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Posts posted by HelMask

  1. I think it's really cool how they've included them as small easter eggs in subtle locations on places like Rishi, Belsavis, and Nar Shadaa. Imagine having one as a comp, with perhaps a small story... or better yet, playable species esp for classes like the bounty hunter :p
  2. No I don't have a problem with Gen'Dai, I'm just saying their abilities are pretty broken. I mean nigh-instant healing factor/immortality, vast super strength enough to lift a walker, reflexes/speed to see Force Users in slow motion, insane resistance to physical injury.


    It's a good thing the Gen'Dai are more a peaceful people than warmongering.


    lol ikr

  3. They are pretty broken lore wise though tbh.


    How so? Imo, I understand that they're OP, but that doesn't mean it can't work. I think that if they were able to bring revan back, a gen'dai comp wouldn't be that much of a stretch.

  4. I LOVE that they included Gen'Dai as a recognized thing! I only recall seeing them on belsavis and rishi. Having a Durge-like companion or being able to play as like a kel dor or gen'dai would be absolutely amazing:):sy_bountyhunter:
  5. I lost both my republic and imperial hk customization equips. But the other ones I decided not to equip like hk jungle and selkath are still in my cargo. I just worked on getting enough bounty contracts to get the bh7x customization but now I don't even know if it's safe to equip... I worked so hard and invested soo much time to get those completed contracts and now some people will have done them for nothing??!! This should definitely be a high priority fix. I want to be able to equip the bh7x look and not have to fear losing it like this.
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