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Posts posted by Dropadeuce

  1. I spent 3.5 million credits to buy the slot machine off the GTN. Now it's useless contrary to what Bio reps have stated. I guess we can vendor these now along with the plethora of trash that drops out of the cartel packs? I swear to god I kick myself in the a__ every time I spend cartel coins on packs.
  2. The ability delay is bad when killing mobs. WZ's are horrible. Random world PVP encounters suck too. I'm not enjoying the game at all. I'll let my sub expire this month and wait until Bioware wants to fix the problem. There won't be a fix anytime soon. In the mean time, I heard another game's expansion is pretty good. I think I'll check it out and fire up my old account on that game.
  3. I dont see any improvements in the engine. Imrpovements in the engine means, lighter and more supportive into new things. But the distanse draw is still very limited, the fps drops only!


    Yes, there have been improvements and changes. These are usually supplemented with continual graphics driver updates.

  4. Just a quick fix. If your gpu heat sink is dirty, it will throttle down causing fps issues. Blow your computer out focusing on the cpu heat sink and your gpu heat sinks and fans. Use an air compressor. Not one of those can of compressed air.

    Also, go to AMD's website and download updated drivers. Your video card isnt that great for gaming so you want to make sure your ingame setting arent too agressive. For starters, turn off bloom and anti-aliasing. turn off shadows and turn down all your setting to low. go from there and see how it plays.

  5. But I found a prebuilt that is slightly better than minimum requirements. But thanks for all the info guys. helped narrow down the junk.


    Anything at minimum or "slightly better than minimum requirements" is still junk for gaming. I guess we will see you posting here again in a week asking us why your "new" computer doesn't play the game well and what you can do to make it better. El oh el.

  6. Apparently fleet chat has also become a gay dating service. A few days ago someone was advertising in fleet chat that they were looking for gay people. A few minutes later that person whispered me asking me if I was gay.
  7. I have posted elsewhere my feelings about the Rakghoul event. I feel very strongly that with the current outbreak of Ebola this is a distasteful and particularly nasty thing to introduce into the game at this time. If those in charge of the game cannot see this then I fear they have a serious lack of empathy.


    Out of respect for the victimes of a real plague ravaging Africa this event should, at the least, be postponed.


    Yet, you're fine with killing people in this game in which people die to senseless violence every day.

  8. Bolster ruined pvp because of lazy pve'ers. It's funny how you will work for your pve gear but cry about having to earn your pvp gear. You take away the incentive for hard work and earning pvp gear, you lose subs. The purpose of an mmo is do X earn Y. You communist kiddies (make everything fair and equal) are ruining mmo's.
  9. Pre determined places to put your items and no ability to display collected gear sets and weapons. Whats the point of all the rooms? Nobody hangs out in their ship with the same options. Why would I care about player housing? It seems like a lot of dev work for very little value.
  10. Finally hit 1500 rating today,


    i have another account so was wondering if i could unsub this one (the one i reach 1500 rating with) and still get the rancor mount when 2.7 comes out, thanks


    The rancor is tied to the character you achieved the rating with.

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