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Posts posted by OtaconSolo

  1. i dont like addons that much. but gotta say, some are really useful, at least in my experience with wow. for me at least heal its more fun with a healbot. but i can survive with out it.


    i think if they put addons on the game, you have the choice to use them or not. so its really a matter of who is playing not if there is addons or not. i would like to have the choice though.


    also, gotta say that im totaly agreed with @zeroneutral on ^ that.

  2. WoW PvP is much more polished and competitive... after all they have had years to make it what it is.


    SW:ToR PvP is much more friendly to the casual - good? bad? it depends on what you expect out of the experience.


    Doing things right in WoW PvP has a much more immediate effect on the outcome of an encounter, while doing something wrong can mean you die a pretty fast and sometimes leads to frustration.


    I like SW:ToR but honestly, I get much less satisfaction from it's PvP system than I do from WoW.


    sure. wow pvp has years of evolution. but even so, sometimes i feel like its a little broken. some 2v2 team are totally useless for example. maybe that change here in TOR.



    no auto attack means that you need a lot more of "skill" to do the real damage. thats a good thing i guess.

  3. well...pandas has nothing to do with PVP and stuffs. so let them out of here.


    and as far as i know they are planing on put Dual Spec soon after the launch or thats what i heard on a Q&A.

  4. Woah! that part of rewards for healing an tanking sounds nice! is good to know that you can be what you want to be and not what the game is forcing you to be.


    thanks man good answerd.


    i read that Stun inmunity is also diferent it seems like if you are stunned you get a little inmunity to that stun. but if you are constantly stunned you get a 15 sec (or so) inmunitty to all stuns, thanks kind of a big diference too.

  5. Lucas put his foot down on this one he has mandated ABSOLUTELY no jedi wookies after lowbacca. hes pissed that even lowbacca exist.


    thats a shame. i would really think is an intresting idea. i also liked lowbacca. anyway it would be cool to be a wookie even if not a jedi class...




    i really cant imagine a Trooper or Smuggler Wookie xD

  6. Yeah i know, its useless to compare this two games, i dont like to compare myself. but i was wondering whats diferent between this two PVP systems. i mean i just have played the SW Beta and my only PVP reference is wow.


    what can i expect from SW pvp system? is there some kind of arena or rated Battle ground? mechanics work the same as wow? are rouge like classes going to be as Overpowered as they are in wow pvp? xD

    i would like to know things like that.


    well lets start the disccution. what you can tell me about one and another PVP System.

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