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Posts posted by djseifer

  1. AFKers in PvP have always been a problem. I hate them, you hate them, we all hate them, but there's nothing being done about them. For example, for the past few weeks, a guy named Scyros has been AFKing every single match I've seen him in to the point that almost everyone who PvPs on my server knows who he is. Sure, you have the spawn timer, but that only works if they stay in the spawn room. Most of them are too smart for that. So how about something else? Maybe a /voteafk option like how WoW does it? Or maybe reduced/no XP and credits if you AFK? Anyone got any better ideas?
  2. You're not the only one. I've got the same problem with both guild chat and party chat. I got a response from a CSR droid saying that it's a known issue, so hopefully it gets patched soon.
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