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Posts posted by Thiil

  1. Except that you failed to explain how this would function properly without removing either the F2P/Preferred credit cap or transfer restrictions. Those restrictions are probably the largest reason that legacy credit storage does not exist.


    Someone didn't read the entire thread.

    Suggestion has been made 2 posts up :rolleyes:

  2. If this was set up properly, then both your points wouldn't be a concern.


    1. All toons on an account could have their credits automatically paid into the legacy bank and the credit balance would show in your inventory as a legacy total which can be used by any character on the account as if the total amount was in your characters inventory.... eg: when purchasing something from the GTN etc, the credits you spend would automatically be taken from your legacy bank (no need to withraw credits every time you want to buy something)

    2. All F2P and Preferred players would have their credit limit for each character added to the total they can deposit, once they reach the limit then the credits get automatically transferred to Escrow.

    3. All subscribers going from subbed to preferred would have anything over their total credit as a preferred player sent automatically to Escrow.

    4. Any F2P or Preferred players who sub, automatically get their Escrow credits added to their total credits in their Legacy Bank.


    It's an easy solution really if it is set up properly... sorted :)


    Nailed it ^

    It's not like the function is not there, we can already craft with mats being stored in Legacy Bank.

  3. i have to hold it down for me to stop as soon as I let go i keep chucking along and sometimes out of a convo if i hit the down arrow or s ill go backwards non stop or if i hit d ill run in circles non stop its great fun...except not extremely rarely can you kneel down and itll fix it for a short period of time


    Happened here more times that i'd like to admit.


    Use "WASD" and the arrow keys, should fix your problem.

    Usually it's sorted by clicking the arrow-key of the direction your character is running .


    Ex. Character Leroy'ing forward - try Up-arrow

  4. You're not wrong, I've been married 26 years, lol. Gotta get my romance somewhere lol. Seriously though, it's an enjoyable aspect of the game, and one I miss a great deal. There isn't enough. It doesn't have to dominate but a moment or two per chapter in private with our loved one would be nice. :)


    LMAO! Better than cheating at least :p

    I still remember first time i saw romance in the game.


    Was showing a friend SWTOR for the first time

    Me: This game is awesome, you can go darkside etc., check this out.

    Friend: Can you f*ck that chick?

    Me: Nah - at least i don't think so


    ... time passes, 30 minutes later, i offer friend to create a char and try out stuff


    Friend: Oh, i'm talking to the same girl as you

    Me: Yeah, it's because we chose the same class

    Friend: You sure i can't f*ck her?

    Me: Well, pretty sure you can't seeing as games don't really do that graphical content

    Friend *proceeds to click all the assh*le options he can - get's laid*

    Me: Well ... f*ck


    *followed up by instant highfive*

  5. Ha you people think this was a minor nerf. What it did was buff Sorc heals by 4%, you just gotta press vindicate a bit more often.


    If you know what you're doing, there was no nerf to sorc heals at all.


    ~ Eudoxia


    This ! :D

    Also, the repairbills will be worth it, when watching a previously force-spamming i-have-no-clue-what-i'm-doing-sorc run out of force 30 seconds into the fight!


    OP - Sorcs were merely put on par with Merc and Operative regarding resourcemanagement - as they should - in PvP AND PvE

  6. "MMO" still.


    Release more solo content, shut down the servers, get it over with and convert to a singleplayer game


    Stop trying to sell this as a MMO when it clearly isn't, and punishes the players according to the number of players teaming up

  7. Hey all,

    I just got back to playing this game after a few months of not playing I wanted to know how I'm able to raise my DPS in actual operation boss fights. In dummy parses, I usually go for 5.8k-6.1k DPS but I am only able to reach a maximum of around 4.7k-5k DPS in a boss fight. I usually see other classes such as maras and snipers hit around high 5k's usually in the same level gear. I play Arsenal and my gear is a mix of a few 216, 220 and 224 all optimized. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)


    These are my stats: with purple level stim

    Ranged: Bonus Damage: 1741.1

    Accuracy: 109.60% (648)

    Critical: 38.87% (1325)

    Alacrity: 11.59% (809)

    Power: 2688

    Mastery: 5200


    Stats placement of each role :


    Props to whoever created it


    What kind of stim?

    Use accuracy and crit-stim.

    Stats - BUT :

    Less alac, 9-10%

    More acc: 110%~, rather higher than lower.

    For what you remove of alac, put in mastery and/or crit (crit to 39-39.50%)

    Crystals: Crit crystals


    Opener: Super important with the right opener, can help you gain 400 dps~ on a 3 minute fight.

    Dulfy opener is simple, easy to learn and efficient-ish :)


  8. Well that's enough to make me unsubscribe


    Special kind of stupid right here.

    Even if you're ahead or behind Austin timezone, you still get it for as many hours in total.

    If it was supposed to end on 28th, you would have surpassed that time in your timezone.


    Elementary school can help you out with further questions regarding timezones

  9. Are you sure his account was not hacked? This happened a few years ago with the Republic version of AoN a few years ago, I was getting messages from the GM via Enjin about how 200k had gone and he thought his account may have been hacked (despite having a security key). That evening everyone got kicked and the GM characters were all deleted, luckily the AoN members were able to reform it quite well the next day but the Rep GM left the game completely.

    Just bare in mind this may be the case since it has happened before.


    You, sir, had an epic troll GM there - and he got away with it too :rolleyes:

  10. Please tell me someone else keeps track of their toons using a spreadsheet. I've 32 toons on the sub account and 6 on the FTP account. On the main account, I keep track of server, guild, char name, level, species, alignment, class, subclass, role (tan/dps/heal), crafting, and 6 columns for the crew skills (I have an x in a column if a toon has the skill).


    Too nerdy or just nerdy enough for a large collection of toons?



    Keeping track here as well - we even once took time on Kuat Drive Yards to see if run was "fast" or not :D


    I keep track of:

    • Credits
    • Class
    • Name
    • Level
    • Radiant crystals
    • 220 unassmbled token in inventory
    • 224 unassembled token in inventory
    • DT mask (YEs/No)
    • Implants
    • Earpiece
    • Relics
    • Legacy gear setbonus, ex. Merc DPS and Merc Healer
    • OPS Loot table included
    • Lockouts pr. char
    • Guild of char
    • Implants/Earpiece/Relics on offspec

  11. When running EV HM our 8 man OPS group exited area and set the instance to 16 man HM. When we zoned back in, we were all on different instances. We had to exit area twice and on the third try, the majority of the group was in instance 33 leaving 3 ppl different instances. ......


    So we exited the instance and flipped back to 8 man HM. When we re-entered the instance, 2 were in instance 1 and the rest in instance 16...

    This has been an issue for a loooooooong time when phases get "stressed". Nothing done about it apparently.


    After a getting all of us into instance 33 a Revan Statue aggro'd Soa so we forced a wipe (folks were still on speeders). Unfortunately, one of the group members hit "exit outside the phased instance" and he has now spent 30 mins trying to get into the same instance as the rest of the raid team.

    You were all on speeders? At SOA? Really?

    Also, the statue probably didn't aggro him, but the person who planted it went too close ^^

    There's always that 1 guy who exits outside, especially in situations where they most definitely shouldn't :rolleyes:

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