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Posts posted by Kelamare

  1. don't go to shadowlands between the pvp leets an the troll an quiters you'll spend more time wanting to punchout your monitor an most the ranked are 10 to 20 min an none on weekends spent an hour in que nothing an most non ranked are your terribads
  2. it was over 5 months ago an I thought it was torch all I know its a boss who has two adds with him an CCing was an issue an to be honest I don't remember if it was HM or not simple fact was the guys had holes in there gear missing armors or mods or enhancement granted there the extreme of stupid in game but the abuse they an other dps bring to heals an tanks ya wonder why no one rolls or only tanks for people they know
  3. Its not even a matter of not enough DPS it's a matter of brain dead players who loggin an go GIVE ME STUFF.


    I have 2 55 heals a BH an Sorc I have a Jugg tank an have had tons of abuse heaped in my direction due to simple things as they died cause the other player was to stupid not to stand in fire.

    I have been gaming for along time now ive tanked or healed in WoW since Pre BC I find tanking an healing fun I switched to swtor an never returned to the other I refuse to play panda land. that being said I have never run across more out of touch dps as I have in swtor.

    Best example dropped que as heals on my BH the group is a tak with just 25k health an 2 dps with around 19 to 21k health no prob just looking health wise it will be an interesting run with this group there all in the same guild so they should be work well , Oh how wrong I was. the first pull an the CCed is broken by the DPS one dies right away since he jumped the tank on agro an he starts yelling at the tank an then me for his death then I grab agro from my heals even with an agro drop I still cant loose it fast enuff to keep mobs from looking at me. we make it to the first boss an Torch is CCed an the tank head straight for the Boss an one DPS goes for medic an one that's right for torch after re CCing torch the begin to kill the other add but the battle begins to bog down an an not one but 2 more CC are applied to torch after the fight I start to inspect the other members an I see they are missing mods from gear an they really could understand why I was so up set an then began to say I just wasn't a good healer. eventually they kicked me cause I said if you want to be so bad then I will to an put on my PVP healing gear an straight up refused to heal the CC breakers.

    As a tank I hold the mantra to agro it you tank it this applies only to dps cause healers agro is my job to overcome an not slip on my threat rotation DPS tend to find it amusing when they do agro crap but complain when they die or break CC an then complain cause the tank didn't taunt it off them Im sorry your to stupid to understand the CC is a tool used to hold off a mob so it can be worked down.


    I no long que up at heals or a tank my guild returned to WoW panda's an I stayed in swtor I mostly PVP now or que as DPS an usually do the dishes or vaccum the office while waiting for que pop

  4. no, because I can't steal your credits, I can't burn your city to the ground, and I can't hunt my own faction.


    there we go it's not true pvp till i can hunt down my own faction

  5. :pBah :p

    Gear is nada I roll in my pve gear All rakata gear

    Im a BH Healers an out heal most the BM geared healers Plus i have more health on average then other healers aswell i lol an the Mara's an Fellow BH who catch me an attempt to solo me down it just doesnt happen


    I use my PVP points to gear my compaions :D

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