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Posts posted by Barakas

  1. Shield Spec


    1. Solid tank in PvE, worst tank in PvP due to lack of dps vs assassin and lack of survivability/movement vs guardian.


    2. PvE is fine, PvP is workable but only if you don't have the other tanks. Due to the Vanguard's extra reliance on Shield for DR and the fact it works on very few abilities due to crit and force/tech attacks the Vanguard suffers more thant the other tanks.


    Assault Spec


    1. Stupidly overpowered in PvP, burst is way too high especially when coupled with gear not designed for the advanced class (Eliminator)


    2. Stupidly overpowered in PvP. Defense is just as good if not better than most other DPS and damage is WAY higher. It feels like I'm cheating when playing this spec, I was topping charts in Combat Tech gear with a Shield offhand.

  2. Master Strike can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.

    The ONLY damage increase. It's a 30 sec cd. Just stun/knockback/move 5 steps to the side and there you go, you interrupted it.


    I keep seeing people saying all you need to do is move to interrupt it, but I've yet to see that actually work. I'll be at least 15 metres away and still get hit with the big hit at the end. I'd certainly have less issue with it if getting range worked to avoid it.

  3. New sounds are awful. Everywhere I turn there's sparking electricity, they need to get maintenance in to fix it. Guarding turrets in Alderaan I have to stand off the platform so my ears don't start bleeding. Augmenting blasters in space combat sounds like I'm hitting a ventilation shaft with a whisk, it's getting to the stage where I'm going to make it more difficult for myself by not using it any more just so I can play it without wanting to throw my headset across the room.


    What was the reason behind changing them anyway? Were there any complaints? You improve things by shutting up the ship droid and other companions, then on the other hand you introduce different noises to get on the nerves of the playerbase. If you're going to make things annoying, at least set them as ambience so we can turn that down without affecting important in game sounds. Can't you just leave us in peace?

  4. I get that they were trying to reward people for effort and punish afkers, but it's just not working. There's even less incentive now to play for a win because you run the risk of getting nothing. Sitting at a node that's not getting attacked, floating between nodes to be ready to reinforce, getting in position to defend or receive a pass in Huttball; all likely ways of getting nothing or very little at the end of a warzone.


    It's a classic example of punishing the majority because a minority is doing something wrong. The vote-kick system would be a better place to start, why not run with that for a while and go back to reasonable rewards for a loss?

  5. I've actually won a warzone I thought we should have lost. Both teams got to the datacore, but the opponents got there in the second round with 8 seconds left on the clock. It seems this was treated as a tie though as we finished 6 all and we won the random roll for a win. Didn't seem fair to me.
  6. Bwahahaha, you think I posted about my computer and Internet connection for your sake? Man you are just full of yourself aren't you? I posted that to parry the inevitable comments from others like you who will try to claim such as they try to feign indifference. So, so far you have apparently as a previous poster pointed out said you were going to make video of such, not done so, then try to call someone out because they refuse to play your stupid game of "if I didn't see it then it didn't happen". I'm under no obligation to prove anything, which seems to be your biggest misunderstanding here. And my posts "confusing others with misinformation"???? I'm sorry but what misinformation have I given out exactly. Hmmmmm that's right none! I have given up my observations on a broken system and refuted your rose colored glasses approach with my own experiences. I'm still missing the part where I gave out misinformation.....hmmm maybe you should record it on video because obviously if it ain't there then it didn't happen.




    Facts are supported by evidence. Until you can provide some, it's purely a hypothesis. Also, the other side does not need to provide evidence as it's the currently accepted fact due to an absence of proof to the contrary. There are plenty of people who haven't seen what you're seeing but would be more than willing to agree with you if you or someone else was able to provide concrete examples. You may be in the right, but until you can prove that you are no one can take you seriously.

  7. Hey guys


    So I started using this build in PvP. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MffbzG0RzZMIModzb.1


    It's a hybrid between Medic and Concealment. This allows me to do some decent damage, Backstabbing people for free, while still remaining decent off-healing skills. I KP every ally around me and myself as I run around, proccing TA's as I go. Stimpack gives me extra survivability alongside the probes, courtesy of Revitalizers.


    This build is not supposed to be a main attacker, but I tend to take a more supportive role when going for nodes. I keep myself concealed and spam the probes and when a Rep comes near me I stab him :p


    When a comrade is losing the upperhand and is below 30% I spam SP. This has allowed many of my companions to keep on bashing until the opponent(s) is/are down.


    So I just wanted to know what you guys think of this build? I'm still just in PvE gear and I'm now collecting commendations. So my crit rating is still a bit subpar. When I have a decent crit rating (over 50% or something) I might invest in Accomplished Doctor, foregoing Tactical Opportunity and Revitalizers. What do you think about that?


    I ran almost exactly your build until needing to respec to a more healing oriented build for the guild. As you've said, it's a fantastic support build. You're essentially 90% of a full healer or full dps and can switch at will depending on what's needed. The only changes I'd make would be to get rid of the points in DS as they're next to useless in PvP and put them in Inlays and Precision Instruments instead.


    I wouldn't bother with Accomplished Doctor, it's only going to be buffing your KInj. I don't know how much you're using it in PvP, but I found it wasn't a major staple like it would be in PvE. I ended up dropping the points from Tactical Opportunity and putting them in Lethality for a 4% Crit chance increase. I found it was better than a 50% chance to get a TA refunded every 10 seconds, especially considering you have to keep Dart up on the target as well. The other option I'd considered was Pin Down, as the root really helps on runners, especially in Huttball over a fire grate as roots aren't affected by resolve.

  8. My Op is level 50 and my Sin is currently 46. The Operative is definitely closer to the WoW rogue, and is also much better as a DPS from stealth playstyle. They essentially have no utility, so get better damage from stealth. The Assassin has lower burst, but gets a ton more utility like knockback and speed.


    After playing them both with a few different specs, I'd choose the Operative for DPS and the Assassin for survivability and utility.

  9. That is exactly what I am arguing it is not. Its terrible HPS and you don't get to use the TA procs most of the time because they happen while you are casting KInjs. In any realistic scenarios its strictly worse than just casting Kinj+SP. If you skip using KP you have the same average HPS total only its all upfront. Barring the situational usage of using it while moving, etc. there is basically no reason to use it in a standard healing rotation. This is for a pure healing rotation, obviously a hybrid can use all those extra TAs for DPS, etc.


    HPE KInj+SP: ~245.

    HPE 1x KP: ~194.


    HPS Kinj+SP: ~1754

    HPS 1x KP: ~162.


    Even DS has an HPS of ~325-350 with some alacrity.


    I'm open to ideas I just don't see how its very good looking at the numbers. I am 50 and have been playing healer. The only uses it seems to have are prehealing before a fight or tossing it before someone goes LOS.


    Not saying I disagree with the conclusion, but these numbers are pointless. 1 x KP is a single cooldown, whereas KI + SP is a 2 second cast plus another cooldown. I'd be more interested in a full 15 second rotation of KP x 2 + 3 x (KI + SP) vs 4 x (KI +SP), as those are the two rotations to compare, not single casts.

  10. No. From my experience, people vote for whoever already has the highest number of medals, because by default sort that's who appears at the top of the list. I can come in number one in healing and get 4-5 medals, no votes. Jump on my Assassin, throw guard and taunt on random people getting attacked then just DPS, finish with 8-10 easy medals and the most MVP votes. People are stupid.
  11. Just to clarify your first sentence. Evasive imperative does indeed work, but it doesn't stack with sprint, so once you're in combat you do indeed get a nice boost.


    You can confirm this works for you? It certainly doesn't work for me. I've run multiple tests both with and without Sprint turned on, both in and out of combat and it takes exactly the same time to cover a set distance with Evasion activated as it does without activating it. Evasive Imperative does not work in any way for me.

  12. It doesn't need 2 apps. If you're running crit spec you can't double crit KP anyway so the only difference is ticks that don't crit hit higher. I always thought it should double crit tbh, was kinda dissapointed when I realised it doesn't.


    I don't understand what you're trying to say here. Of course it needs two apps. e.g. One app of the hot will tick for 200 and crit for 300, second app will make it tick for 400 and crit for 600.

  13. Do you really even need Tactical Opportunity with that spec? I'd imagine 4% crit or 1 Tox 1 Acc Doc would be way more beneficial since you have tons of talents that preserve and generate TA already.


    I had originally planned to put 1 Tox/Acc Doc, but the extra burst through a second Laceration due to Tac Opp proccing has been quite noticeable. Also find I don't use any of the abilities that Acc Doc enhances much. RN isn't even in the build, Infusion came off my hotbars when I got SP and Injection is just to prebuff Stim or in pressure heal situations. It's used much less than Laceration for me. Comes down to personal playstyle, if I was healbotting more I'd take out those points, plus probably the points in Collateral Strike and Waylay even and put them in Med or Leth.

  14. Im so hurt that over a forum u called me bad at pvp. Its cool. I do top damage almost every game and **** on everybody but smugglers. You guys obviously never pvp'd at 50, or are just fanboys, but the SWTOR community knows smugglers need a nerf. You guys are fanboys if you think otherwise.


    So the one class you can't beat needs a nerf because they're overpowered. What happens when they're nerfed? I hope you then start calling to get yourself nerfed, otherwise you'd be a hypocrite.


    The point is moot anyway. They've already been acknowledged, which is why they're fixing buff stacking. They'll re-evaluate after that and make further changes if necessary. Quite frankly I'm impressed that they're using a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer when it comes to balancing.

  15. Currently spec'd 3/31/7.


    Until the 50 bracket hits and more folks in my guild start doing WZ premades, I'm interested in trying something like this:




    On paper it looks kind of feasible. Concealment w/ a bit more survivability and overall utility. You lose the alpha-stun, but might have the tools to stay toe-to-toe a little better.


    Very similar to my current build, but I focused more on increasing damage and healing than defense and regen. That way I'm able to switch between some burst dps or heals, depending on what would be the best way to help out in a fight. It's particularly amusing when someone at half health decides to go for the "healer" and you burst them to dead.



  16. You know what a cross server pool essentially is? A bigger server.


    There's almost no difference between 4 servers with 1000 population being put in the same pool and a single server with 4000 population.


    You still see people you recognise in Warzones, and get to know other guilds players and can build reputations. You just have a higher population so you may see them less.


    The only difference is that if you play with a good player from another server, you can't team up with them for the next game. That's not really much of an argument though, as if there wasn't a cross server pool you never would have seen or played with them in the first place.


    I've yet to see one valid reason to oppose cross server PvP. Most of it boils down to wanting to be a big fish in a small pond.

  17. First 11 points in Medicine to get Kolto Probe

    Next 11 points in Concealment to get Laceration


    That gives you the bread and butter stuff from both trees. After that it's a matter of preference. If you prefer having heals for more peace of mind or if you're wanting to get into groups easier for flashpoints, top up Medicine. If you prefer to have your normal fights go quicker, top up Concealment. Either way you'll want to probably put a couple more points in both trees to get the upgrades to both Laceration and Kolto Probe.

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