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Posts posted by Portablelephant

  1. All of my dailies this week have been some combination of Dailies Section X and Warzones/SF... :(


    Bad experience because PvP isnt fun for me and doing the same set of dailies day after day is annoying. I reroll the PvP and get the other PvP PO... I could reroll the dailies but I dont want to do the PvP so I keep hoping that rerolling those will net me something other than PvP. There's some serious weighting issue with the way the PO's are working right now.

  2. The problem with making people swim in a wider pattern is that people will do that and when they experience content they dont like telling them that they have to play that same content again in 2 days or a week will make people just decide not to play at all. That's why MMO's fail, that's why WoW is hemorrhaging subs right now because the content is boring and the new patch is forcing people into the Maw and everyone hates the Maw. We see it again and again and somehow the lessons dont get learned.
  3. GSF - I did the Weekly PO (4 matches). Deary Oh Lordy Me, what a mess!!! I didn't know how to get to the tutorial so I spent my first match spinning around and around until I understood the movement mechanics. I had a load of Fleet Req, but had NO idea what to spend it all on. Found the tutorial and got more - still no idea. The whole thing is so bewilderingly complicated and while people were zooming past me, barrel-rolling all-guns-blazing, I was puttering along dying all over the place, in total confusion about what the hell I was supposed to do with my abilities, objectives etc. How the hell do you fire your secondary weap? Matches were therefore longer than I liked, but I didn't want to leave. Very unlikely I will do these again, but suggest a much better introduction to them in the game - the tutorial is pitiful.




    I also just finished a GSF match because when I rerolled my Warzone objective surprise surprise I got a different form of PvP. I feel like I had a very similar experience to you. I can now safely say that for everything I hate about Warzones GSF is worse by an order of magnitude. I have decided that, from now on, I wont reroll Warzone PO's instead I'll reroll GSF because the experience was just that bad. By the end of the match I wanted to log out and not bother with the other PO that's how unfun it was.

  4. That still leaves zero weekly solo tasks.

    And zero daily group/pvp tasks.


    The idea is to have -all- play styles available as both weekly and daily tasks, then let people choose if they want to do a daily and weekly PVP, Group or Solo.


    And just for the record 3 x Unranked for the weekly task took me less time then kill 75 colicoids for the daily task did. So time and effort for the solo daily was actually more then time and effort for the weekly pvp task.


    Well yeah... obviously that's not all of them... they were ideas to deliver the gist of the point, hence the "etc." You could have varying degrees of effort tied to each magnitude of PO, lighter fare for dailies, heavier for weeklies, so if you really wanted to kill 500 bugs on Alderaan for the weekly credit you could.

  5. Someone else had a really good idea about opening up all the options. If they really want to lock us into 2 dailies and 2 weeklies turn progression on the PO's off until the daily/weekly reset after 2 are completed.


    I also like the idea of having the progress fill based on the difficulty/time investment of content you do. Some spitball ideas:


    1 Op fills your weekly allotment of meter

    1-2-3 Master, Vet, SM flashpoint fills a weekly allotment

    2-3 Ranked, Unranked PvP matches fills a weekly allotment

    Kill 200 non-player enemies, fills a daily allotment

    3 Group Missions, fills a daily allotment

    1 weekly quest, fills a weekly allotment

    5 dailies, fills a daily allotment



    I think this would create a nice blend of encouraging players to try new things, especially if you made the objectives mix/matchable. Like someone who did 3 dailies and during the process killed 100 NPCs in that time has both their daily allotments filled. Someone who played 2 SM and 1 Ranked PvP match gets a filled weekly allotment. The little bubbles on the Galactic Seasons page could indicated progress toward a daily or weekly check box as a filling pie chart, if they really want to use the CQ window for GS objectives then the GS objectives could reflect their contribution values there and then indicate that they are repeatable to a weekly or daily limit. The net gain of a change like this, I think, shows people that the content they enjoy rewards them with credit, but they can also explore other game-modes at their leisure and be rewarded for trying a new thing.

  6. BTW, your tone and choice of words are the kind of things that'll antagonize posters (and readers) who might be pre-disposed to be sympathetic to you.


    Sorry, who's antagonizing? Just basing this question on your overall hostile attitude in the quoted post and the one you claimed would be your last. Change starts from within buddy :)


    You might also note that the majority of responses in this thread are in support of the OP. So yes, the person you responded to was still being accurate in their use of "we" by your own definition of those who are posting in this thread. So far the only dissenting voice I've seen is you, and posting more than once in the same thread doesnt boost the volume of your dissent, just the echo of your original post. Food for thought! :rolleyes:

  7. Given the sheer number of points that are needed there should be far, far more objectives than two daily and two weekly.


    Also, I re-rolled and received Black Hole dailies. Should be ok right? Wrong, I had already done the Black Hole dailies before I re-rolled and the objective was automatically checked off but it didn't give me the points.


    Oh that's big oof material for sure... ***. Did they think this through at all? They fed us all this bluster about "Play Your Way" with the addition of Renown and how everything rewards points and tech fragments and whatever, you'd be able to get your gear however you wanted to play the game. Then they launch this and it feels like a complete 180. Nevermind, we decided that we want you to play our way.


    Sorry you miss out on a daily now, if you only did dailies it looks like you'd have to do damn near all of them to get all the content in one season.

  8. I'm really disappointed with the Galactic Seasons Weeklies. Started with Warzones and GS, which I assume everyone got? Then rerolled and got Ops Scum and Villainy/Nature of Progress, or multiple runs of Mountain Queen. I cant reroll either of them again, so I'm just stuck with two things I don't want to do in order to get the lions share of points this week.


    Why? Who is this good for? How about just 2 standard weekly objectives that want you to complete any of a myriad array of objectives, 1 Ops, 5 flashpoints, 5 warzones, 5 GS matches, 3 different planet weekly quests, An ungodly amount of crafting resource collection, etc. Let people achieve the Season points however they want, but dont expect people who hate PVP, Ops, Group content to do those things. It's really not a very player friendly model and instead of getting me to want to play SWTOR more it's making me want to play it much less.


    All this is also on top of the new story content that can be finished in under 2 hours... so what was the hope here? How was the content in this patch supposed to encourage people to stay subbed until whenever the next content drop will be?

  9. fire up task manager and end any "bitraider" processes. (I had 3 running).


    right-click the shortcut to start swtor and select "open file location"

    double-click the "bitraider" folder

    delete the 3 ".xfr" files and the config folder.

    close out explorer and fire up the game. After entering your username/password you should see it verifying and then updating and eventually the play button will light up. Took me right to character select. Only took a few minutes for the update part to finish. Hope this helps.


    Give this a shot guys, this fixed it for me.

  10. I'm looking to complete my set. I dont have 40 mill to blow on the sash and gauntlets alone, I dont think anybody does, so if you have all or some or even just one of the pieces of Revan's original set excluding the Robes and Chest Plate please let me know! I am willing to exchange any cartel market items and/or a reasonable amount of credits per piece.
  11. So far I love the game,but if it ever go f2p I will quit.I will never play a f2p mmo....ever!


    Imo f2p mmo's are for kids.


    Okay lemme just make sure I got your logic straight here. You love this game. F2P games are for kids. This game IS GOING F2P, no way around that, it's going to happen. So essentially you love a game for kids. But you wont play games for kids. So you will cut off your nose to spite your face.

  12. The thing that's driving me batty is that because the missions arent instanced, right now, on Ebon Hawk, there is a gosh darn line of people waiting to use the objective. Are you kidding me? Everyone of those people should be done with the stupid droid by now, we should all be able to click it at once and do the same mission all together. Instead we have to wait for someone who goes off with this droid to finish whatever they're doing and THEN someone else can have a go. Or we have to group up and do it 4 at a time. Either option completely takes me out of the game IMO. I'm a heroic imperial sniper! And what do I do? I sit in a line of people to turn on a freaking droid. No thanks!


    I know everyone could be blitzing the box at once and trying to hit it before someone else, but I am not playing Line Simulator 2012, I'm playing Star WARS The Old Republic. The idea that we have to do this civility role play bs is frustrating as hell.


    Before anyone asks YES I would feel slightly more heroic watching a line of people all following this dumb droid at once than watching a line of people in Tionese/ Columi/ Whatever gear wait for their chance to TOUCH A BOX.


    TL;DR: On Ebon Hawk we are lining up for a chance to touch a box that everyone should be able to just run up to and touch all at the same time.

  13. A book was published around the time the game came out called Star Wars The Old Republic Explorer's Guide that has every map in the game with all the Datacron locations. It's on Amazon for under $17.


    That sounds like just what I need! Thanks a lot!

  14. I'm playing my third alt through to 50 and I am wondering if there is a good Datacron Map out there. If I have to plug in coordinates one more time I'm gonna go crazy. This time I'm playing through Pub side so my previous knowledge of imp datacrons wont be quite so helpful. I know that this wiki starts out promising with a few maps but then it kinda abandons that in favor of coordinates.


    Just one site with big planet wide map with a couple thumbtacks on it as to the general vicinity of where the datacrons can be found would be SUPER helpful!


    Thanks in advance!

  15. I cant really figure out why it's doing that, I figure it's something running on my comp. Once it minimizes there's no other windows open or anything at all really. I was hoping one of you fine people might have a suggestion for a program I can install that will close all my unused background programs or something? I check my Task Manager before launching and I dont have that much running and the stuff that is running I figure is important... thanks in advance! :jawa_tongue:
  16. I just finished the Imperial Agent Storyline yesterday and I have got to tell you it was one of the best written coolest story arcs I have ever experienced. I loved every second of it. I played through as a Sniper and although there were some difficult stretches gameplay wise I always found the next turn in the storyline to be really rewarding of the effort it took to get there.


    I've played a few other classes to 20, the Sith Warrior to 30 but after I got my Agent past Dromund Kaas he was all I wanted to play. I'm about to start a Chiss Jedi Knight now as my next character, I'm hoping the story is at least half as good as the Agents.

  17. I'll provide a(nother) G! Hey guys and gals, you can find me over on Rubat Crystal if you wanna make new friends! My main is a 50 Agent that just capped out yesterday, now I plan on working on his son the Jedi. Pretty decent chance you'll find me on Amani or Bael'en!
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