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Posts posted by Kekuhaupio

  1. I realize that this thread is 2 months old but this has just started happening to me. I sent a bunch of wiillpower and strength gear to my synthweaver and was able to RE the Strength gear but not the Willpower gear. my skill level is maxed at 450
  2. Looking for an even trade. I am looking for an Exploiter's Repulsorlift .


    I have:


    Exploiter's Steering Mechanism


    Explorers Chassis

    Explorers Steering Mechanism

    Explorers Repulsorlift


    Send me a MSG or whisper Kekuhaupio in game.


    Thanks! :D

  3. I like your PvP suggestions!


    Might i add one of my own?


    Remember the battle on hoth? where they had walkers Vs a bunch of troops? why not something like that?


    Have the Imps attack in walkers and Pubs have to stop them using small speeders b4 they reach the generators.


    Than switch the roles, Pubs attack while Imps defend in small speeders and whoever either stops or gets to the goal fastest wins.


    I would love just love to see more Vehicles incorperated into some of this PvPing

  4. So my idea is for Robot PvP. This could be a huge patch if not an expansion.


    The idea is simple everyone can Collect personal Robots. They can customize the Robots with Legs or Tank Tracks Arms or Guns, different Colors, Heads etc etc...


    Abilities: they would all have basically the same Damage dealing abilities. Different body parts would give you different actions, not Damage dealing actions. For example Tracks make you move faster. Legs could help you jump Higher etc etc.


    Than the player would enter the robot into a PvP environment and controlling said robot would fight other player robots.


    This could be a great activity for people who dont like to PvP with there characters, why? Because the playing field would be relatively even. what you can and cannot add to a Robot would have rules put in place by some big shot gambling race(coughHuttscough) so everyone's Damage abilities would be the same, no more "blah blah class is overpowered".


    Well lots of other possibilities here but thats my idea for this!


    Addendum: You could pit this robots in already existing PvP environments.

  5. I agree there are a ton of money sinks in this game. Extracting Mods so that we can personalize our looks does not have to be one. Why? well i wont repeat whats been said there are alot of good reasons already written in this thread, ill just sign it



  6. Although the title may be misleading this has nothing to do with Robots actually dancing( though that would be sweet).


    I come to throw out a "suggestion" for a new Race if or when implemented. This is where ROBOTS come in.


    I and im sure others would love to play as Robots in the Swtor universe. In Star Wars Robots have played a HUGE role in the enhancement and enjoyment of the story and plot.


    As we have all leveled through the game, Viewing scenery, NPC's, "Robots", your Robot designs are very impressive and who wouldn't want to walk around as a Robot!


    I have read past threads that said this would be difficult because Robots aren't exactly sentient and are Property not free to act on their own accord. While this is true of Full robots there is precedent for "Mostly" Robot. Now while a more infamous individual "Grievous" comes to mind, id like to put more attention on a Quest line in the Actual Swtor game itself. I wish i could remember the name of the quest but it slips my mind at the moment. In the aforementioned Quest a Group of Soldiers are experimented on and put into the Bodies of Robots.


    So this is what i (in my limited range of imagination and influence ;p) envision. Basically as a level 50 we take on a quest ( i leave the Quest details for you guys at Bioware to lay out for us) In this quest our Level 50 would literally Die. Gone. Kapput.


    For "some" reason( i leave the reason blank as it would be apart of the quest etc etc) The Mind/Essence of the player would be saved and Downloaded into the Robot. and Thus is Born our level 1 Robot with the mind of a player. So gone would be the Sith or trooper or whatever they were in the past. What abilities they kept... well would be limited to experience i think. Robots of course do not have the force and would have to make up for it in .....other ways.


    There really are so many possibilities. It would be very exciting.


    In any case there it is. my 2cents + a few more heh,


    Thanks for listening to me and best regards.

  7. I would agree with the OP if not for the fact that SwTor Encourages Alts alot, and i have 3 level 50's with another on the way. Esspecially with Legacy where alot of people have Reps and Imps. Gearing up all those toons, i welcome the quicker gearing. I know a few people have like 5 or 6 50's already good luck to them trying to gear them up. can you imagine taking 2-3 months just to gear up one toon then haveing 6 more to gear up after that!? :eek: Theres no way i could do more than 2 sets of dailies a day, just dont have that kind of time.
  8. No more WoW clones.


    That is all, thank you for your time.


    While i understand your logic it is not fully correct. Swtor like WoW is a MMO Genra. so of course they will be similar. Just as other Genra's like FPS's and RPG's are similar.

  9. Sadly i haven't really played in a while. i also cancelled my sub awhile ago. i say this is sad because i really did enjoy playing. i had 3 level 50's in as many months from launch. unfortunately my server was one that's population died early on and it was just too difficult to find people to play with.


    Will i resub with the new patches coming out? Probably not, while i am a starwars fan, i am not a fanboy. So by the time this game is fixed ill most likely have found another game to fill my time.


    Thanks for the fun Bioware, i truly wish it had lasted longer.

  10. This may be a selfish request but it is what it is, and ill keep it short and sweet.


    I Have a BM Super Commando Set. but for 1.2 i wanted to try a DPS spec. So id like to work towards another gear Set. I would like to see the ability to turn in one type of BM gear, Example: BM (Stock mods) Trooper helm + Comms, for any type of Hero Trooper Helm.


    Thank you for your time and best regards.

  11. Before i post this i just wanna say that ive enjoyed playing Swtor and also find PvP to be fun and challenging.


    So yeah i got into a novare coast game as a Pug and started to play, weather the opposing team was a pre-made or not i do not know for sure, but they were all very well geared while we were moderately geared


    So we got our rears handed to us. This i dont mind, they had better gear obviously they had a much higher chance of winning. Kudos for them.


    What i do mind is at the end for some reason or other i got 0 rewards. i have never AFK'd in a PvP match and in this match had gained medals.


    Than i remembered in the patch notes saying you get rewarded for the ending score of the game which of course the losing team will always have 0 in Novare Coast.


    How am i/we suppossed to get better if we get no Comms.


    After this i logged off and now let my little brother level his Agent and havent logged in myself since, the 0 rewards just turned me off of playing. i havent found enough reason to return

  12. Interesting, Idk I was looking at it from the perspective that with my current gear, SE gives me over 20k hp while I only have like 19.6k without it. I Guess it isn't that big a deal


    so more like



    This spec is also known as the "Iron Fist" Spec as shown here



    this is also the spec i use. ive tested other builds and found this one to fit me best.


    I Normally focus on locking down healers so that DPS can kill the others than finish off the healers.

  13. To me this seems to be the answer that Bioware came up with for all the people who used the valor exploit on ilum and who continue to trade kill for valor.


    I for one, and ill probably be alone in this way of thinking, am happy with this move. As it sticks it too all those who used the exploit to get valor and got BM gear almost immediately.


    Some servers had The Republic using the exploit others The Empire. It depended on which side was the majority.


    I am currently BM geared and am sad to see valor be used for nothing but vanity, but if doing this evens out the playing field across the board i am all for it.


    Personally even if we started with no valor rating, id probably still have played the same amount.

  14. /signed


    Edit: i just wanted to add, that perhaps you can put this "training area" on one of the other ships in the Fleet, or even just in the Docking bay area. Ya know how Workers on the Docks have fight bouts etc going on, it could be a whole new type of atmosphere on the fleet.

  15. I grind my way to battlemaster...


    I have full Champion gear like ANYONE should have grinding threw 60 valor ranks....


    Hold onto my dailies and weeklies for when I roll that last rank...


    What do my eyes behold... CHAMPION COMMENDATIONS!?!?!




    Out of 6 BM boxes I got 2 BM coms, and a bunch of champ coms I dont even need.


    Where is the logic?


    Bioware, Why do BM boxes contain CHAMP coms?


    I get champ coms from Valor rank 1, you can get Champ Gear at Valor rank 1, 60 Ranks later and people still need CHAMP GEAR?!....



    Please... Bioware... the logic?


    That is some good stuff man some people have gone 30 bags without 1 BM badge. and as for Champion badges usem to pimp out your companions. They'll hit harder and heal you better.

  16. This has to be a troll post. There is no way someone actually would post this after all these patches that are just giving away valor and gear....


    If not a troll then I am not sure if MMO's are for you.


    ill give this guy the benefit of the doubt. Some people dont read the forums, they just jump on the game and play with their friends.


    till they wanna complain, then they come here lol

  17. I am a Vanguard Tank Spec in PvP. I have been a Tank Spec Vanguard since Launch. I have seen many other Vanguards who were and who werent Tank spec in PvP.


    The Numbers that the OP put up are possible, but that's if you pit a BM geared PvP tank with buffs, against a bunch of Zero geared players.


    I cannot make the same assumption of other tank classes as i have not played other tank classes.

  18. I think Bioware was afraid that people would start "hanging out" on the guild ships and then the "fleet" would be empty, and they didnt want that.


    SImple fix is to have the Guild ship apart of the fleet and be able to see Fleet chat. Have a new Flight Point go to the "Guild Ship" just as there are FLight points to the other 2 ships in the Fleet.

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