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Posts posted by Gilack

  1. Initial verdict on the new space stuff: Disappointed.


    All new missions are pretty much impossible without new Rank 7 parts. I've tried 4 or 5 of the 6 missions at least twice each, and though I can make some progress, I haven't come close to a win.


    They have scattered said parts across the Fleet Commendation, Daily Commendation, and Cybertech Schematics (which cost even more Fleet Comms).


    OR you can "conveniently" buy a package of new Offensive ship parts with Cartel Coins (which I don't have because they gave me December early (on day 2) and have never heard of Monopoly "Bank error in your favor"


    That means unless I find a magic character with a stash of comms I didn't remember, I'm stuck grinding old stuff until I get enough to buy a new part or two.


    So yeah. I'm too annoyed at the moment to run old space missions and login and out of characters to find out who is closest to getting something. The only people this is at all friendly for are people who have been running the gerbil wheel for the last couple months and have a lot of spare comms. So as it is I'm sitting at the window with my nose pressed to the glass.


    You guys really should have tuned at least 1 new mission for Rank 6 parts and given people an entry step into the new stuff. As it is, missions are either Rank 5 and boring as spit with Rank 6 parts, or nigh impossible.

  2. As a gamer who grew up on Flight Combat Sims, like FreeSpace (which remains my favorite game), I always had a soft spot for the space missions in this game, even if they are rail shooters. I'm more than a little excited for the new space content, just hoping it brings in new environments instead of the same three re-hashes. To those who had to "read the boards" to "figure out what was going on" because "it was displayed so badly", I suggest getting a new screen and graphics card. There may not have been much story, but its pretty clear that the objective was always "Shoot what's shooting at you".


    I too have been trying to figure out what that poster meant. Unless you're flying with your mission objectives hidden, I can't think of a single space mission that would be that puzzling even on your first run ever.

  3. This will get me playing regularly again, but in my mind and heart rail shooter space missions will never hold a candle to free flight. Space flight is one of the few things your predecessor MMO got right, and while your post is somewhat lacking in specifics, I'm afraid this is just going to be another round of missions that are only hard until you have the gear upgrades, and then they become a waiting game until the timer runs out.
  4. HOWEVER, if you like the game or if you want more content, this is a good thing. Less servers to maintain is hundreds of thousands in savings from maintenance, support, and other fixed costs. That money can now be used to meet the 6 week content commitment. You want the money going to new stuff in the game or maintaining hard assets? It also means faster patch times (fewer servers to patch).



    In a dynamic load driven server system, it's the same amount of hardware, it just has fewer entry points, and barriers. The only way for your "massive" savings to come true is for massive numbers of people to stop playing.

  5. Seasonal Event... Yep remove the vendor when it is over and people can hand in their stuff next time it occurs. Understandable cause it is seasonal.


    1.2 - Rakghoul event... one time occurance...


    Leave the turn-in vendor up so people can hand them in afterwards. It doesn't look like we will see this same event again, so it is a bit logical, and nice, to leave the vendor around for people to finish handing in their stuff.


    Or... create some other NPC that can handle that on the fleet.


    I've seen nothing to even hint this is the only time we'll see it. The simple fact that games don't do one-off code because it's stupid argues against that. As does the fact they didn't just wipe out all DNA, clear all disease buffs, and remove all remaining missions from mission logs.


    Unless you've seen a post or comment or official page somewhere that said this was one time only, I'm going to say I disagree with your interpretation.

  6. Yes Liokae, unable to find it. An in-game anything would have been helpful. Anything\.


    Yeah! The game should have a World Map that shows where things are! o wait...


    Seriously, you made it clear you're unwilling to seek info from outside sources. Are you also allergic to talking to other people ingame?


    Basically, you're asking to be handheld through the game. If this were a single player game, you wouldn't be asking for all bonus areas to be clearly marked with large neon signs, so why should they be here?


    Most games, even most MMOs, explicitly don't tell you everything. That's because for some people, figuring it out is fun. For everyone else, there's using your words and asking the people that like to figure that stuff out. It's basic game design, and people shouldn't be faulting BioWare for engaging in it.

  7. Huge blunder, BW.


    I was gone for 3 days. Now the game time I put into the event is wasted. Ending the event means ending the ability to acquire currency toward the event items, and no more event quests.


    This will be bad PR for SWToR. Not helping the silent masses that are on the fence about renewing. "Yay, I have a couple hundred DNAs that are now useless unless I stick around for a year. What a waste of time. /ragequit".


    What game takes away an event vendor at the same time an event ends?




    Fire your PR person if they haven't chimed in on this, BW.


    Ending a limited time event after a limited amount of time is a blunder? Sounds to me like the blunder was you not planning around your absence.


    As for what game takes away the vendor as soon as the event ends? Every game I've played does. SWG did. City of Heroes does. WoW does. Everyone saying that no other game does it this way needs to start listing those games, because I've never encountered any.

  8. Suicide yourself as quickly as possible then use the Retry mission, instead of aborting it and reloading. This has been an acceptable workaround for me on most missions, since there's usually enough to crash into/get shot by early on.
  9. Anyone who kept up to speed with the hints they dropped, or has participated in other events in other games, knows that once it's over you're stuck waiting until next time. I'd be glad they're letting you keep the DNA until then, and call it good.
  10. You can have other players on your starship


    Not during scenes, and not for any sort of combat. So... RP? Great for RPers but not the point.


    I play regularly with my girlfriend. I saw the Bounty Hunter storyline through her as she saw the Agent storyline through me. More accurately, we each saw about 80% of the main story parts of the storyline, since neither of us could see the others:


    a) Conversations on Ships

    b) Conversations by Holocall

    c) Conversations with open world NPCS


    It's a serious breakdown in an otherwise engaging system. To hear about key sections of story secondhand when it shouldn't be too hard to allow people to watch was frustrating.

  11. First I'll say I'm pleased with what was added, it's a bit overwhelming at first, but very useful.


    I've hit two MAJOR roadblocks in making this a totally fun and useful feature for me though:


    1) I can't save and load keybind configs to go along with the new UI. It's fantastic that I can tweak windows for 20minutes on a character then just save it and switch to an alt and it's all there. It is far far far less fantastic when I have to rebind a lot of buttons to fit the new UI layout, then do it again for each alt.


    2) I can't save and load ability button layouts. There is zero point in coming up with a UI suited to healing on an OP if I can't easily load in a button config to fit it, then switch back to my fighting buttons for missions.


    I'll cut out any histrionics and emotion and just say the lack of those things makes the new UI a tantalizing frustration at this point.

  12. Confused. The patch notes never said you could re a purple and get an orange schematic, nor did it say you would get a crit schematic (augment slot.) The notes have always indicated this:


    On critical successes, crafted Custom (orange) gear now receives an Augment slot


    No one expects patch notes to exhaustively detail all aspects of each change. However blog posts from a developer on the specific subject do. When one of those makes it seem clear that things are going to be a lot different than they turn out to be, then the original poster is right to feel underwhelmed.


    Falling back on "patch notes" as some kind of defense isn't sufficient.

  13. I suggest this option should be disabled. Obviously I do no expect a replacement, since I intentionally tried it just to see what would happen, but I can imagine that this may happen by accident, so at least displaying a warning might be a good idea.


    The "warning" is in fact the lack of a % It's not their fault you're not used to the new system yet. Overdoing confirm/deny popups would be a bad idea.

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