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Posts posted by Birtram

  1. Perchance you have com gear? Its low power trash, I would not be surprised if the tertiary stats don't do anything on that as there is nothing to scale from. The stat guide and dps estimations are for token gear.


    Ah, that's it of course. I forgot about that, I do have mostly comm gear. I just haven't had many chances to raid with my Sage for now since I often need to log in with my tank for guild runs. I am aware that comm gear is always trash compared to token gear, but I wasn't expecting such a huge difference. Now that I look into it carefully I see that the difference in Power is indeed huge.


    I gotta say that I was still hoping to hit 5k DPS without a full bonus set, however. Oh well, looks like Sages aren't too hot right now.

  2. I can't for the life of me reach 5K DPS on the dummy with my Telekinetics Sage in 216 gear, let alone 6k. I like to think that I execute the rotation just fine since it's easy and I've been playing that class since 2011, but this thread mentions 6292 as average DPS for that class with 216 gear. I even have a bunch of 220 pieces on top of all the other 216 ones, but the best I ever get on the dummy on 4-5 minute parses is 4700 DPS.


    I have Critical in all my augments except for 3 Alacrity ones. My Accuracy is at 110%.


    Am I doing something terribly wrong or do I just not understand what average DPS means in the OP's calculations? I suspect it's the latter. If OP's average numbers have nothing to do with dummy parsing, can anyone tell me if 4700 DPS is alright for that class in that gear?

  3. We have to keep in mind that the Alliance system brings a lot of new followers and eventually lets your recruit all companions from all classes. Fully voicing player responses from each VA for the 8 classes (male and female) for all those conversations has to cost a lot of money. Why does everyone seem to willingly ignore this? That's a LOT of dialogue for something that isn't part of the main, big story chapters. Hell, it would be a significantly bigger amount of recorded dialogue that what we get in the chapters themselves!


    I'm ok with cutting costs there and putting the money where it really matters (the main story). I'm actually surprised that we do get voiceovers for those characters we talk to in such convos (although they cheat a bit by making all planetary contacts aliens who don't need proper VA). And I have to say that I do dig the KOTOR vibe and the extra choices we get since they don't need to be voiced. I think that it's a good spin and the best way they could have done it without the VA.


    This really, really, really isn't that big of a deal.

  4. If having Alliance side quest combos changed to this style is the price to pay for having such a good story with the main chapters, I will gladly take it. Making full voice overs for interactions with SO many Alliance recruits and contacts surely costs a lot of money, so they obviously prioritized putting the cash into the main story and cutting some corners in the Alliance related convos. Hell, I'm actually quite happy that we still hear the voices of those we talk to.


    NOT a big deal. And I have to say that I actually like the KOTOR vibe, but that's just me.

  5. there was an option. it was called "do the class stories while 12xp was active for forty years".


    Simply this. People are spoiled after so much time of 12x XP. If you haven't leveled up the toons you wanted during this LONG period with enhanced experience gain, then that's on you. Many of us had to level a lot of toons the hard way these last few years. The new system isn't as fast as 12x XP, but it sure as hell is a lot faster than what it used to be.

  6. Shadows are the most demanding graphic setting. By far. Setting them to low or disabling them entirely (barely any difference between both those settings) should make a very big difference in your framerate. I think it's so much more worth it to sacrifice shadows and leave everything else with higher settings than going about it the other way around.
  7. Simplification of some things for convenience isn't the same as dumbing down the game or catering to the casual crowd. And let's be honest, people like the OP always end up enjoying this kind of change because they can act all experienced and smart by telling new players about how hard things were back in their day. I've been playing this game since beta and having all main stats rolled into one or surge and crit combined doesn't bother me at all.


    Difficulty and complexity =/= Unnecessary complications or grinding.


    Complaining about these things reminds me of people whining about "skill cap" changes in Dota 2. But it's particularly funny to see it in this game since it's a much an easier one.

  8. :ph_danger:

    Quoting for importance!


    FXAA is the worst AA to my eyes and many others it seems.


    HIGH AA is now the only viable setting in this game.


    Sorry about the font attack but this is a really important message and basically makes or breaks this patch.


    There's also this AA solution via Nvidia Inspector. It creates some minor bugs becase of an interaction with the Bloom effect, but it's an excellent AA method that doesn't blur anything and eliminates virtually all jaggies. It takes some horsepower to run it, however. It's easier to do now with the better performance after the patch:



  9. Seems easier to just toss the Draw distance setting on, also Background quality, and Distance skill quality would be useful also.

    A function that hides/conceals players or their dynamic skill animation graphics when in a high populated environment would REALLY give an edge for sparing people their eyes and their steam processors from bleeding


    Something I've always wanted is the possibility to disable certain ability effects from other group members. There's many operations in which the screen get absolutely cluttered with so many shiny effects and AoE reticules from everyone else's skills. It's useful and important to see some of them, of course, but for the most part I don't really get any useful information and it just makes everything really stressful for the eyes.

  10. Yeah, I am absolutely nuts. How can I expect a game to run well with these outdated graphics in 2015 without having to sacrifice render distance this much? And don't get me started on how stupid it is that we still have a 32 bit client that doesn't even take advantage of all the power in modern processors. I understand that this custom engine is a mess and that there's only so much they can do with it. But I actually think that we should be able to increase the render distance and take a performance hit if we prefer it that way. I know I do.


    But yeah, that's the internet for you... Criticism is often considered petty entitlement.

  11. The game runs better and areas load faster, but it looks like draw distance has taken a significant hit to achieve it. Texture detail only comes out fully once you are really close to things and there's a lot more pop-in. I want the game to run better, but I want honest performance improvements. Destroying render distance is cheating.


    Maybe something's bugged right now, perhaps the problem is on my end and I'm judging prematurely. Either way this is quite disappointing.

  12. There seems to be a (much needed) performance update starting with today's patch. But I wouldn't expect any improvements to the graphics themselves. The KOTFE gameplay we've seen so far looks pretty much the same as what we already have. Maybe the shaders look a little better, but I don't think we're going to get any more eye candy.


    Obviously I don't know better than the devs, but I believe that their graphics have already gone as far as this engine allows. I wouldn't mind some improvements to some things (like true high resolution textures), but I highly doubt we'll ever get that. Not that I mind that too much, I think that this game has aged decently well and looks good for an MMO, what it really needs is improvements to its shoddy performance and it looks like we are getting some.

  13. Going through them is quite dull. I already found those solo modes rather boring in my very first SoR playthrough, so imagine how annoyed I feel when I have to go through them again with my fifth or sixth alt toon. Doing them with my Scoundrel healer was particularly jarring.


    I really didn't like that approach to the SoR story. Instead of making one or two significant new planets they gave us those flashpoints and half assed Rishi and Yavin. I would have loved another Makeb.

  14. All the proc nerfs were annoying enough since they didn't need to happen. But this issue with Telekinetic Gust is easily the most annoying thing. It feels really clunky and I'm tired of having to delay Mind Crush so much because of it. Add those couple GCD's we need to wait now to all the typical movement mechanics in operations and it's a total pain to keep a stable rotation now.
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