't needed meanwhile huge bug exist in raid bosses. Could not complete Ancient Pylons last night, puzzle just stopped working. We all wiped reset the instance re cleared trash 5 times all for the "boss" to bug out over and over again. GREAT you fixed surge who cares when your boss encounters don't work.



    Fix what matters .... the clock is ticking before the people who raid get tired of these bugs.

  12. So last night our guild did our first EV ops run. We had some people level slower int his game to enjoy the storyline. We 1 or 2 shot every boss up to Soa.


    Then came the bugs .... his floor tiles wouldn't respawn, his goo in phase 1 wasn't showing, the tiles in phase 2 would sometimes fall right after the raid would jump down to them. Is there any way to know when a tile is gonna drop before it does and kills the raid?? if there is then it wasn't showing/working for us.


    Looked at the 1.1.2 notes and seen nothing really getting fixed on Soa so I'm a little miffed.

  13. OK I have been on the forums int he past saying that as a sin tank I have some threat issues. Mainly because my dps are in battlemaster gear and im in columi and champion gear. That said there is still a huge vacancy in the sin rotation ... the starter.


    Stealthing around bosses is not a fun aspect of the game and often times the stealth gets broke and im still nto in range for my wither/shock (depending on adds)


    This could be a new ability or a function of dark charge changing a skill we cant use as tanks like Maul, into say Dark maul .... 30M range strikes target for X damage and forks to 4 additional targets for x/2 damage 1 minute cooldown.


    It would function similar to avengers shield for tank paladins in wow and would give sins a nice opener that doesnt require stealthing into range pre pull which sucks.

  14. This seems to be the place to ask and most threads i could find were only people complaining. So I have to ask is the Sins threat lower then other tanks?? When I run hard modes unless im perfect with my "rotation" I lose threat and lose it fast.


    My ability order is Chain lightening (with 3 stacks of shock) > Shock ( with recklessness if possible) > Thrash > Saber Strike. This is with keeping the debuffs from discharge and wither up.


    The biggest issue I see is that as a tank im getting knocked around and/or CC'ed ( eg force choke in fallen emp) and am not able to generate threat in these conditions. IMO tanks need at least a 50% chance to resist these mechanics in PvE as they are threat killers.

  15. So after running a few Hard modes per day I have noticed that the disparity between the Tionese commendations and crystals is to far apart. I currently have 20 comms and 80 crystals. Its like bioware is telling you not to run more the one hard mode a day, because I haven't found anything the crystals can be used for solo or any way to buy comms with the crystals. Really makes running multiple HMs on your day off seem counter productive.


    Has anyone else found this to be the case?

  16. Even when the server is light i'm able to find groups for heroics no prob



    PLS tell me what server that is cause Juyo even at standard is a ghost land for hard mode runs. Im sure the big pre launch guilds are running them fine but my mostly RL guild didnt choose to go that route now we can never find people to fill our groups for the dailies.

  17. I feel your pain on Empire side of Juyo I sit int he fleet for an hour a day trying to get H bT group for the daily before i say forget it and level my alt. LFG feature cannot come soon enough, if not this game will be in trouble.
  18. Yeah i really miss a custom UI and macros of rift, I have 28 abilties i use in either pvp or pve on my sith sin. Thats just to much to key bind as a far amount of the slots are buffs that even a simple macro system like wow would eliminate the need to keep oh key bind. i didnt mind the macro system of rift letting you macro whatever you wanted. It made playing with low fps doable as the lag/slowdown didnt make to much difference on the key binds and the better you anted to dps/tank the less you would put into one macro.


    Also the part of the UI that would show you what reactive abilities are usable was very nice kind of like a power auras lite.


    Really hope the dev team gets ont he ball and gets the missing parts of this game out ASAP 50 is boring!!!

  19. IF they are expecting ques anyways why not just let a bulk of peopel in. I understand the first "wave" being small to test the servers and such since beta has been down for a while. This waiting game is insane though. I had an issue with Origint hat took my preorder from the 25 to getting my code 08/09 so now i probably wont play today and if the sizes of the waves dont increase maybe not tomorrow either ... not happy!
  20. I dont understand the BW logic here. They dont want to release any info and upset people but I would be far happier knowing. I ordered 8/8 and entered the code 8/9 so I am assuming imma be borderline tonight/tomorrow access. That said I could be int he next wave or two or not in for 2 more days. I would rather have a ROUGH idea of when I will LIKELY get in so im not refreshing my email and reopening my launcher every half hour from now till whenever.
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