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Posts posted by True_Rune

  1. Hi everyone. I've been thinking about alot of things I'd like to see in game and besides the most obvious (New Operations, longer story chapters etc) am talking about a few smaller things. I read a few of the other posts and found a few of the things am talking about so i know am not the only one. I won't go into a big rant i'll just post a list of the ideas and reasons.


    1. The Health Regen items you get from Cartel Packs, for example the CAMP FIRE. I'd love to be able to sit down next to it and just stay there while i chat to friends or wait for what ever. Point being take the dam cast timer off these things and just let the animation repeat or something. Your out of combat anyway so nothing else is happening.


    2. Lightsabers / Classes. Ok since the announcment about whats cannon and whats not i have been slightly disapointed and find myself thinking is this really a starwars game now. I mean were no longer playing what you can call StarWars history, it's like were just making **** up now that doesn't even count. I mention this as it increases the reasoning behind this Idea:


    Single Saber, Double Bladed Saber and Duel Sabers, i play a sage healer as my main class, i love it thats why i have 5 of them all maxed and kitted and from day one i knew thats my main class but i also knew i wanted a double bladed lightsaber and the option to use the double bladed lightsaber as a single lightsaber when i wanted, example Darth Maul, has his single blade fight againt Qui-gon on Tat and he doesn't get his other blade hard until Obi pops up later. Example two, Anakin used one saber but everytime he gets a second he kicks ***. Example 3 (Outcast II : Jedi Academy). Point being more options/customizeation for your weapons, i am ment to have trained at a jedi temple and there are no rules about what saber i have to use and how to use it. Idea works for Duel Sabers too, option to just use one at a time (Just look at Jedi Outcast II : Jedi Academy the game is AMAZING). Same thing can be applied to guns, i do have a commando and love the assault rifle but i prefere blaster rifles, don't know why but the options should be there and according to cut scenes what ever gun class i am i mostly use a blaster pistol anyway lol. (Would love to see this!).


    3. Going on from point 2, SHIELDS! give us dam shields for our TANKS. we have the slot. My secondary Characters are my Tanks, and in most games i love to take pride in collecting cool looking Shields it's the one item that makes us stand out as a TANK at first glance. Right before i started writing i did see another post about shields and the first argument brought up was blah blah about guardian stance being two handed... well not any more cos it's not cannon and even if it was then point 2 and 3 can be combined to sort that out. And for the other side of the coin, DPS and Healers get the Duel Saber option (notice i did not say double bladed as i would love a Tank with a double bladed lightsaber and a shield lol but i know that might be asking for way to much :D).


    4. My guild size is forever up and down, we put alot of effort into conquest and opening flagships and strongholds. but there just sitting there. i spend more time there than i do on fleet, if i need to goto fleet the second am done i head back to our flagship. put mission terminals or have to option to put them on the flagships, add more vendor options, even combine it with the story chapters and have some of your new guys be the vendors them selves or mission vendors i don't know but we need t be able to do more with them. I know the major downside to this is less active on the fleet but hey the fleet is a stationary station (kind of in the name), it kind of makes sence or if nothing else halve things up so there is a reason to goto both and make them more active and noticable. I have a few new guys that didn't even know guildships were a thing you could visit lol.


    Really cool idea would be an Operation based around using Flagships, each player controling something or fighting off boarding parties you get the picture, they had something similar in WoW with a couple of fights (Gunship fight in Icecrown Citadel and the first fight in Ulduar with all the different Tanks/vehicles).


    5. Galactic Starfighter, LOVE IT! we need more maps and game types.


    6. Back in the day along with crafting before the big change the other thing Spark of Insanity was known for was the Time and Organisation we put in to our Open world PvP Events. Over the years i still get poked to start doing them again. The problem being we had way to many players interested for the servers to handle, the lag was terrable, we had 3 instances of players wanting to get into instance one were we were holding the event. We even tried spliting our guys between two Instances but it wasn't as fun and the lag still sucked. and that was even with the original Ilum PvP zone. Now i know this i somthing that comes from back in vanilla and since alot of players are getting lag now from just being on a planet has no chance but it would be nice to see.


    Right i have a couple more ideas too but I have an Operation to start so i'll leave it here for now.

    And remember this is a list of Ideas that I and others would love to see so don't start listing all the crap that can't be done, if you have played more than one game you know almost anything can be done you just need imagination and commitment. In the words of some wise guy "Do or do not, there is no try".


    Oh one last thing, am getting bugged as we speak, way to many bugs in game. I have a Guild of players willing to Game test new content if your interested.

  2. UPDATED! 09/04/2016



    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    - OMG Group is currently looking for 1 TANK & 2 DPS for Regular HM Progression.

    - Sparks Group is currently looking for 1 TANK for Regular HM Progression and Future NiM.

    - Always looking for Raid Leaders to get things going with new Groups, Training is provided.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to Players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About a year ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. We are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 30 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have 2 fully active HM Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the 1 day nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+,


    Were also looking to start doing Guild Events again, The Guild is still missing Yavin 4 for the full Conquest list but with new members we expect new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests feel free to join us. Also there might be a possable return of the Spark of Insanity Open World PvP Events we used to plan.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or apply and leave a message on our website.

  3. UPDATED! 09/04/2016



    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    - OMG Group is currently looking for 1 TANK & 2 DPS for Regular HM Progression.

    - Sparks Group is currently looking for 1 TANK for Regular HM Progression and Future NiM.

    - Always looking for Raid Leaders to get things going with new Groups, Training is provided.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to Players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About a year ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. We are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 30 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have 2 fully active HM Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the 1 day nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+,


    Were also looking to start doing Guild Events again, The Guild is still missing Yavin 4 for the full Conquest list but with new members we expect new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests feel free to join us. Also there might be a possable return of the Spark of Insanity Open World PvP Events we used to plan.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or apply and leave a message on our website.

  4. UPDATED! 27/2/16



    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently looking to set up a NEW (3rd) HM/NiM Operations Group, so were in need of a Raid Leader to get things going.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 8+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have 2 fully active HM Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or apply and leave a message on our website.

  5. UPDATED! 27/2/16



    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently looking to set up a NEW (3rd) HM/NiM Operations Group, so were in need of a Raid Leader to get things going.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 8+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have 2 fully active HM Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or apply and leave a message on our website.

  6. UPDATED! 18/2/16



    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently looking to set up a NEW (3rd) HM/NiM Operations Group, so were in need of a Raid Leader to get things going.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 8+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have 2 fully active HM Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or apply and leave a message on our website.

  7. UPDATED! 18/2/16



    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently looking to set up a NEW (3rd) HM/NiM Operations Group, so were in need of a Raid Leader to get things going.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 8+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have 2 fully active HM Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or apply and leave a message on our website.

  8. UPDATED! 11/2/16






    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently looking to set up a NEW (3rd) HM/NiM Operations Group, so were in need of a Raid Leader to get things going.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 8+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have 2 fully active HM Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or leave a message on our website.

  9. UPDATED! 11/2/16






    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently looking to set up a NEW (3rd) HM/NiM Operations Group, so were in need of a Raid Leader to get things going.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 8+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have 2 fully active HM Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or leave a message on our website.







    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently Looking for Dedicated Players for a HM Operations Group, Raid Times 7pm GMT till 10-10:30pm Thursday, Friday and Sunday 1 DPS / HEALER


    These spot are currently being spot filled by our other Operation Group members so the runs are taking place we just need new regular members for this group.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 6+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have only 2 active Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect alot of new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or leave a message on our website.







    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently Looking for Dedicated Players for a HM Operations Group, Raid Times 7pm GMT till 10-10:30pm Thursday, Friday and Sunday 1 DPS / HEALER


    These spot are currently being spot filled by our other Operation Group members so the runs are taking place we just need new regular members for this group.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 6+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have only 2 active Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect alot of new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or leave a message on our website.

  12. <




    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently Looking for Dedicated Players for a HM Operations Group, Raid Times 7pm GMT till 10-10:30pm Thursday, Friday and Sunday 1 DPS, 1 TANK.


    These spot are currently being spot filled by our other Operation Group members so the runs are taking place we just need new regular members for this group.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 6+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have only 2 active Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect alot of new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or leave a message on our website.

  13. <




    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently Looking for Dedicated Players for a HM Operations Group, Raid Times 7pm GMT till 10-10:30pm Thursday, Friday and Sunday 1 DPS, 1 TANK and 1 HEALER.


    These spot are currently being spot filled by our other Operation Group members so the runs are taking place we just need new regular members for this group.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 6+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have only 2 active Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect alot of new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat.

  14. <




    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    Currently Looking for Dedicated Players for a HM Operations Group, Raid Times 7pm GMT till 10-10:30pm Thursday, Friday and Sunday 1 DPS, 1 TANK and 1 HEALER.


    These spot are currently being spot filled by our other Operation Group members so the runs are taking place we just need new regular members for this group.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 6+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have only 2 active Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect alot of new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat, or leave a message on our website.

  15. <




    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 6+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have only 2 active Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect alot of new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat.

  16. <




    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild and game community.


    About 5+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    As of now we have only 2 active Operation groups, both running 3 days each week, on the days nether of the groups are running we try if time permits to set up extra runs for our other guild members that can't raid in our current groups due to time, work, family etc. The majority of our members are of a more mature age ranging from early 30's to 40+ ;) but we do have a few younger guys all 20+.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect alot of new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat.

  17. <




    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild community.


    About 5+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect alot of new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat.

  18. <




    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting, and as always everyone is welcome.


    I have come accross alot of smaller guilds struggling to maintain active members and Operation groups, who are fed up of PUG's or having to cancel events, and with more and more player spamming for gear rating and achievement before hand I would like to open our doors to any guilds and players out there looking for a bit more stability to join and help make a bigger in guild community.


    About 5+ months ago, we had a massive player base, we were running 5 NiM Operation groups including an Imperial Raiding team in our sister guild, but due to various reasons (mainly bugs and lack of content) alot of players decided to quit the game or join our other community members in other games. Even with some of them now returning, we are looking to fill the void that still remains. Most of us gave up on pugs along time ago, we would rather spend the time explaining tactics etc than sitting around while everyone around you rage quit, which is why alot of us only do things with other guild members, it's alot nicer to know when you enter a FP or Ops that the players with you know what there meant to be doing and so if players are unsure or are new to something we help out as much as we can.


    Were looking for active players willing to play and enjoy the game, we have an active policy, meaning any characters inactive for 40 days or more without notice will be kicked from the guild when we do a clear out. This is to ensure that we keep an active community within the guild and game. We also have 1 rule that i think is a must for any guild and that is No Drama. Drama of any kind results in a guild kick, it's the last thing you want to put up with when your trying to enjoy the game and we maintain a pritty chilled environment.


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with new members we expect alot of new players to show interest so if anyone is looking to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.


    If there is any one out there or any guilds interested please feel free to /w or mail Medi ingame for a chat.

  19. <




    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting New Members, and as always everyone is welcome.


    We are looking for players to fill some open gaps in our HM/NiM Operation Groups and to set up new ones.


    - Currenty our Sparks Group is looking for a RANGE DPS HM Ready.

    - Currently our DuckTape Group is looking for a HEALER with RANGE DPS off spec & a RANGE DPS for HM's.

    - Currently Working on setting up a NEW Group so we need a Raid Leader (Training will be given by our other Raid Leaders who will run with you until you start to pick things up if needed)


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with all our new members we have alot of new players showing interest so if anyone is looking to to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.

  20. <




    Greeting all, <SPARK OF INSANITY> (Republic) is Recruiting New Members, and as always everyone is welcome.


    We are looking for players to fill some open gaps in our HM/NiM Operation Groups and to set up new ones.


    - Currenty our Sparks Group is looking for a RANGE DPS HM Ready.

    - Currently our DuckTape Group is looking for a HEALER with RANGE DPS off spec & a RANGE DPS for HM's

    - Currently Working on setting up a NEW Group so we need a Raid Leader (Training will be given by our other Raid Leaders who will run with you until you start to pick things up if needed)


    Were also looking to start doing Conquest Events again, The Guild is still lacking Yavin 4 but with all our new members we have alot of new players showing interest so if anyone is looking to to do Conquests we'll be starting from the beginning again and working our way through all the planets.

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