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Posts posted by Smoeki

  1. Call my crazy but If you put 2 and 2 together the fact this 1000 coin "bonus" for CE is probably nothing more than a hint that the CE store is never going to be upgraded with anything worthy of note if anything at all. Once Free-to-Play starts any newer cool fluff gear (ie cosmetic/social gear) will only be sold in the "store" instead of being placed in the CE store. So no DDE players should not get bonus anything, CE players should either get more coins or a contractual promise from Bioware that the CE Store will still be updated. Perhaps more than the current never lol...
  2. yeah this is getting stupid now.. I've open 47 (yes 47) boxes and I have yet to get the Kira Carsen skin. Sad thing was the first 10 I opened I got 7 out of the 8 available. Every box I open after that makes me want to leave the game. RNG system is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in a game not really sure why I'm even bothering at this point other than some OCD issues.
  3. I have to say I think Marauders are great for PVP, I run with one most of the time for WZ's and we duo'ed every flashpoint from lvl 20 and up to 50 when we were 1 to 3 levels below them, and know first hand much damage and utility they can bring when played well.



    Reading some of the comments makes me laugh because it's obvious some of you haven't run into any Marauders/Sentinals who can play them well. The vast majority of them I can easily rip through (BH Merc Hybrid build) and I don't even really view them as a priority to take down most of time. However there are a few that will tear through me in a heart beat and I haven't really found out a real way of countering yet. Not saying it not possible , I think that Arsenal spec could work with the knock backs but what happens when you hit full resolve? Anyway I'm not to worried about it since It's rare to find well played ones at this point in the game. Unfortunately when I do though, they make a B line for me as a healer and tear me a new one.



    I don't think that Marauders are OP or that they are harder to play than any other class for that matter, everyone likes to make it sound like their class is the bomb digity and complex lol I do envy the force leap though...

  4. Don't know if its new bug but i'm having a noticeable difference in getting my skills off now also. That coupled with the fact that the skill icon looks like it ready to use when its still on cool-down (which is the major issue IMHO). It's not working like it was before, I use to be able to hit my oh crap skills back to back and now it's taking 5-6 seconds to get all 3 off instead of about 2 or 3. Call me crazy but I noticed it also, its not all in your head. I can't say it's causing me to not own people lol since i'm usually just healing haha. Don't know if it's a bug, lag, or just some change to the cool down process.
  5. Please forgive me for asking, but is there a point to get some/all the codexes?

    Do they unlock some quests/gear/titles?


    I think it's more about just completing it, I don't know if we get anything special for completing it.


    So the only logical way with the current rules would be 'Need' is for Players themsleves.

    'Greed' for Conpanions.




    I'd have to disagree, you need to address the issue from the fact there isn't a built in restriction. Therefore base rules are ANYTHING goes, you can't expect a PUG group to follow some unwritten rule. Guild groups and friend groups are always going to be different. It still defaults to a group leader to take 30 seconds to explain the loot rules and let people decide for themselves before starting an instance/flashpoint/quest

  7. If the system is to be changed, why change it to a variation of an obsolete, politic creating bull<bleep> inducing system?


    Better system: Loot is rolled for everyone separately, no one sees what everyone else gets, adjusting chance and numbers accordingly, and allowing you a chance to give an item up if its bind of pickup.


    There you go! Some games have/had this, and it made the PUG dynamic far more interesting. Pug raid groups were far more common and successful.




    In this day and age of MMO you would think people realise there's more MMOs than EQ/WoW and its direct clones. Some have different loot mechanics which in turn create different "loot rules". And few/no major MMO has a companion system like this one. So the rules become fuzzy, and people who think there "one true WoW-like way" is the only way are arguably causing more problems than the rest. If you don't setup rules before the group start, its free for all. (Note: I have never rolled for anything for my companion, even when duoing with my wife. Doesn't change that the above is true)



    I agree 100% I've also never played a MMO with a companion so rules are fuzzy to say the least. Also now you can takes mods off items so what is the difference if the person only wanted the Armour for the mods and not the fact it was a heavy armor piece?

  8. according to the gm that responded to my ticket, its not bugged, and should be easily found. i dont think they realize that alot of people are not finding it, if anyone has even gotten it.


    Wouldn't be the fist time a GM was reading from a script lol. Normally in other mmo's If its not on a known bugs list they don't know any better.

  9. 1. If in a group with no defined rules like pickup groups, Companions are you I don't see a difference in building your companion up vs yourself it's the same thing as far as i'm concerned. It's not like your giving it to an alt your building a part of yourself.


    Group leaders need to let people know what the rules are, you can't use telepathy lots of kids and people new to mmo's out there to begin with. Stop acting like somehow there is a list of unwritten rules that everyone knows.

  10. If you can't on the site, call 1-800-WALMART and go through the menus to contact Walmart.com and be sure that you choose the option to talk to customer service, not the option to cancel an order (because that just takes you to a recording that tells you to visit the web site). I did that and was able to get the order canceled, and wasn't charged for anything but the $1 or whatever it was they charged me to ship me the preorder code slip.


    yeah, apparently my wal-mart order has shipped on the 16th lol... Apparently it shipped before I even called... I guess now I have to see which one makes it first Fed-EX or UPS lol


    On a side note I ordered on November 3rd.

  11. I'm missing it also, there is another thread going perhaps this one or the other will get a response. I'm starting to think that The Hutt Cartel codex is bugged.




    IDK about the Red Blade codex, since i'm a BH, have you guys left the planet yet? You may get it on the way off the planet. I would assume it may be a bug also since it's a Agent class only codex option.

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