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Posts posted by SurlySays

  1. no i didnt mean with just healing abilitys on my hotbar, i just wanted to lvl as a jedi sage healer (found out from my first MMO lvl a healer or tank first) and wanted to know if it was possible to only pick healing talents in the tree's and still be able to handle buisness when im out on my own with my companion...
  2. is they're a skill on one of the BH > Mercenary tree's that vents heat faster... not the "improved vents" talent that instantly drops it by 8/16, but something that drops it faster? i seem to be right at the top end most of the time doin the first 2 instances... so could someone tell me they'res hope for my future as a Mercenary lol!!


    thanks guys!

  3. could any of you guys point me in the right direction so i could take a look @ a low lvl healing build... just starting out my Sorc (lv12) and i need some direction as far as healing talents go. i would like to heal flashpoints, but still be able to solo easily! thanks guys
  4. i dont use the default N or companion window because it requires more than just the 1 click to get to where i wanna go... cuz then i gotta open the crew management page, then select the skill, then select what i want them to do... instead of just opening the skill with a hotbar press, and tellin em where to go!
  5. ok so i added the bottom center hotbar to my screen, and i put in it the Crew Skills that i've chosen, and every once in a while ( i don't exactly notice when ) they end up disappearing and i have to put them back on the bar, and ive done this like 4 times now... anyone have any idea what will fix this so they DON'T disappear!!


    thanks guys

  6. ok so i decided to be an Armormech on my BH so i could make my gear... i also wanted to be able to make gear for Khem on my Sorc... all the gear i have been able to craft thus far all has Aim and End on it, which is great for my BH... but for Khem i want Str and End! is it like that because my BH is the one crafting it... or have i just not found any Str/End stuff to craft yet??


    thanks guys!

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